Medical University of Bialystok. Regulations.
  • Updated 24.02.2017 by Klinika Perinatologii



    Internal Regulations for Students of the English Division

    1. The internal regulations of the course of Gynecology and Obstetrics are consistent with the Study Statute of Medical University of Białystok
    2. Didactic classes are realized consistently with the study schedule confirmed by the Dean of the Medical Faculty.
    3. The Gynecology and Obstetrics Course is realized in the Department of Perinatology, Department of Re-productiveness and Gynecological Endocrinology and Department of Gynecology and Gynecological Oncology University Hospital.
    4. During the classes Students are obliged to change shoes and wear white doctor’s coat or top and pants (we do not provide it). Bags, coats, jackets etc. should be left in cloak-room. During the lectures students are obliged to change shoes and leave coats and jackets in the cloak-room. White coat is not mandatory.
    5. During the classes and lectures mobile phones, pagers and audio devices must be switched off. Students are responsible for their personal belongings. In the case of damage or steal Department of Perinatology, Department of Re-productiveness and Gynecological Endocrinology and Department of Gynecology and Gynecological Oncology does not take any responsibility for it.
    6. Taking photographs during lectures and classes is absolutely forbidden.
    7. Leaving the didactic room or hospital ward without assistant’s permission is prohibited.
    8. It is prohibited to eat, drink and smoke during classes and lectures.
    9. Student is obliged to take care of the didactic equipment and behave appropriately towards patient and hospital staff.
    10. Student is obliged to obey work safety and fire-control regulations. Before beginning of the classes student is acquainted with them. Student must immediately inform the assistant about all incidences taking place in Department of Perinatology, Department of Re-productiveness and Gynecological Endocrinology or Department of Gynecology and Gynecological Oncology.
    11. Student is obliged to participate in all classes and lectures. Absence should be excused as soon as possible. It is demanded in the case of health reasons to show a medical certificate of temporal disability and in other cases to present the certificate of proper authorities.
    12. The course of Gynecology and Obstetrics consists of lectures and classes. The detailed schedule of classes for particular groups is presented on the notice board at Department of Perinatology and Department of Gynecology and Gynecological Oncology two weeks before the first class.
    13. Unexcused absence during classes excludes completing the semester and is equal to failing the final credit.
    14. It is possible to complete the credit in additional term in case of excused absence during classes longer than 20 % of the course due to health problems.
    15. Unexcused absence during more than 20% lectures excludes obtaining the credit.
    16. Basing on the obligatory textbooks students should be theoretically prepared to classes.
    17. The final exam is a MCQ test, consists of 100 questions and obtaining more than 60% is mandatory for credit the whole course.
    18. Students have right for inspection their work within one week after announcing the results.
    19. The examination works are stored in the Archive of Department of Perinatology for the period of one year and next they are damaged.
    20. Retake of the Final exam must be appointed with the course-coordinator.
    21. In the case of failure of Retake the further procedure will be consistent to the study Regulations of Medical University of Białystok available in the web site of our University (,4080/Study_regulations).
    22. During both in-class tests and final exam Student may not consult any written materials or electronic devices. Moreover, Student may not have verbal and non-verbal contact with any person other than teaching assistant. Any violations of these rules will be regarded as cheating and will result in failing of the test/exam..
    23. Copies of credit and exam works will not be delivered to students.
    24. If you have any comments, please do not hesitate to contact course-coordinator Paweł Kuć.