Medical University of Bialystok. About the University.
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  • Updated 31.03.2021 by Dziekanat Wydziału Lekarskiego

    About the University

    The Medical University of Bialystok is a modern, rapidly growing public university, with a mission to:

    • Provide the best possible education for professional, responsible, leading-edge medical staff;
    • Carry out scientific research at the most advanced level worldwide;
    • Implement innovative solutions in cooperation with medical service providers, and respond to social needs.

    The Medical University of Bialystok staff members are experts in their respective fields fields of study, members of scientific committees, magazine editorial boards; many of them work as national and regional consultants. Our dynamic and creative staff is also a huge asset in obtaining external fundings, scientific and EU funds, and in  commercialization of scientific research.

    The University has an ultra-modern research & education knowledge base, covering:

    • State-of-the-art a University Teaching Hospital;
    • European Regional Pharmacy Center;
    • Faculty of Health Sciences Teaching & Research Center;
    • Clinical Research Center
    • Experimental Medicine Center
    • Innovation Research Center
    • Bioinformatics and Data Analysis Center;
    • Molecular Imaging Laboratory;
    • Medical Simulation Center.

    Currently, the University has 5300 students studying 16 fields of medicine, including 400 students in our English Division. Foreign students come to study here from countries all over the world, such as Norway, Sweden, USA, Canada, Germany, Spain, Saudi Arabia - just to name a few.

    The University graduates are well prepared to work with patients, attending to them and their wellbeing, respecting universal ethical principles; however, they are also qualified for a career in research, exploring the mysteries of science which can be thereafter put to practice.

    There are study clubs and student organizations at the University, where students engage in clinical trials, learn certain practical skills, take part in scientific conferences, and pursue their academic interests.

    The University is headquartered in an eighteenth-century Baroque palace called the Versailles of the North, located in the city center. There is the University campus, school buildings, two teaching hospitals, student dormitories and sports facilities nearby.

    Our University is continuously investing in the professional growth of our research and teaching staff. Researchers are offered such opportunities as numerous scholarships, internships, training programs, study visits to the superior research and teaching centers worldwide.

    The group of researchers from abroad who work together with our University is expanding each year. They represent various rapidly growing global research and development centers. This cooperation translates into more outstanding academic achievements of the University staff.

    The Medical University of Bialystok is open to cooperation with businesses in various industry sectors.  A lot of inventions developed by MUB researchers are patent protected and have been commercialized. The latest of these include: a Medical Honey product based on propolis extract, delayings the development of brain glioblastoma; a preparation licensed by MUB to strengthen bees from LOB; artificial saliva, work on extract from a Bialowieza Forest fungus that fights colon cancer.