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    Study visit at the Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam

    04.10.2018 14:03
    Author: Administrator UMB


    On 26 and 27 of September employees of the Department of Propaedeutics of Dentistry and the Integrated Dentistry Department, giving classes at the MUB’s Medical Simulation Center, visited the Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

    As part of a study visit, our dentists learned how to conduct classes in laboratories equipped with the most modern Simodont Dental Trainer,  simulators using virtual reality to teach dentistry. In addition, Dr Marjoke Vervoorn, the director for didactics, showed the method of objective assessment of students based on work with Simodont. Employees of our University also had the opportunity to visit the innovative company MOOG, in which there are also simulators for ophthalmologists, as well as various types of simulators used in aviation. Training in Amsterdam will certainly contribute to improving the quality of education in the field of dentistry.
