Medical University of Bialystok. Sylabus.
  • Updated 21.11.2023 by Zakład Histologii i Embriologii





    Name of a course / module

    Histology and Embryology

    Name of a department where course is held

    Department of Histology and Embryology, Medical University of Bialystok

    E-mail of department

    Faculty of

    Medicine with Division of Dentistry and Division of Medical Education in English

    Name of a field of study

    Faculty of Medicine

    Level of education

    First degree studies, Uniform master’s degree studies

    Form of study

    full time × part time

    Language of instruction

    Polish English ×

    Type of course

    obligatory × facultative

    Year of study / Semester


    I × II £ III £ IV ££ VI £



    1 × 2 × 3 ££££££ 10 £

    11 £ 12 £


    Introductory courses with preliminary requirements

    Getting credit according to recruitement procedure

    Number of didactic hours with specification of forms of conducting classes

    lectures – 24h


    classes – 74h

    Assumptions and aims

    of the course

    The aim of the course is to master by students the necessary knowledge from histology and embryology. The course include the construction and function of cells, histological structure of tissues and organs, as well as general and detailed embryology (stages of human embryonic development). In addition, students recognize tissues and organs from microscopic slides.

    Classes are taken in didactic classroom equipped with computers and microscopes. Lectures preceding the practical classes are closely linked.

    Didactic methods


    - providing knowledge in a form of a lecture

    - practical classes – short presentation prepared by teacher, discussion, microscopic

    slides revision and drawing according to the subject – individual work with student,

    - consultation -individual consultation with teacher or person responsible for teaching

    - regular consultation hours for student:

    Assoc. Professor Elżbieta Czykier – Monday 10.15 -11.15

    Assoc. Professor Beata Szynaka – Monday 10.15 -11.15

    Dr Agnieszka Miąsko- Kłubowicz  – Thursday 10.00 -11.00

    Assoc. Professor Joanna Pancewicz –  Thursday 11.30. -12.30

    Professor Wiesława Niklińska -  Wednesday 11.30 -12.30

    Full name of the person conducting the course

    Employed scientific and teaching staff

    Full name of the person responsible for teaching

    Person responsible for teaching – Professor Wiesława Ewa Niklińska,

    Course coordinator – Assoc. Professor  Beata Szynaka

























    Symbol and number of learning outcomes according to the teaching standards and other learning outcomes

    Description of directional learning outcomes

    Form of classes

    Verification methods for achieving intended learning outcomes



    English and Polish terminology of histology and embryology



    Summarizing methods

    - written exam - test

    - practical exam- slides recognition

    Forming methods,

    - observation of the student's work

    - pretest

    - evaluation of the activity in the classroom

    - completion of each activity

    - assessment of preparation for classes

    - discussion in class

    - partial tests


    Basic cell structures and their functional specialization




    Micro-architecture of tissues, extracellular matrix and organs,




    Stages of embryogenesis, structure and functions of fetal membranes and placenta; stages of development of particular organs





    Using optic microscope, including immersion


    Summarizing methods

    - practical examination – recognition of microscopic slides

    Forming methods

    - observation of the student's work

    - pretest

    - evaluation of the activity in the classroom

    - completion of each activity

    - assessment of preparation

    for classes

    - discussion in class

    - partial tests


    Recognizing histological structures of organs, tissues, cells and cell components presented by microscopic images, giving an accurate description and interpretation of their composition and relationships between their structures and functions




    Using the terminology of anatomy, histology and embryology in speech and writing


    Social competence


    Respects medical confidentiality and patient rights


    Summarizing methods

    Continuous assessment by teachers (observation)

    Forming methods, e.g.,

    - observation of the student's work

    - discussion in class


    Directs the good of the patient putting them in the first place



    Is aware of his own limitations and has ability to continuously improving his skills


    Name of a course / module

    Histology and Embryology

    Name of a department where course is held

    Department of Histology and Embryology, Medical University of Bialystok

    E-mail of department

    Faculty of

    Medicine with Division of Dentistry and Division of Medical Education in English

    Name of a field of study

    Faculty of Medicine

    Level of education

    First degree studies, Uniform master’s degree studies

    Form of study

    full time × part time

    Language of instruction

    Polish English ×

    Type of course

    obligatory × facultative

    Year of study / Semester


    I × II £ III £ IV ££ VI £



    1 × 2 × 3 ££££££ 10 £

    11 £ 12 £


    Introductory courses with preliminary requirements

    Getting credit according to recruitement procedure

    Number of didactic hours with specification of forms of conducting classes

    lectures – 24h


    classes – 74h

    Assumptions and aims

    of the course

    The aim of the course is to master by students the necessary knowledge from histology and embryology. The course include the construction and function of cells, histological structure of tissues and organs, as well as general and detailed embryology (stages of human embryonic development). In addition, students recognize tissues and organs from microscopic slides.

    Classes are taken in didactic classroom equipped with computers and microscopes. Lectures preceding the practical classes are closely linked.

    Didactic methods


    - providing knowledge in a form of a lecture

    - practical classes – short presentation prepared by teacher, discussion, microscopic

    slides revision and drawing according to the subject – individual work with student,

    - consultation -individual consultation with teacher or person responsible for teaching

    - regular consultation hours for student:

    Assoc. Professor Elżbieta Czykier – Monday 10.15 -11.15

    Assoc. Professor Beata Szynaka – Monday 10.15 -11.15

    Dr Agnieszka Miąsko- Kłubowicz  – Thursday 10.00 -11.00

    Assoc. Professor Joanna Pancewicz –  Thursday 11.30. -12.30

    Professor Wiesława Niklińska -  Wednesday 11.30 -12.30

    Full name of the person conducting the course

    Employed scientific and teaching staff

    Full name of the person responsible for teaching

    Person responsible for teaching – Professor Wiesława Ewa Niklińska,

    Course coordinator – Assoc. Professor  Beata Szynaka





    Symbol and number of learning outcomes according to the teaching standards and other learning outcomes

    Description of directional learning outcomes

    Form of classes

    Verification methods for achieving intended learning outcomes



    English and Polish terminology of histology and embryology



    Summarizing methods

    - written exam - test

    - practical exam- slides recognition

    Forming methods,

    - observation of the student's work

    - pretest

    - evaluation of the activity in the classroom

    - completion of each activity

    - assessment of preparation for classes

    - discussion in class

    - partial tests


    Basic cell structures and their functional specialization




    Micro-architecture of tissues, extracellular matrix and organs,




    Stages of embryogenesis, structure and functions of fetal membranes and placenta; stages of development of particular organs





    Using optic microscope, including immersion


    Summarizing methods

    - practical examination – recognition of microscopic slides

    Forming methods

    - observation of the student's work

    - pretest

    - evaluation of the activity in the classroom

    - completion of each activity

    - assessment of preparation

    for classes

    - discussion in class

    - partial tests


    Recognizing histological structures of organs, tissues, cells and cell components presented by microscopic images, giving an accurate description and interpretation of their composition and relationships between their structures and functions




    Using the terminology of anatomy, histology and embryology in speech and writing


    Social competence


    Respects medical confidentiality and patient rights


    Summarizing methods

    Continuous assessment by teachers (observation)

    Forming methods, e.g.,

    - observation of the student's work

    - discussion in class


    Directs the good of the patient putting them in the first place



    Is aware of his own limitations and has ability to continuously improving his skills








    ECTS points


    Student Workload

    Form of activity

    Number of hours to complete the activity

    Classes that require the participation of a teacher

    1. Realization of the course: lectures (according to the curriculum )


    1. Realization of the course: classes (according to the curriculum )


    1. Realization of the course: seminars; (according to the curriculum)


    1. Realization of the course: electives


    1. Participation in consultation



    Total hours:

    Student self-study

    1 ECTS point means 25-30 hours of student work in various forms, such as:

    1. Preparation for the theoretical and practical classes (realization of projects, documentation, case description etc.)


    1. Preparation for tests/credits


    1. Preparation for an exam/final test-credit



    Total hours:












    Course contents:

    Learning outcomes

    (symbol and number)



    1. A.W1., A.W4., A.U1., A.U2., A.U5.

    2. A.W1., A.W4., A.W5., A.U1., A.U2., A.U5.

    3. A.W1., A.W4., A.W5., A.U1., A.U2., A.U5.

    4. A.W1., A.W4., A.W5., A.U1., A.U2., A.U5.

    5. A.W1., A.W4., A.W5., A.U1., A.U2., A.U5.

    6. A.W1., A.W4., A.W5., A.U1., A.U2., A.U5.

    7. A.W1., A.W4., A.W5., A.W6., A.U1., A.U2., A.U5.

    8. A.W1., A.W4., A.W5., A.W6., A.U1., A.U2., A.U5.

    9. A.W1., A.W4., A.W5., A.W6., A.U1., A.U2., A.U5.

    10. A.W1., A.W4., A.W5., A.W6., A.U1., A.U2., A.U5.

    11. A.W1., A.W4., A.W5., A.W6., A.U1., A.U2., A.U5.

    12. A.W1., A.W4., A.W5., A.W6., A.U1., A.U2., A.U5.

    13. A.W1., A.W4., A.W5., A.W6., A.U1., A.U2., A.U5.

    14. A.W1., A.W4., A.W5., A.W6., A.U1., A.U2., A.U5.

    15. A.W1., A.W4., A.W5., A.W6., A.U1., A.U2., A.U5.

    16. A.W1., A.W4., A.W5., A.U1., A.U2., A.U5.

    17. A.W1., A.W6., A.U5.



    2. Epithelial tissues

    3. Proper connective tissue

    4. Blood, hematopoiesis

    5. Muscle tissue

    6. Nerve tissue

    7. The circulatory system and its development

    8. The lymphatic system and its development

    9. The digestive tract and its development

    10. The urinary system and its development

    11. The male reproductive system and its development

    12. The female reproductive system and its development

    13. The respiratory system and its development

    14. The nerve system and its development

    15. Special sense organs and its development

    16. Skin and its products

    17. General embryology

    Obligatory textbook: (1-2 pozycje)

    Michael H. Ross, Wojciech Pawlina Histology. A Text and Atlas.

    Leslie P. Gartner, James L. Hiatt. Color Textbook of Histology.

    Keith L.Moore, T.V.N. Persaud, Mark G. Torchia.Before we are born. Essentials of Embryology and Birth Defects.

    Optional textbook: (1-2 pozycje)

    Jeffrey B Kerr. Functional Histology.

    T.W.Sadler. Medical Embryology.


    Criteria for assessing the achieved learning outcomes and the form and conditions for receiving credit:

    Conditions for receiving credit is passing all classes and partial tests (practical and theoretical). 10 hours of student’s absence disqualify the student from getting the credit.









    Professor Wiesława Niklińska                                                           Assoc. Professor Beata Szynaka 

     of the Head of the Department                                          and              Course coordinator 2022/2023

    date and signature 30. 09. 2022