Medical University of Bialystok. Rules & Regulations.
  • Updated 27.09.2022 by Klinika Hematologii

    Rules & Regulations

    Internal Rules & Regulations - Introduction to Internal Medicine Course, Students of the English Division 
    1. The Rules & Regulations of the Department of Haematology are consistent with the Terms & Conditions of Studies at the Medical University of Bialystok.
    2. The course is delivered in accordance with the course schedule as approved by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine.
    3. The Introduction to Internal Medicine course is held at the Department of Haematology or the Department of Rheumatology, Endocrinology, Allergology and Nephrology  
    4. Students are required to replace their outdoor footwear with special indoor footwear and to wear a white medical lab coat during the meetings (lab coats will not be provided by the School!). Lab coats for clinical practice have to be clean and ironed. Students are not allowed to wear them elsewhere at the School.
    5. Bags, overcoats, outdoor jackets etc.  should be left in the cloakroom.
    6. Each student will need a stethoscope for clinical practice (not provided by the School).
    7. Students are only allowed to be present at a hospital ward with the permission of their teacher.
    8. Students cannot leave their teaching rooms or hospital ward without the teacher’s permission.
    9. Mobile phones must be switched off during class.
    10. Taking photographs or recording videos is not allowed during class.
    11. Students have to behave properly in front of patients.
    12. Eating, drinking smoking is forbidden in teaching rooms and hospital wards.
    13. The Internal Medicine course is delivered through 15 practical sessions during three weeks of the winter semester, and 20 lectures.
    14. Students should be prepared in terms of theoretical background for every class.
    15. Teachers can test students’ preparation for practice in writing.
    16. Students are required to be present at all the practical meetings and lectures. Students should attend ward visitations during the course.
    17. All absences should be excused. If a student is absent for health reasons, they are required to provide a medical certificate; otherwise, a certificate issued by competent authorities will be needed.
    18. Credits will not be awarded to students with unexcused absences.
    19. A student who has received a medical certificate of prolonged inability to attend (at least for two weeks) is entitled to complete the practical course at their convenience, with the assistance of the teacher in charge of credits.
    20. A student who is absent at more than 50% of all the practical sessions, even if these absences are excused, will not receive a credit according to the standard schedule.
    21. Students are entitled to raise their comments regarding the Introduction to Internal Medicine course with the teacher responsible for the credit or with the Head of the Department, however not during any hospital ward visits.
    22. Changes in the schedule are adjusted by one representative of the students
    23. Students shall follow all the applicable health, safety and fire protection regulations. Any accident that may occur at the Department during the practical sessions shall be reported to the course teacher immediately.
    24. Credit for each particular session shall be verified with the teacher’s signature in the grade book, a document required for the fifth year’s Internal Medicine exam.
    25. To pass the course, students are graded for their practical skills and theoretical knowledge. Each student prepares an interview and physical examination of a patient, which is evaluated by the teacher.
    26. In the third week of the course, students independently prepare a patient’s medical history, which will then be evaluated by the teacher.