Medical University of Bialystok. About us.
  • Updated 24.09.2024 by Dziekanat Wydziału Nauk o Zdrowiu

    About us

    The Faculty of Health Sciences of the Medical University of Bialystok was established in 1999. It initially functioned as the Division of Nursing at the Faculty of Medicine, offering an extramural master’s degree programme in nursing.  Nursing students.

    The year 2000 marked the launch of a full-time bachelor’s degree programmes in nursing, physiotherapy and dietetics. Two years later, bachelor’s degree programmes in midwifery and public health were opened. In 2003, the Senate of the Medical University of Bialystok set up the Faculty of Nursing and Healthcare. Pursuant to the Senate’s decision of 27th March, 2008, the name was changed to the Faculty of Health Sciences.

    The teaching and research staff at the Faculty of Health Sciences are experienced and highly qualified. The institution’s structure and facilities  foster implementation of advanced teaching and research programmes. The Faculty employs 170 academic teachers, including 19 professors and 15 habilitated doctors (post-doctoral degree).

    Today, the Faculty consists of  28 units, including: 7 hospital (clinical) departments, 18 teaching departments, 2 independent labs and 1 basic sciences department. All of them are involved in training physicians, dentists, nurses, midwives, radiologists, dietitians, physiotherapists, paramedics, speech therapists and public health professionals.

    A new modern, well-equipped Didactic-Scientific Centre of the Faculty of Health Sciences, which houses most of the departments, was opened in October 2011.

    Students during first aid workshop.

    The Faculty of Health Sciences is authorized to grant the academic degrees of doktor (PhD) in two disciplines: medicine and health sciences, and doktor habilitowany (post-doctoral degree) in the same disciplines.

    The newest Faculty of the Medical University is very active and offers more and more courses of study every year. A new programme in electroradiology was opened in 2007, and in speech therapy in 2009.

    Currently, the Faculty offers 8 courses of study, of which 2 are considered unique:

    • Biostatistics
    • Dietetics
    • Electroradiology – unique
    • Physiotherapy
    • Speech Therapy with Phonoaudiology (logopaedics and phonoaudiology) -  unique
    • Nursing
    • Midwifery
    • Emergency Medicine
    • Public Health and Epidemiology.

    There are 1900 students altogether and over 9000 graduates.

    The Faculty publishes a scientific journal entitled Progress in Health Sciences.

    The Voluntary Work Center of the Faculty  has its seat in the same location. It organizes a number of charity events and community campaigns promoting a healthy life style.

    In 2011, the Faculty was awarded the prize for “The Most Active Firm” for organizing an Enterprise Day for high school students, with the objective of preparing young people to making conscious choices regarding their career and educational path.