Medical University of Bialystok. Online vote to pick the name for the building.
  • MUB Academic Community Online Vote to pick the name of the building at ul. Mickiewicza 2B (former Branicki Orangery)

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    Thank you for the participation in the MUB Academic Community Online Vote on the name of the building at ul. Mickiewicza 2B (former Branicki Orangery).

    We received 658 correct and unique online votes, 78.4% from our University students and PhD students, 18.1% from faculty and staff and 3.5% from guests.

    The results:

    Collegium Floridum - 64,3%
    Collegium Inventorum - 10,3%
    Collegium Iuvenum - 25,4%.


    The Vote was held to select a new name for the building at ul. Mickiewicza 2B, which would refer to the history of the place and the tradition of naming our academic buildings as “Collegiums”.

    We selected 3 proposals, and the one with the most votes will be presented to the MUB Senate:

    Collegium Floridum (Latin) - the Flowered College (English).
    The name refers to the history of this place and the present day of the Medical University of Bialystok. In the 18th century, the building was an Orangery for the Branicki residences. It was an exquisite place, filled with exotic flowers. The name “Collegium Floridum” will also reflect the present day of the University, which is constantly flourishing.

    Collegium Inventorum (Latin) - College of Inventors (English).
    The term refers to the motto of the Medical University of Bialystok: "Discoveries are born here!” Our University is a place where innovative ideas are created, new solutions are implemented, and researchers obtain patents and commercialize their discoveries.

    Collegium Iuvenum (Latin) - Youth College (English).
    The name refers to the Centre for the Prevention of Health and Social Effects of Aging, which will be located in the building. The name is also a gesture towards the students, who are the future, according to the anniversary slogan "The future is ours!” Moreover, this would be the youngest Collegium on the MUB Campus.