C O U R S E R E G U L A T I O N S governing students of the Medical University of Bialystok attending classes at the DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY & PHILOSOPHY in the academic year 2024/2025 - Classes take place in accordance with the timetable which is posted on the department's website at: https://www.umb.edu.pl/wnoz/izaklad-psychologii-i-filozofii
- Student's attendance at lectures, seminars and classes is obligatory. Students are required to make up any work missed as a result of absences, irrespective of the reason for not being present, and the form in which this is done should be agreed with the lecturer. Under no circumstances is it permitted to miss more than 20% of classes. Students who do not comply with this regulation will NOT receive a credit in the subject.
- Lectures will be OLINE on Blackboard and seminars will take place in room 4.14 and the regulations in (2) apply as above.
- Lecturers conducting classes are available for consultation during their office hours or by the e-mail. Lecturer's office hours and contact details are available on the department's website.
- The conditions for obtaining a credit in a given subjects, assessment criteria and the form of the credit or examination, along with criteria for granting exemption from a given subjects, are specified in the syllabusses.
- A list of compulsory and recommended textbooks for particular subjects is specified in the cours syllabuses.
- Students may review their own marked written work by applying to the lecturer responsible for the subject during his/her office hours.
- Students will be informed directly of their examination results and credit achievements by the lecturer in a given subjects. Alternatively results will be posted according to the student's number on the department noticeboard or sent by e-mail to the student's group representative(s).
- In the case of non-attendance for the credit evaluation or examination the student is required to contact the lecturer responsible for the subject during his/her office hours in order in order to arrange an alternative time for the evaluation.
- Students are strictly forbidden not only to use, but to have in theit possession, any type of electronic device during tests and examinations.
- All situations in which a student has an electronic device (even if it is switched off) in his/her possession or attempts to bring such a device into the examination room will be treated as taking advantage of forbidden mathods of attempting to get help.
- The deadline fo obtaining entries for final gradies (signatures) in student's record log for the academic year 2024/2025:
for courses ending in the winter semester: 16.02.2025, for courses ending in the summer semester: 29.06.2025. 13. Students are entitled to appeal in the matter on their final assessment grades (within 7 days of their announcement) to the Head of the Department. 14. In any circumstanceses not reffered to in the above REGULATIONS, the REGULATIONS for STUDIES at the MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF BIAŁYSTOK apply. ad of Department of Psychology & Philosophy dr hab. Barbara Polityńska - Lewko |