Medical University of Bialystok. Regulations.
  • Updated 02.12.2024 by Administrator UMB





    Internal Regulations for Students

    English Division

    Academic Year 2022/2023


    1. The general internal regulations of the Department of Clinical genetics are consistent with the Regulations of Full-Time Study at the MUB available in the university website
    2. Genetic course is carried out by the Departmant of Clinical Genetics, located Collegium Pathologicum buiding at the 3rd floor.
    3. Genetic course (lectures, classe, seminars) are realized consistently with the study schedule.
    4. The schedule is availible: 1. on our website, 2. as a handout on our board in Collegium Pathologicum buiding at ground floor and 3. on Blackboard platform .
    5. Lectures and seminars will be given online via Blackboard platform in live mode.
    6. Before entering the teaching room students are obliged to change shoes, switch off phone, pager and any audio devices, and leave coat, jacket etc. in the cloakroom.
    7. Only for taking notes student can use own computer equipments during classes, but any computer and electronic equipments must be switched off during test.
    8. During the classes, seminars and lectures taking photographs is forbidden. Breaking of this rule is treated as a violation of the code of ethics of the future profession and a student will be a subject to responsibility with the Regulations of the Full-Time Study. Additionally, student caught in taking photographs is obliged to delete the photos in the presence of assistant.
    9. Student is obliged to obey the work safety and fire-control regulations. Before beginning of the classes student is acquainted with them and must confirm it by own signature. Student must immediately inform an assistant about all accidents taking place in the Department during the classes.
    10. It is forbidden to invite to the teaching room any persons who are not the students.
    11. In the teaching rooms student is allowed to be only in the presence of an assistant.
    12. During the classes it is forbidden to leave the teaching rooms without permission of an assistant.
    13. Student is responsible to take care of his/her personal belongings. In the case of the damage or steal Department of Clinical Genetics does not take any responsibility for it.
    14. Student is obliged to maintain a peaceful coexistence between students.
    15. It is prohibited to eat and drink in the teaching rooms and smoke in the didactic rooms and corridors.
    16. List of the recommended textbooks and is available in the Syllabus.
    17. Basing on the obligatory textbooks student should be theoretically prepared to the current classes.
    18. Student is obliged to arrange in order his/her place of classes after their finishing.
    19. Division into the didactic groups (their number and number of students) is consistent with the directive of the Dean of Medical Faculty.
    20. Student is obliged to participate in all exercises and lectures. Absence should be justified immediately (not longer than 7 days) after disappearing of the absence reason. It is demanded in the case of health reasons a medical certificate of temporary disability and in other cases a certificate of proper authorities.
    21. Unexcused absence during the classes excludes receiving a credit.
    22. The Final Test is scheduled to the winter examination session and consists of theoretical part (50 (multiple choice questions onle 1 answer is correct). In order to get a credit student must give a correct answer to at least 30 questions.
    23. Retake of the test takes place will be appointed by the Head of the Department and has the same test form (50 multiple choice questions).
    24. It is absolutely forbidden to take photographs of the test papers.
    25. Tests are stored in the archive of the Department in the period of twelve months and next they are damaged.
    26. Original and/or copies of test works are not delivered to students.
    27. Student has right to the inspection of their test papers after making an appointment with course coordinator.
    28. If you have any considerations, please do not hesitate to contact the course coordinator.