Medical University of Bialystok. III Year.
  • Updated 02.10.2019 by Zakład Medycyny Sądowej

    III Year




    Academic year


    Name of a course / module

    Medical Ethics

    Name of a department where course is held

    Department of Forensic Medicine

    E-mail of department

    Faculty of

    Medicine with Division of Dentistry and Division of Medical Education in English

    Name of a field of study


    Level of education

    First degree studies, Uniform master’s degree studies

    Form of study

    full time X                                 part time 

    Language of instruction

    Polish                                         English X

    Type of course

    obligatory X                                 facultative 

    Year of study / Semester


         I    II    III   IV      V  



    1    2    3   4    5   6   7    8   9   10 


    Introductory courses with preliminary requirements

    Philosophy, Medical ethics, Medical law

    Number of didactic hours with specification of forms of conducting classes

    25 hours including:                   lectures 8 hours              seminars 17 hours

    Assumptions and aims

    of the course

    Medical ethics is a system of moral principles that apply values and judgments to the practice of medicine. As a scholarly discipline, medical ethics encompasses its practical application in clinical settings as well as work on its history, philosophy, theology, and sociology.  A common framework used in the analysis of medical ethics, which all of students should know and understand, are basic moral principles, including: respect for autonomy of patient (Voluntas aegroti suprema lex), beneficence (Salus aegroti suprema lex ", first, do no harm" (primum non nocere), and justice  (fairness and equality). Other values which are sometimes discussed include: respect for persons and truthfulness and honesty. 

    Didactic methods


    - providing knowledge in a form of a lecture

    - consultation (both regular and organized in individual cases)

    - discussion

    - presentation

    - case description

    - self study

    - study of the literature

    Full name of the person conducting the course

    employed scientific and teaching staff

    Full name of the person responsible for teaching

    Michał Szeremeta


    Symbol and number of learning outcomes according to the teaching standards and other learning outcomes

    Description of directional learning outcomes

    Form of classes

    Verification methods  for achieving intended learning outcomes



    D.W6 D.W13

    1. Medical ethics: general information about moral principles that apply values and judgments to the practice of medicine. Main terminology, theories, rules and ethical principles as a framework for proper interpretation and analysis of moral-medical issues. Functioning of medical institutions and the role of a physician in this system in according to medical ethics principles. 

    active participation



    Summarizing methods and forming methods:

    - observation of the student's work

    - evaluation of the activity in the classroom

    - completion of each activity

    - assessment of preparation for classes

    - discussion in class

    - case description





    2. Health and disease: social dimensions of health and disease, influence of social environment and social inequality on the health condition and socio-cultural differences, a role of social stress on auto-destructive and salubrious behaviors. Psychosocial consequences of hospitalization and chronic disease. Role of the family for recovery.  

    active participation 



    3. Medical documentation: principles of team work. Basics of  evidence-based medicine.

    active participation 

    D.W18 D.W19

    4. Medical experiment: characteristics and major inventions of the modern medicine. Processes of development of new fields of medicine, medical achievements of leading Polish and international scientists.

    active participation 



    D.W5 D.W12

    5. The end of live: social attitude and significance of health, disease, disability and old-age; social consequences of disease and disability; socio-cultural barriers, the current conception of life quality and  life as determined by health condition. Significance of patient-doctor verbal and nonverbal communication, trust in the patient-doctor interactions. Psychosocial consequences of hospitalization and chronic disease. Principles of patient motivation for pro-health  behaviors. Principles of informing about unfavorable prognosis.

    active participation 


    6. Other legal issues involving emergency physicians – part 1:   functioning of medical institutions, social role of a physician.

    active participation 


    7. Other legal issues involving emergency physicians – part 2: functioning of medical institutions, social role of a physician.



    8. What to do after you have been sued? functioning of medical institutions, social role of a physician.

    active participation 



    9. Things to avoid doing clinically: significance of patient-doctor verbal and nonverbal communication, trust in the patient-doctor interactions.. Social attitude and significance of health, disease, disability and old-age; social consequences of disease and disability; socio-cultural barriers, the current conception of life quality and  life as determined by health condition.

    active participation 


    10. Things that may go wrong (but are out of your control): cultural, ethnical and national conditions of  man’s behavior.

    active participation 




    11. Euthanasia: social attitude and significance of health, disease, disability and old-age. Significance of patient-doctor verbal and nonverbal communication, trust in the patient-doctor interactions. Basic psychological mechanisms of the human actions when sick and in health.

    active participation 

    D.W18 D.W19

    12. Organ donation: characteristics and major inventions of the modern medicine. Processes of development of new fields of medicine, and new types of treatment include transplantology. 

    active participation 





    13. Medical malpractice: significance of patient-doctor verbal and nonverbal communication, trust in the patient-doctor interactions. Psychosocial consequences of hospitalization and chronic disease. Functioning of medical institutions, social role of a physician. Basic psychological mechanisms of the human actions when sick and in health.

    active participation 



    14. Physician-Patient Relationship: significance of patient-doctor verbal and nonverbal communication, trust in the patient-doctor interactions. Functioning of medical institutions, social role of a physician. Basic psychological mechanisms of the human actions when sick and in health.

    active participation 




    15. Dealing with the difficult patient: social attitude and significance of health, disease, disability and old-age; social consequences of disease and disability; socio-cultural barriers, the current conception of life quality and  life as determined by health condition. Significance of patient-doctor verbal and nonverbal communication, trust in the patient-doctor interactions.

    active participation 






    1. Medical ethics: has general information about moral principles that apply values and judgments to the practice of medicine. Describes main terminology, theories, rules and ethical principles as a framework for proper interpretation and analysis of moral-medical issues.




































    Summarizing methods and

    forming methods:

    - observation of the student's work

    - evaluation of the activity in the classroom

    - completion of each activity

    - assessment of preparation

    for classes

    - realization of a specific task

    - discussion in class




    D.U8  G.U14  

    2. Health and disease: understand social dimensions of health and disease, influence of social environment and social inequality on the health condition and socio-cultural differences. Describes the role of social stress on auto-destructive and salubrious behaviors. Describes psychosocial consequences of hospitalization and chronic disease and role of the family for recovery.  



    D.U20  G.U14  

    3. Has theoretical information about medical documentation and principles of team work. Describes rules of basics of  evidence-based medicine.


    D.U18 D.U19

    4. Medical experiment: describes characteristics and major inventions of the modern medicine. Has general information about processes of development of new fields of medicine, medical achievements of leading Polish and international scientists.






    5. The end of live: understand social attitude and significance of health, disease, disability and old-age; social consequences of disease and disability; socio-cultural barriers, the current conception of life quality and  life as determined by health condition. Describes significance of patient-doctor verbal and nonverbal communication, trust in the patient-doctor interactions. Understand psychosocial consequences of hospitalization and chronic disease, principles of patient motivation for pro-health  behaviors and principles of informing about unfavorable prognosis.



    6. Other legal issues involving emergency physicians – part 1: describes functioning of medical institutions, social role of a physician.       



    7. Other legal issues involving emergency physicians – part 2: describes functioning of medical institutions and social role of a physician.      



    8. What to do after you have been sued?: describes functioning of medical institutions and social role of a physician.



    9. Things to avoid doing clinically: understand significance of patient-doctor verbal and nonverbal communication, trust in the patient-doctor interactions. Describes social attitude and significance of health, disease, disability and old-age, social consequences of disease and disability, socio-cultural barriers, the current conception of life quality and life as determined by health condition.



    10. Things that may go wrong (but are out of your control): understand cultural, ethnical and national conditions of  man’s behavior.





    11. Euthanasia: describes social attitude and significance of health, disease, disability and old-age. Understand significance of patient-doctor verbal and nonverbal communication, trust in the patient-doctor interactions. Has general information about basic psychological mechanisms of the human actions when sick and in health in according to the euthanasia.

    D.U18 D.U19

    12. Organ donation: has information about characteristics and major inventions of the modern medicine. Describes  processes of development of new fields of medicine, and new types of treatment include transplantology. 





    13. Medical malpractice: has general information about  significance of patient-doctor verbal and nonverbal communication, trust in the patient-doctor interactions. Understand psychosocial consequences of hospitalization and chronic disease and functioning of medical institutions and social role of a physician. Describes basic psychological mechanisms of the human actions when sick and in health.



    14. Physician-Patient Relationship: understand significance of patient-doctor verbal and nonverbal communication, trust in the patient-doctor interactions. Describes functioning of medical institutions and social role of a physician. Has general information about basic psychological mechanisms of the human actions when sick and in health.




    15. Dealing with the difficult patient: describes social attitude and significance of health, disease, disability and old-age, social consequences of disease and disability, socio-cultural barriers, the current conception of life quality and life as determined by health condition. Understand significance of patient-doctor verbal and nonverbal communication, trust in the patient-doctor interactions.

    Social competence


    He /She recognizes his/her own  diagnostic and therapeutic limitations,  educational needs, planning of educational activity


    Summarizing methods and forming methods:

    - continuous assessment by teachers (observation)

    - observation of the student's work

    - discussion in class


    He /She is able to work in a team of professionals, in a multicultural and multinational environment



    He /She implements the principles of professional camaraderie and cooperation with representatives of other professionals in the range of health care



    He /She observes doctor-patient privilege; and patient rights


    ECTS points


    Student Workload

    Form of activity

    Number of hours to complete the activity

    Classes that require the participation of a teacher

    1.  Realization of the course: lectures (according to the curriculum )


    1. Realization of the course: classes (according to the curriculum )


    1. Realization of the course: seminars; (according to the curriculum)


    1. Realization of the course

    as needed

    1. Participation in consultation

    as needed


    Total hours:  slightly 25


    1. Preparation for the theoretical and practical classes (realization of projects, documentation, case description etc.)


    1. Preparation for test/credit


    1. Preparation for an exam/final test-credit



    Total hours: slightly 25


    Course contents:

    Learning outcomes

    (symbol and number)


    1. D.W1, D.W6, D.W13

    2. D.W1, D.W3, D.W5, D.W8  

    3. D.W15, D.W20 

    4. D.W18, D.W19

    5. D.W3, D.W4, D.W5, D.W12

    6. D.W6

    7. D.W6

    8. D.W6

    9. D.W3

    10. D.W16 

    11. D.W3, D.W4, D.W7

    12. D.W18. D.W19

    13. D.W4, D.W5, D.W6, D.W7

    14. D.W3, D.W4

    15. D.W4, D.W6, D.W7

    1.Medical ethics.

    2. Health and disease.      

    3.Medical documentation.

    4. Medical experiment.

    5. The end of live.

    6. Other legal issues involving emergency physicians – part 1   

    7. Other legal issues involving emergency physicians – part 2  

    8. What to do after you have been sued?

    9. Things to avoid doing clinically.

    10. Things that may go wrong (but are out of your control).

    11. Euthanasia. 

    12. Organ donation.

    13. Medical malpractice.

    14. Physician-Patient Relationship.

    15. Dealing with the difficult patient.


    Obligatory textbook:

    Learning from Medical Errors: Legal Issues by AnhVuT Nguyen and Dung A Nguyen,

    Radcliffe Publishing Oxford (2005)

    Optional textbook:

    Medical Law and Ethics (4th Edition) by Bonnie F. Fremgen (2011)


    Criteria for assessing the achieved learning outcomes and the form and conditions for receiving credit:

    Student is obliged to participate in all classes and lectures. One absence is allowed.

    It is demanded in the case of health reasons a medical certificate of temporary disability and in other cases a certificate of proper authorities.






                       23.02.2018 Michał Szeremeta  

    (date and signature of the person preparing the syllabus)



                     23.02.2018 Anna Niemcunowicz-Janica                                            Michał Szeremeta

           (date and signature of the Head of the  Department)                                 (course coordinator)