Medical University of Bialystok. Course Syllabus.
  • Updated 15.02.2019 by Zakład Stomatologii Społecznej i Profilaktyki

    Course Syllabus


    Syllabus 2018/2019


    1. Maxillofacial neoplasms
    2. First aid in orthognatic trauma
    3. Pulp gangrene complications: abscess, phlegmon, osteitis
    4. Craniofacial development defects (abnormalities)
    5. Etiology, epidemiology of dental caries, paradontopathy and oral mucosa diseases
    6. Oral hygiene and masticatory system pathologies prophylaxis
    7. Endogenous and exogenous fluoride prophylaxis – advantages and disadvantages
    8. Etiopathogenesis of malocclusion – antenatal and postnatal factors
    9. Occlusal norms of different development stages
    10. Occlusal disorders – classification and principles of diagnosis
    11. Prevention of occlusal disorders in particular stages of child development




    Fridays  8-1015am

    class nr 2 block M- 6 floor

    08.03(gr. G,H,I), 15.03 (gr. A,B,C) , 05.04 (gr. D,E,F) 2019r.


    Consultations -  Department of Gerostomatology DS1:

    dr hab. n. med. Magdalena Wilczyńska-Borawska - Fridays 10-12am.