Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku. Syllabus.
  • Ostatnia zmiana 30.09.2024 przez Klinika Urologii





    Academic year 2024/2025


    Name of a course / module


    Name of a department where course is held

    Department of Urology

    E-mail of department


    Faculty of

    Medicine with Division of Dentistry and Division of Medical Education in English

    Name of a field of study


    Level of education

    First degree studies, Uniform master’s degree studies

    Form of study

    full time part time

    Language of instruction

    polish english

    Type of course

    obligatory facultative

    Year of study / Semester


    I II  III IV  V VI



    1 9 10  11  12 


    Introductory courses with preliminary requirements

    Anatomy, Microbiology, Patology, Internal medicine, General Surgery, Radiology – continuation of the effects of acquired knowledge, skills and competention from previous years of studying

    Number of didactic hours with specification of forms of conducting classes

    Vth year: 45 hours: 10h - lectures, 5 – seminaries, 30 - classes


    Assumptions and aims

    of the course

    Student should gain the knowledge of: subjective and objective examination of the genito-urinary tract of men and urinary tract of women; the knowledge of urinary tract diseases, its diagnostics, treatment, and complications after surgical procedures. Knowledge of basic urological instrumentary and its usage.

    Student should : perform subjective and objective examination of the patient with urological ilness, plan and interpretate laboratory tests, diagnostic imaging, establishing the diagnosis and proposal of the treatment; perform basic urological procedures such as catheterization.

    Didactic methods


    - providing knowledge in a form of a lectures

    - discussion during the classes

    - practical classes with patients

    - study of the literature

    - presentation of laboratory methods and appliances

    - observation and examination of patients pre- and postoperatively

    - consultation every thursday 11.00 – 12.30

    Full name of the person conducting the course

    Employed scientific and teaching staff from Department of Urology and doctoral students

    Full name of the person responsible for teaching

    Grzegorz Młynarczyk


    Symbol and number of learning outcomes according to the teaching standards and other learning outcomes

    Description of directional learning outcomes

    Form of classes

    Verification methods for achieving intended learning outcomes





    Summarizing methods

    - written exam (multiple-choice test, open questions, interpretation of laboratory test results)

    Forming methods

    - observation of the student's work

    - pretest

    - evaluation of the activity in the classroom

    - assessment of preparation

    for classes

    - discussion in class

    - case description


    Acquires the rules of qualification for urological procedures; stages of simple urological procedures and most frequent postoperative complications.




    Complies to aseptic and antiseptic rules


    Forming methods

    - observation of the student's work

    - pretest

    - evaluation of the activity in the classroom

    - assessment of preparation

    for classes

    - discussion in class

    - case description


    considers indication to cystostomy and takes part during its performance



    Assists during basic urological procedures (endoscopic, litotrypsy, prostate biopsy)



    Assists during large urological procedures at the operating theater.




    Complies wih usage of basic surgical instruments



    Student is able to put and change sterile bandage



    Student is able to put peripheral needle insertion


    Social competence


    Student is able to establish and maintain deep and full of respect contact with patient


    Summarizing methods

    - tutors continous assessment (observation)

    Forming methods.

    - observation of the student's work

    - discussion in class

    - colleges and patients opinion


    Patients goods and welness are always on the first place on students mind



    Has knowingness of his/her own limitations and permanent self development



    Complies with professional secrecy and patients law



    ECTS points

    2,5 (+ VIth year 2)

    Student Workload

    Form of activity

    Number of hours to complete the activity

    Classes that require the participation of a teacher

    1. Realization of the course: lectures (according to the curriculum )


    1. Realization of the course: classes (according to the curriculum )


    1. Realization of the course: seminars; (according to the curriculum)


    1. Realization of the course: electives


    1. Participation in consultation



    Total hours: 45h

    Student self-study

    1 ECTS point means 25-30 hours of students work in different forms e.g.

    1. Preparation for the theoretical and practical classes (realization of projects, documentation, case description etc.)


    1. Preparation for tests/credits


    1. Preparation for an exam/final test-credit



    Total hours:


    Course contents:

    Learning outcomes

    (symbol and number)


    F.W1. Knows and understands causes, symptoms and rules of diagnosing and terapeutical treatment due to the most frequent urinary tract diseases which requires surgical treatment

    F.W3. Acquires the rules of qualification for urological procedures; stages of simple urological procedures and most frequent postoperative complications.

    FU1. Assists during large urological procedures at the operating theater.

    FU2. Complies wih usage of basic surgical instruments

    FU4. Student is able to put and change sterile bandage

    FU5. Student is able to put peripheral needle insertion

    F.W10. Student knows the issue of medical imaging used nowadays, especially:

    a) radiological symptomatology of basic urinary tract diseases

    b) Instrumental and imaging methods used for urological procedures

    c) Indications, contraindications and preparation of the patients for particular type of medical imaging; contraindications for contrast agents

    1. BPH.; Urinary stone disease: Carcinomas of urinary tract; Inflammatory processes of urinary tract; Urinary tract defects




    2. Basic urological procedures; Instrumental procedures of urinary tract; Urinary tract traumas; Emergency states in Urology; Endoscopy and laparoscopy in Urology; Methods of urinary diversion after radical cystectomy; Radical prostatectomy











    3. Medical imaging of urinary tract; Diagnostics of urinary stone disease;Urological instrumentary; Radiological diagnostics of urine run-off disorders




    Obligatory textbook:

    S. Brewster, D. Cranston, J. Noble, J. Reynard: Urology: A Handbook for medical students, 2007

    Optional textbook:

    W. Scott McDougal, Alan J. Wein, Louis R. Kavoussi, Alan W. Partin, Craig A. Peters: Campbell-Walsh Urology 11th Edition Review, 2015


    Criteria for assessing the achieved learning outcomes and the form and conditions for receiving credit: Admission to credits – attendance at the classes, lectures and seminars; passing test that should be taken on the last day of classes; absence – obligatory work off in 2 weeks since last day of the classes on emergency duty or during consultation hours; if student won’t pass credits he/she has an obligation of an uptake in 2 weeks during the consultation hours.