- During classes at the Department of Internal Medicine and Hypertension students are obliged to wear CLEAN short-sleeved scrubs and CLEAN changed shoes.
- The place where students can change their clothes and shoes is clearly marked students’ cloakroom. It is forbidden to carry in to the Department any outdoor clothes, bags or backpacks.
- Students are obliged to have stethoscopes, which should be disinfected after ascultation of every patient.
- Students are allowed to enter patients’ rooms only with the assistant's permission and they should remain by the asigned bed.
- Entry to the patients’ rooms is restricted only to the students currently having classes at the given Department, according to the previuosly known schedule, who wear CLEAN white coats and CLEAN changed shoes.
- It is forbidden to walk into the treatment rooms and perform any kind of procedures without supervision of the teaching assistant.
- It is forbidden to use any multimedia devices by the patients’ bed during classes. Taking photographs and recording is strictly forbidden.
- Allowing entry to other people to the Deprtment is strictly forbidden.
- Student during classess at the Department is obliged to obey the rules of asepticism and antiseptic, especially in using disinfectants according to standards. Before examination of the every patient (or every medical procedure) and immediately aftewards hands and used medical equipment should be disinfected. When hands are visibly soiled, hygienic washing should be performed.
- Rules for personal protection, hand and stethoscopes disinfection will be reminded during first classes
- In case of using personal masks, handgloves, spatulas or other disposable materials, they should be discarded to the marked bins.
- Students with any symptoms of the infection of the respiratory or digestive tracts should notify their assistant immediately before classes in the given Department, so that precaution action can be taken to eliminate immediate danger to the patients and other medical personnel.
- Students are allowed to enter rooms with signs „Izolacja ochronna” or „Izolacja kontaktowa” only with the assistant's permission.
- In case of any trauma, cut or immediate contact with biologic material, student should notify the teaching assistant about this fact.
- During examination of the patient students are not allowed to have any hand jewellery.
- It is forbidden to bring in and consume meals or drinks at the Department. Chewing gum during classes is forbidden.
- It is forbidden to take out any medical devices or biological material from the Department.
- On the grounds of the University Teaching Hospital smoking is strictly forbidden.
- Students are not allowed to use open fire, especially in the proximity of the oxygen sources.
- In case of noticing uncontrolled fire source, student should notify teaching assistant immediately.
- Fire extinguishers are located in the strategic points at the Department and marked in red colour.
- In case of evacuation of the hospital, students should strictly follow announcements of the leader of the action.
- In case of noticing any danger during the classes, students are obliged to immediate notification of the teaching assistant or other hospital personnel.
- Classes are being hold according to the schedule, which is displayed on the notice board in the Department and on the website.
- Attendance at the classes is obligatory. Students are obliged to come to classes on time. In the case of absence the relevant certificate must be provided to the assistant within 7 days.
- Excused absence more than 2 weeks must be make up according to the assistant rules.
- Absence on 50% or more classes equals a lack of credit and must be made up.
- Final evaluation is based on the engagement during the classes and written test. In case of failing Student is obliged to pass it in another time which be scheduled by the Department in the end of semester (one for every groups).