1. Diagnostic procedures in respiratory medicine (bronchoscopy, imaging). Aassisting at the following medical procedures: bronchoscopy and drainage of a pleural cavity. Discussing the results of imaging studies.
2. Community acquired pneumonia and nosocomical pneumonia. Classes and the bedside. Cases presentations. Collection of samples for laboratory examination.
3. Lung cancer and paraneoplasmatic syndromes. Cases presentations. Assisting in bronchoscopy.
4. Tuberculosis. Cases presentations. TB bacteriology. Imaging studies discussion.
5. Selected interstitial lung diseases - sarcoidosis, extrinsic alveolitis, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Cases presentations. Pulmonary function testing lab classes. Imaging chest studies and broncho-alveolar lavage fluid usage.
6. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Symptoms, classification, COPD/asthma differentiation. Clinical cases presentations.
7. Respiratory insufficiency. Pathophysiology, diagnosis including blood gas analysis, basics of non-invasive mechanical ventillation, oxygen therapy.
8. Pulmonary function tests (PFT): spirometry, flow-volume loop, lung volumes assessment (bodypletysmography), carbon monoxide diffusion capacity, SABA reversibility test, bronchoprovocation, exercie testing.
9. Course completion.