Medical University of Bialystok. Sylabus.
  • Updated 29.06.2024 by Zakład Medycyny Nuklearnej






    Name of a course / module

    Nuclear Medicine

    Name of a department where course is held

    Nuclear Medicine Department

    E-mail of department

    Faculty of

    Medicine with Division of Dentistry and Division of Medical Education in English

    Name of a field of study


    Level of education

    First degree studies, Uniform master’s degree studies

    Form of study

    full time X part time £

    Language of instruction

    Polish £ English X

    Type of course

    obligatory X facultative £

    Year of study / Semester


    I £ II £ III X IV £ V £ VI £



    1 £ 2 x 3 £ 4 £ 5 £ 6 £ 7 £ 8 £ 10 £

    11 £ 12 £


    Introductory courses with preliminary requirements

    Basic knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, internal medicine, paediatrics and ionising radiation (biophysics)

    Number of didactic hours with specification of forms of conducting classes

    30 (10 lectures, 20 classes)

    Assumptions and aims

    of the course

    The course program offers to students the basic information concerning: radiation protection, diagnosis and therapy by using of radioisotope procedures.

    Didactic methods


    - providing knowledge in a form of a lecture

    - consultation (both regular and organized in individual cases)

    - discussion

    - presentation

    - case description

    - self study

    - study of the literature

    - practical classes


    Full name of the person conducting the course

    employed scientific and teaching staff

    Full name of the person responsible for teaching

    Saeid Abdelrazek


    Symbol and number of learning outcomes according to the teaching standards and other learning outcomes

    Description of directional learning outcomes

    Form of classes

    Verification methods for achieving intended learning outcomes



    Structure and modes of decay of radioactive atoms. Interaction of emissions from radioactive atoms with matter.


    Summarizing methods:

    - written exam (test – forms)

    Forming methods:

    - observation of the student's work

    - evaluation of the activity in the classroom

    - completion of each activity

    - assessment of preparation for classes

    - discussion in class



    Basic principles of diagnostic methods (scintigraphy, SPECT-CT, PET-CT,PET-MR).



    Basic principles of radionuclide therapy.



    Knowledge of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures performed with radio-isotopes:

    1. signs and symptoms of disorders diagnosed with nuclear medicine techniques
    2. methods and techniques used in radio-isotopic therapy
    3. indications and contraindications to administration of radiofarmaceuticals and each test and explanation it to the patient




    Understand biological implications of and radiation hazards from ionising radiation and apply it on a daily basis.



    Summarizing methods:

    - realization of a specific task

    Forming methods:

    - observation of the student's work

    - evaluation of the activity in the classroom

    - completion of each activity

    - assessment of preparation

    for classes

    - discussion in class



    Estimate hazards from radiation dose and comply with ragulations of radiation protection.



    Be able to perform and understand simple radiation detection test.




    Be abble to take an appropriate clinical history (adult patient)

    Be abble to take an appropriate clinical history (paediatrics)



    Interpret the results of radionuclide imaging tests.


    Social competence


    Inform patients about the aim, methods, possible complications of diagnostics and therpeutics tests.

    Able to required written and/or verbal consent.


    Summarizing methods:

    Continuous assessment by teachers (observation)

    Forming methods:

    - observation of the student's work

    - discussion in class

    - opinions of patients, colleagues


    Shows respect and behaves in accordance with Good Medical Practice.



    Define the provisions of the rights of patient (Data Protection Act, privacy protection, Freedom of Information Act, requirements of consent)



    Understand own limitations in diagnostic and therapy methods. Recognise own or other falling behind and take steps to rectify the situation.




    ECTS points

    Należy podać liczbę punktów ECTS przypisaną przedmiotowi.

    Student Workload

    Form of activity

    Number of hours to complete the activity

    Classes that require the participation of a teacher

    1. Realization of the course: lectures (according to the curriculum )


    1. Realization of the course: classes (according to the curriculum )


    1. Realization of the course: seminars; (according to the curriculum)


    1. Realization of the course: electives


    1. Participation in consultation



    Total hours:

    Student self-study

    1 punkt ECTS oznacza 25-30 godzin pracy studenta w różnych formach, takich jak np.:

    1. Preparation for the theoretical and practical classes (realization of projects, documentation, case description etc.)


    1. Preparation for tests/credits


    1. Preparation for an exam/final test-credit



    Total hours:



    Course contents: proszę wpisać hasłowo tematykę poszczególnych zajęć, pamiętając, aby przekładała się ona na zamierzone efekty kształcenia





















    1. Short History about Nuclear Medicine. Physics of Nuclear Medicine . Radiation Detection and Instrumentation Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT), Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
    2. Basic of Radiobiology . Radiation Protection and Radiation Safety Procedures .
    3. Production of Radionuclides. Introduction to Radionuclide Diagnostic Procedures. In Vivo and Radionuclide Therapy .
    4. Radioisotope Diagnostic Procedures In Vitro. Nuclear Medicine in Paediatrics .
    5. Positron Emission Tomography: in Oncology, Central Nervous System (CNS) and Cardiovascular System (CVS). Prespectives and Advances in Nuclear Medicine






    1. What is nuclear medicine and nuclear medicine procedures . Radiation safety procedures and radiation protection in nuclear medicine department .
    2. Clinical practice: participation in clinical examination of some patients before the injection of radiopharmaceutics and during gammma camera imaging . Indication and contraindication of radionuclides procedures.
    3. Thyroid scintigraphy. Pathophysiology and diagnosis of thyroid diseases .


    1. Radioiodine therapy of hyperthyroidism and non toxic goiter.

    Follow up of hyperthyroid patients after radioiodine therapy.

    The efficiency of radioiodine therapy in patients with hyperthyroidism and non toxic


    1. Diagnosis and treatment of patients with well differentiated thyroid carcinoma
    2. Parathyroid scintigraphy.
    • Participation in clinical examination of patients and qualification of patients for radioiodine therapy.
    • Interesting clinical cases presentation and examination of some patients.



    1. Radiopharmaceutical diagnostic procedures in oncology. Clinical PET in oncology
    2. Sentinel node procedure: clinical application.
    3. Radionuclide therapy in oncology and haematology .
    4. Radiopharmaceutical diagnostic procedures in infection and inflammation
    5. Interactive cases presentations and examination of some patients.



    1. Radiopharmaceutical diagnostic procedures in skeletal system
    2. Radiopharmaceutical diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in joint diseases. Radiosynovectomy
    3. Radiopharmaceutical diagnostic procedures in pulmonary embolism
    4. Radiopharmaceutical diagnostic procedures in genitourinary system
    5. Interesting clinical cases presentations and examination of some patients.



    1. Radiopharmaceutical diagnostic procedures in central nervous system (CNS)
    2. Radiopharmaceutical diagnostic procedures in cardiology
    3. Radiopharmaceutical diagnostic procedures in gastrointestinal system ( GIT bleeding)
    4. Interactive cases presentations
    5. Participation in clinical examination of some patients before injection of radiopharmaceutics and during imaging.



    Obligatory textbook: (1-2 pozycje)


    Ziessman J.P et al. Nuclear medicine: The requisites. 3rd or 4th edition. ELSEVIER


    Optional textbook: (1-2 pozycje)


    Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Imaging 5th edition by Fred A. Mettler. ELSEVIER



    Criteria for assessing the achieved learning outcomes and the form and conditions for receiving credit:

    Only students who attend all the lectures, the seminars and the clinical practices allowed to sit the final exam (quiz). Presence in the lectures, tutorial and clinical practices is obligatory. The exam (quiz) will be in the form of multiple choice questions MCQ.

    In the case of excused absence, all missed classes should be worked out after the agreement of the teather.





    For further information please contact Department of Nuclear Medicine (Dr Saeid Abdelrazek)