Research activity:
- Relationship of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) and haemostasis in rats.
- Local renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) in skin
- Studies on novel anticoagulant and thrombolitic drugs and molecules.
- Interaction of anaesthetics and inhibitors of RAA system.
- Role of aldosterone in patophysiology of diabetic haemostasis disorders.
Experimental techniques:
- Venus and arterial experimental model of thrombosis and thrombolysis.
- Model of renovascular hypertension.
- Evaluation of haemodynamic parameters in rats.
- Haemostatic parameters assays.
- Experimental model of diabetes.
- Miles-Assay
- skin UV irradiation
- Gromotowicz-Poplawska A, Stankiewicz A, Mikita J, Aleksiejczuk M, Marcinczyk N, Szemraj J, Chabielska E: Beneficial effect of combined spironolactone and quinapril treatment on thrombosis and hemostasis in 2K1C hypertensive rats. Journal of physiology and pharmacology. 2018; 69(2). [pubmed ]
- Kolodziejczyk P, Gromotowicz-Poplawska A, Aleksiejczuk M, Chabielska E, Tutka P, Miltyk W.: New Sides of Aldosterone Action in Cardiovascular System as Potential Targets for Therapeutic Intervention. Current drug targets. 2018. [pubmed ]
- Chabielska E, Kurpisz M: The brain hemostasis: implications for stroke pathology and new therapeutic strategies. Journal of Heart and Stroke. 2017; 2(5):1-8. [pdf ]
- Kramkowski K, Leszczynska A, Przyborowski K, Proniewski B, Marcinczyk N, Rykaczewska U, Jarmoc D, Chabielska E, Chlopicki S: Short-term treatment with nitrate is not sufficient to induce in vivo antithrombotic effects in rats and mice. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology. 2017; 390(1):85-94. [pubmed ]
- Marcińczyk N, Jarmoc D, Leszczyńska A, Zakrzeska A, Kramkowski K, Strawa J, Gromotowicz-Popławska A, Chabielska E, Tomczyk M: Antithrombotic Potential of Tormentil Extract in Animal Models. Frontiers in pharmacology. 2017; 8:534. [pubmed ]
- Wojewódzka-Żelezniakowicz M, Gromotowicz-Popławska A, Kisiel W, Konarzewska E, Szemraj J, Ładny JR, Chabielska E: Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors attenuate propofol-induced pro-oxidative and antifibrinolytic effect in human endothelial cells. Journal of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. 2017; 18(1). [pubmed ]
- Zakrzeska A, Grędziński T, Kisiel W, Chabielska E: Kannabinoidy a hemostaza. Postępy Higieny I Medycyny Doświadczalnej. 2016; 70: 760-774. [pdf ] [pubmed ]
- Tokajuk A, Karpińska O, Zakrzeska A, Bienias K, Prokopiuk S, Kozłowska H, Kasacka I, Chabielska E, Car H: Dysfunction of aorta prevented by whey protein concentrate-80 in venous thrombosis-induced rats. Journal of Functional Foods. 2016; 27: 365-375. [ScienceDirect]
- Gromotowicz-Poplawska A, Szoka P, Kolodziejczyk P, Kramkowski K, Wojewodzka-Zelezniakowicz M, Chabielska E: New agents modulating the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system-Will there be a new therapeutic option? Experimental biology and medicine. 2016; 241(17):1888-1899. [pubmed ]
- Wojewódzka-Żelezniakowicz M, Kisiel W, Kramkowski K, Gromotowicz-Popławska A, Zakrzeska A, Stankiewicz A, Kołodziejczyk P, Szemraj J, Ładny JR, Chabielska E: Quinapril decreases antifibrinolytic and prooxidative potential of propofol in arterial thrombosis in hypertensive rats. Journal of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. 2016; 17(2). [pubmed ]
- Gromotowicz-Popławska A., Stankiewicz A., Kramkowski K., Grądzka A., Wojewódzka-Żelezniakowicz M., Dzięcioł J., Szemraj J., Chabielska E.: The acute prothrombotic effect of aldosterone in rats is partially mediated via angiotensin II receptor type 1. Thrombosis Research 2016. 138: 114 – 120. [pubmed ]
- Kramkowski K., Leszczyńska A., Przyborowski K., Kamiński T., Rykaczewska U., Sitek B., Zakrzeska A., Proniewski B., Smoleński RT., Chabielska E., Buczko W., Chłopicki S.: Role of xanthine oxidoreductase in the anti-thrombotic effects of nitrite on rats in vivo. Platelets 2016. 27, 3:245-253. [pubmed ]
- Zakrzeska A., Gromotowicz-Popławska A., Szemraj J., Szoka P., Kisiel W., Purta T., Kasacka I., Chabielska E.: Eplerenone reduces arterial thrombosis in diabetic rats. JRAAS 2015. 16,4: 1085-1094 [pubmed ]
- Kramkowski K., Leszczyńska A., Buczko W.: Pharmacological modulation of fibrinolytic respnse – in vivo and in vitro studies. Pharmacological Reports 2015. 67: 695-703. [pubmed ]
- Staniszewska-Ślęzak E., Fedorowicz A., Kramkowski K., Leszczyńska A., Chłopicki S., Barańska M., Małek K.: Plasma biomarkers of pulmonary hypertension identified by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and principal component analysis. Analyst 2015. 140, 7:2273-2279. [pubmed ]
- Kamińska M., Musiał W., Chabielska E.: Angiotensyna II – czynnik ryzyka zakrzepicy tętniczej. Angiotensin II – the risk factor for arteria thrombosis. Kardiologia Polska 2013. 71, 4: 410-416. [pdf ]
- Iliać M., Dunkel P., Ilaš J., Chabielska E., Zakrzeska A., Mátyus P., Kikelj D.: Towards dual antithrombotic compounds – Balancing trombin inhibitory and fibrinogen GPIIb/IIa binding inhibitory activities of 2,3-dihydro-1,4-benzodioxine derivatives through regio- and stereoisomerism. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2013, 62: 329 – 340 [pubmed ]
- Szoka P., Gromotowicz – Popławska A., Zakrzeska A., Szemraj J., Kisiel W., Chabielska E.: Mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors involvement in experimental thrombosis augmentation during acute aldosterone infusion in diabetic rats. Proceedings of the 6th European Congress of Pharmacology, July 17-20, 2012 Granada (Spain). Editors Zarzuelo A and Jimnez R, Medimond - Monduzzi Editore International Proceedings Division, 2012; pp. 15-18.
- Zakrzeska A., Gromotowicz – Popławska A., Szoka P., Kisiel W., Kasacka I., Chabielska E.: Antithrombotic effect of eplerenone in diabetic rats. Proceedings of the 6th European Congress of Pharmacology, July 17-20, 2012 Granada (Spain). Editors Zarzuelo A and Jimnez R, Medimond - Monduzzi Editore International Proceedings Division, 2012; pp. 55-58.
- Szemraj J, Brown G, Stankiewicz A, Gromotowicz A, Chabielska E: Aktywność biologiczna rekombinowanych białek, pochodnych stafylokinazy o właściwościach trombolityczno-przeciwzakrzepowych, wykazujących zwiększone powinowactwo do włóknika. Postępy Polskiej Medycyny i Farmacji. 2012; 2(1):53-59. [pdf ]