Medical University of Bialystok. Biochemistry Course Rules & Regulations.
  • Updated 19.09.2022 by Zakład Biochemii Lekarskiej

    Biochemistry Course Rules & Regulations


    1. The Rules & Regulations of the Department of Medical Biochemistry are consistent with the Terms & Conditions of Studies at the Medical University of Bialystok.

    2. The course is delivered in the form of lectures, laboratory practice and seminars, with four mid-term exams (credits, free text questions, grading scale: satisfactory at 60% max. points, fairly good at 70%, good at 80%, good plus at 90%, very good at 95%). Students who fail a mid-term exam can retake it within a specified time limit. Students are given an opportunity to review their exam papers.

    3. Attendance is mandatory at all lectures, laboratory practice sessions and seminars. To pass the class student should be theoretically prepared and work on it. Failure the class results in receiving 1 point.

    4. Seminars take place online on Blackboard platform.

    5. Students shall follow the Laboratory Rules & Regulations.

    6. Because of the course characteristics (delivered as a series of weekly laboratory practice meetings), absence is generally unacceptable; specifically, one excused absence (on presentation of a doctor’s certificate or a Dean’s certificate) from lectures and one from laboratory practice is permitted per semester.

    7. After an unexcused absence, students receive points for subsequent excused absences and for failed tests. Specifically: 0.5 point is given for an absence from a lecture, 1 point for an absence from laboratory practice (class) or seminar.

    - A failing grade for a mid-term exam (credit) retake equals 2 points.

    8. A student who gets 5 or more points during an academic year will not be admitted to final exam. Failing two or more mid-term exams will also result in not being allowed to participate in the final exam.

    9. The final written exam covers the knowledge taught during lectures and practice, as well as the required reading. Exam grading scale: satisfactory at 60% max. points, fairly good at 70%, good at 80%, good plus at 90%, very good at 95%. Students can review their exam papers within the time limit set by the coordinator.

    10. The basic coursebook is Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry, plus the Biochemistry Workbook available from the library.

    11. Students who score ‘very good’ at four mid-term exams (credits) are not required to take the final exam.