Medical University of Bialystok. About Us.
  • Updated 21.02.2024 by Klinika Psychiatrii

    About Us

    Head of Department:

    Prof. dr hab. n. med.  Napoleon Waszkiewicz


    ul. Wołodyjowskiego 2

    15-272 Białystok

    Tel. 85 831  7317


    Since 1969 The Psychiatry UMB Department had been located in a building in Choroszcz, Plac Brodowicza 1.

    Since 01.09.2022 we work at Psychiatry Center at ul. Wołodyjowskiego 2 in Białystok.

    Clinic employees actively participate in media campaigns organized annually - regarding schizophrenia, affective, anxiety, sexual and substance-related disorders and actively participate in the celebration of the World Mental Health Day every year. Since 2001 the Podlaskie Psychiatric Workshops in Białowieża are held annually. Most lectures and workshops are devoted to the pathogenesis, treatment/therapy of schizophrenia, affective, anxiety, cognitive, sexual disorders and addictions.