Medical University of Bialystok. Science at MUB.

    Disinformation in medicine - a dangerous phenomenon.

    24.04.2024 08:55
    Author: Centrum Badań Klinicznych

    Researchers from the Medical University of Bialystok, the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology and SCIENCE4PEOPLE (Malgorzata Chlabicz, Aleksandra Nabozny, Jolanta Koszelew, Wojciech Laguna, Anna Szpakowicz, Pawel Sowa, Wojciech Budny, Katarzyna Guziejko, Magdalena Róg-Makal, Slawomir Pancewicz, Maciej Kondrusik, Piotr Czupryna, Beata Cudowska, Dariusz Lebensztejn, Anna Moniuszko-Malinowska, Adam Wierzbicki, Karol A. Kaminski) published an article titled "Medical Misinformation in Polish on the World Wide Web During the COVID-19 Pandemic Period: Infodemiology Study" in the Journal of Medical Internet Research. 


    The world of technology and science is inextricably linked to information. Frequent misinformation exacerbates fear among the public and perpetuates false beliefs that can lead to negative social consequences. 

    Although researchers extensively study the rapid generation and spread of misinformation about the novel coronavirus during the pandemic, numerous other health-related topics are contaminating the internet with misinformation that has not received as much attention. 

    This study aims to gauge the reach of the most popular medical content on the World Wide Web, extending beyond the confines of the pandemic. We conducted evaluations of subject matter and credibility for the years 2021 and 2022, following the principles of evidence-based medicine with assessments performed by experienced clinicians. We used 274 keywords to conduct web page searches through the BuzzSumo Enterprise Application. These keywords were chosen based on medical topics derived from surveys administered to medical practitioners. The search parameters were confined to 2 distinct date ranges: (1) January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021; (2) January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022. Our searches were specifically limited to web pages in the Polish language and filtered by the specified date ranges. The analysis encompassed 161 web pages retrieved in 2021 and 105 retrieved in 2022. Each web page underwent scrutiny by a seasoned doctor to assess its credibility, aligning with evidence-based medicine standards. Furthermore, we gathered data on social media engagements associated with the web pages, considering platforms such as Facebook, Pinterest, Reddit, and Twitter. 

    Results: In 2022, the prevalence of unreliable information related to COVID-19 saw a noteworthy decline compared to 2021. Specifically, the percentage of noncredible web pages discussing COVID-19 and general vaccinations decreased. However, during the same period, there was a considerable uptick in the dissemination of untrustworthy content on social media pertaining to other medical topics. The percentage of noncredible web pages covering cholesterol, statins, and cardiology rose. 


    Conclusions: Efforts undertaken during the COVID-19 pandemic to curb the dissemination of misinformation seem to have yielded positive results. Nevertheless, our analysis suggests that these interventions need to be consistently implemented across both established and emerging medical subjects. It appears that as interest in the pandemic waned, other topics gained prominence, essentially “filling the vacuum” and necessitating ongoing measures to address misinformation across a broader spectrum of health-related subjects. 


    Link to the article: Medical Misinformation in Polish on the World Wide Web During the COVID-19 Pandemic Period: Infodemiology Study
