Medical University of Bialystok. Patient Care.
  • Updated 15.01.2018 by Klinika Otolaryngologii Dziecięcej

    Patient Care

    1. Comprehensive specialist diagnostics and treatment of hearing and balance disorders
    2. Surgical treatment of middle ear diseases
    3. Neonatal hearing screening within the National Hearing Screening Program of WOŚP
    4. Amplification for hearing impaired children
    5. Diagnostics and treatment of congenital and acquired malformations of upper respiratory tract
    6. Diagnostics and treatment of the nose and paranasal sinuses diseases
    7. Surgical treatment of adenoids and tonsils hyperplasia
    8. Treatment of ENT emergencies – head and neck traumas, foreign bodies of respiratory tract and oesophagus
    9. Diagnostics and surgical treatment of benign and malignant tumours of head and neck
    10. Diagnostics and treatment of salivary gland disorders