Schedule for the 5th year |
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Academic year 2024/2025 - winter semester | |||||||
GENETICS | |||||||
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LECTURES (5x2 hours=10) | DAYS | TIME | |||||
ONLINE | TUESDAY: 22.10; 29.10; 05.11; 12.11; 19.11 | 16.15 -17.45 | |||||
CLASSES (5x6=30 hours) | |||||||
Days: | 08.10-14.10 | 12.12-18.12 | 19.12-10.01 | 20.01-24.01 | |||
Time: | 8:00-12:30 | ||||||
Groups |
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1 |
| Genetics |
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2 |
| Genetics |
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3 |
| Genetics |
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4 | Genetics |
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5 |
| Genetics |
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6 |
| Genetics | |||
7 |
| Genetics | |||
8 |
| Genetics |
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9 | Genetics |
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10 |
| Genetics |
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Seminars (10 hours) | |||||||
Days: | 20.01-24.01 | 27.01-31.01 | |||||
Groups |
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1 | 21.01 - 13.30 - 15.45 22.01 - 13.30 - 15.45 23.01 - 13.30 - 15.45 |
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2 | |||||||
3 | |||||||
4 | |||||||
5 | |||||||
6 |
| 28.01 - 13.30 - 15.45 29.01 - 13.30 - 15.45 30.01 - 13.30 - 15.45 | |||||
7 | |||||||
8 | |||||||
9 | |||||||
10 | 4 |
GROUPS 6 and 7
20.01- Ex 1
21.01- Ex 3
22.01- Ex 4
23.01- Ex 5 (Meeting point will be given on 22.01)
24.01- Ex 2
GROUPS- 8 and 10
12.12.2024- Class 1
13.12.2024- Class 5
16.12.2024- Class 3
17.12.2024- Class 4
18.12.2024- Class 2
Attention !!! Class 5
Meeting point and time will be given 12.12.2024
GROUPS- 4 and 9
08.10.2024- Class 1
09.10.2024- Class 2
10.10.2024- Class 3
11.10.2024- Class 5
14.10.2024- Class 4
8:00 -12.30
Department of Clinical Genetics
Collegium Pathologicum Building 3rd Floor
Class 1 (dr Renata Posmyk, Beata Stasiewicz-Jarocka, Barbara Panasiuk)
Part A- Basics of cytogenetics:
- Clinical indications for karyotyping.
- Collecting and preparation of biological material for cytogenetic testing.
- Methods of obtaining chromosomes from various tissues.
- Steps of karyotyping.
- Evaluation of chromosomes using different banding and molecular techniques (FISH).
- Microscopic chromosome identification, breakpoints establishing.
- Principles of karyotype report.
- ISCN 2020- An International System .of Cytogenomic Nomenclature.
- Normal human karyotypes.
- Numerical and structural chromosomal aberrations, examples of karyotypes results and interpretation.
- Division of chromosomal aberrations according to mechanism of formation and clinical effects.
- Definition of balanced and unbalanced chromosomal aberrations.
- X-chromosome inactivation- definition, relevance in clinical practice.
Part B
- Work with a microscope (searching for metaphases, identification of chromosomes, karyogramm preparation).
- Karyotype writing.
- Cytogenetic and clinical interpretation of constitutional chromosomal aberrations.
Class 2- dr Joanna Karwowska
Part A
Autosomal dominant disorders (AD)
- Phakomatoses: NF1, NF2, Tuberous Sclerosis
- Skeletal dysplasias: Achondroplasia, Apert, Crouzon, Pfeiffer, Muenke and TRP syndromes.
- Fibrilinopathies: Marfan syndrome, Beals, Loeys-Dietz,
- Collagenopathies: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Stickler, Osteogenesis imperfecta.
- Elastopathy: Pseudoxantoma elasticum
Autosomal recessive disorders (AR)
- Cystic fibrosis
v Metabolic disorders: albinism, phenyloketonuria, alkaptonuria,
- Deafness
Modes of inheritance- X-linked dominant (XLD) and recessive (XLR).
- Fragile-X syndrome
- Coffin-Lowry syndrome
- Hypertrichosis
- Duchenne muscular dystrophy
- Daltonism
- Hemophilia type A
Mitochondrial disorders
Part B
- Pedigree analysis.
- Analysis of clinical cases.
- Quiz
Class 3- dr Natalia Wawrusiewicz-Kurylonek
Part A
- Chromosomal disorders: Down syndrome (trisomy 21), Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18), Patau syndrome (trisomy 13), mosaic trisomy 8 (Warkany syndrome), mosaic trisomy 9.
- Sex chromosomes aberration: monosomy (Turner syndrome), Klinefelter syndrome.
- Microdeletion syndromes
- Cri du chat syndrome,
- Wolf-Hirschorn syndrome,
- Di George syndrome,
- Williams syndrome,
- Smith-Magenis syndromes,
- Miller-Dieker syndrome
- Phelan-McDermin syndrome
- microdeletion15q13.3
- Definitions of Imprinting, UPD uniparental disomy, UPD 14.
- Examples: Angelman syndrome, Prader-Willi, Beckwith-Wiedemann, Russell-Silver.
Part B
- Analysis of clinical cases.
- Genetic counselling.
- Quiz.
Class 4a– dr Renata Posmyk
Part A
Hereditary cancers/syndromes
- Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndromes: HBC, HBOC, HOC
- Hereditary colon cancer syndromes: Lynch syndrome. FAP- familial adenomatous polyposis, Gardner, Peutz-Jeghers.
- Other: Gorlin syndrome, Von Hippl-Lindau, Li-Fraumeni.
Part B
- Analysis of clinical cases.
- History taking, pedigree drawing and interpreation.
- Genetic counselling.
- Quiz
Class 4b- dr Natalia Wawrusiewicz-Kurylonek
Part A
Molecular genetic and cytogenetic techniques as a diagnostic tool in a clinical practice.
- Main definitions. Mutation classification.
- Types of biological materials used for DNA isolation.
- Detection of mutations and other rearrangements.
- Molecular laboratory techniques: microarray (aCGH), MLPA, FISH, PCR, PCR-RFLP, Real-Time PCR, ASA-PCR, QF-PCR, nucleic acid hybridization, sequencing (Sanger), NGS- New Generation Sequencing, WES- Whole Exome Sequencing, Trios NGS/WES.
- Advantages and disadvantages of methods.
Part B
- Analysis of molecular genetics reports.
- Quiz
Class 5- dr Renata Posmyk/ Joanna Karwowska
- Visiting Occupational Therapy Workshops.
v Clinical examination of patients.
- Evaluation of dysmorphic features.
After each seminar please send your presentation via Blackboard.