Medical University of Bialystok. Journal.
  • 24.09.2018 Administrator UMB


       Progress in Health Sciences (Prog Health Sci)
    is published twice a year since 2011 

    ISSN: 2083-1617 (print till 2017)
    eISSN: 2083-6260 (online)

    The journal is funded by the Ministry of Science
    and Higher Education on the activities of disseminating science

    The journal is funded by the Medical University of Bialystok

    “Digitization of publications and scientific monographs in order to ensure and maintain open access to them via the Internet" financed under the agreement 545 / P-DUN / 2016 from the funds of the Minister of Science and Higher Education designated for dissemination activities

    “Implementation of procedures securing the originality of scientific publications and the application of security technology" financed under the agreement 545 / P-DUN / 2016 from the funds of the Minister of Science and Higher Education designated for dissemination activities
    “Creating the possibility of specialized correction of printed articles" financed under the agreement 545 / P-DUN / 2016 from the funds of the Minister of Science and Higher Education designated for dissemination activities

    The Journal will accept original and innovative submissions in English, regular articles, case reports and reviews.

    Only manuscripts that are written in English will be published.

    The scope of the journal covers issues of health science:

    • health science of health care and health services (including hospital administration, health care financing)
    • health policy and health services
    • nursing
    • nutrition, dietetics
    • public health (including: health economics, medical biostatistics, medical information systems, research on the quality of health care, philosophy of medicine)
    • environmental health
    • sociology
    • sozology
    • parasitology
    • infectious diseases
    • epidemiology
    • occupational disorders
    • physiotherapy
    • biomedical and social sciences (including family planning, sexual health, psycho-oncology, political and social effects of biomedical research)
    • medical ethics
    • medical law
    • problems of death, grief  and orphans
    • history of medicine
    • addiction
    • violence and aggression and articles on the subject of the following areas:
    • basic sciences
    • clinical medicine
    • experimental medicine

    Open Access Policy of Progress in Health Sciences

    • Progress in Health Sciences provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge, meaning: everyone has free and unlimited access to the full-text of articles published in  Progress in Health Sciences; manuscripts are freely available without subscription or price; papers are immediately released in open access format; Open Access publication is supported by the Medical University of Białystok, Poland for accepted articles.
    • Articles in Progress in Health Sciences are published in the open access model, and the rules for their use are set out in the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Detailed rules can be found at
    • Versions of articles available in the open acces model
      • online first - author's version of the article after corrections suggested by reviewers - accepted for publication in the journal Progress in Health Sciences are available at until the final version of the article
      • the final version of the article is available in the open access model at the website: and https: // / ... after sending the pages and the DOI number
    • The editorial staff recommends using the published version of the article posted on the journal's website -


            The Journal is published and founded by:
    Medical University of Bialystok


                              Prof. Elżbieta Krajewska-Kułak                                       

    Editor-in-Chief Progress in Health Sciences Educational-Scientific Center, Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of Białystok,

    ul. Szpitalna 37, 15-295 Bialystok, Poland;

    Tel. + 48 85 748 55 11; + 48 85 748 54 95;   Fax + 48 85 748 54 92;   





    Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement