Misztal T, Gołaszewska A, Marcińczyk N, Tomasiak-Łozowska M, Szymanowska M, Chabielska E, Rusak T. Natural polyphenols may normalize hypochlorous acid-evoked hemostatic abnormalities in human blood. Antioxidants 2022; 11(4):779 (https://doi.org/10.3390/antiox11040779 )
Kowalczyk P, Kaczyńska K, Kleczkowska P, Bukowska-Ośko I, Kramkowski K, Sulejczak D. The lactoferrin phenomenon - a miracle molecule. Molecules 2022; 27(9):2941 (doi: 10.3390/molecules27092941 )
Marcińczyk N, Gołaszewska A, Gromotowicz-Popławska A, Misztal T, Strawa J, Tomczyk M, Kasacka I, Chabielska E. Multidirectional effects of tormentil extract on hemostasis in experimental diabetes. Frontiers in Pharmacology 2021, 12: 682987 (doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.682987 )
Stefaniuk D, Misztal T, Pięt M, Zając A, Kopycińska M, Matuszewska A, Ruminowicz-Stefaniuk M, Matuszewski Ł, Marcińczyk N, Belcarz A, Żuchowski J, Skrabalak I, Grąz M, Ciołek B, Paduch R, Jaszek M. Thromboelastometric analysis of anticancer Cerrena unicolor subfractions reveal their potential as fibrin glue drug carrier enhancers. Biomolecules 2021; 11(9): 1263 (doi: 10.3390/biom11091263 )
Marcińczyk N, Misztal T, Gromotowicz-Popławska A, Żebrowska Aa, Rusak T, Radziwon P, Chabielska E. Utility of platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1 in the platelet activity assessment in mouse and human blood. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021; 22(17): 9611 (doi: 10.3390/ijms22179611 )
Gołaszewska A, Misztal T, Marcińczyk N, Chabielska E, Rusak T. Adrenaline may contribute to prothrombotic condition via augmentation of platelet procoagulant response, enhancement of fibrin formation, and attenuation of fibrinolysis. Frontiers in Physiology 2021, 12: 65788 (https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2021.657881 )
- Rowińska I, Szyperska-Ślaska A, Zariczny P, Pasławski R, Kramkowski K, Kowalczyk P. Impact of the Diet on the Formation of Oxidative Stress and Inflammation Induced by Bacterial Biofilm in the Oral Cavity. Materials. 2021;14(6):1372. (doi: 10.3390/ma14061372 )
- Zięba W, Czarnecka J, Rusak T, Zięba M, Terzyk A. Nitric-acid oxidized single-walled carbon nanohorns as a potential material for bio-applications - toxicity and hemocompatibility studies. Materials 2021; 14:1419 (https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14061419 )
- Misztal T, Gołaszewska A, Brańska-Januszewska J, Marcińczyk N, Chabielska E, Tomasiak M, Rusak T. HAuCl4, putative general aquaporins blocker, reduces platelet spreading, filopodia formation, procoagulant response, and thrombus formation under flow. Frontiers in Physiology 2020; 11:1025 (https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2020.01025 )
- Marcińczyk N, Golaszewska A, Misztal T, Gromotowicz-Popławska A, Rusak T, Chabielska E. New approaches for the assessment of platelet activation status in thrombus under flow condition using confocal microscopy. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology 2020; 393(4):727-738 (https://doi.org/10.1007/s00210-019-01789-x )
- Smulik-Izydorczyk R, Rostkowski M, Gerbich A, Jarmoć D, Adamus J, Leszczyńska A, Michalski R, Marcinek A, Kramkowski K, Sikora A. Decomposition of Piloty's acid derivatives - toward the understanding of factors controlling HNO release. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 2019; 661:132-144 (doi: 10.1016/j.abb.2018.11.012 )
- Leszczyńska A, Kamiński T, Misztal T, Pawlak D. Quinolinic acid does not influence coagulation profile, nor fibrinolytic activity, under physiological conditions in rats. Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica - Drug Research 2019; 76: 863-871
- Gromotowicz-Popławska A, Marcińczyk N, Misztal T, Golaszewska A, Aleksiejczuk M, Rusak T, Chabielska E. Rapid effects of aldosterone on platelets, coagulation, and fibrinolysis lead to experimental thrombosis augmentation. Vascular Pharmacology 2019, 122-123:106598.
- Misztal T, Golaszewska A, Tomasiak-Lozowska MM, Iwanicka M, Marcinczyk N, Leszczynska A, Chabielska E, Rusak T. The myeloperoxidase product, hypochlorous acid, reduces thrombus formation under flow and attenuates clot retraction and fibrinolysis in human blood. Free Radical Biology & Medicine 2019; 141:426-437. (10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2019.07.003 )
- Leszczyńska A, Misztal T, Marcińczyk N, Kamiński T, Kramkowski K, Chabielska E, Pawlak D. Effect of quinolinic acid - A uremic toxin from tryptophan metabolism - On hemostatic profile in rat and mouse thrombosis models. Advanes in Medical Sciences 2019; 64 :370-380. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.advms.2019.05.003 )
- Misztal T, Rusak T, Brańska-Januszewska J, Gąsowska M, Szynaka B, Gołaszewska A, Bruczko M, Tomasiak M. Aquaporins in human platelets: intracellular localization and possible role in granule and lysosome secretion. Acta Biochimica Polonica 2018; 65: 555-566.
- Baaten CCFMJ, Swieringa F, Misztal T, Mastenbroek TG, Feijge MAH, Bock PE, Donners MMPC, Collins PW, Li R, van der Meijden PEJ, Heemskerk JWM. Platelet heterogeneity in activation-induced glycoprotein shedding: functional effects. Blood Advances 2018; 2: 2320-2331.
- Karbowska M, Kaminski TW, Znorko B, Domaniewski T, Misztal T, Rusak T, Pryczynicz A, Guzinska-Ustymowicz K, Pawlak K, Pawlak D. Indoxyl Sulfate Promotes Arterial Thrombosis in Rat Model via Increased Levels of Complex TF/VII, PAI-1, Platelet Activation as Well as Decreased Contents of SIRT1 and SIRT3. Frontiers in Physiology 2018; 9: 1623.
- Karbowska M, Kamiński T, Marcińczyk N, Misztal T, Rusak T, Smyk L, Pawlak D. The uremic toxin indoxyl sulfate accelerates thrombotic response after vascular injury in animal models. Toxins 2017, 9: 229-244.
- Rusak T, Misztal T, Rusak M, Branska-Januszewska J, Tomasiak M. Involvement of hyperglycemia in the development of platelet procoagulant response: the role of aldose reductase and platelet swelling. Blood Coagulaton & Fibrinolysis 2017, 28:443-451.
- Purwin M, Markowska A, Bruzgo I, Rusak T, Surażyński A, Jaworowska U, Midura-Nowaczek K. Peptides with 6-aminohexanoic acid: synthesis and evaluation as plasmin inhibitors. International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics 2017, 23: 235-245
- Tomasiak-Łozowska MM, Misztal R, Rusak T, Brańska-Januszewska J, Bodzenta-Łukaszyk A, Tomasiak M. Asthma is associated with reduced fibrinolytic activity, abnormal clot architecture, and decreased clot retraction rate. Allergy. 2017; 72:314-319.
- Tomasiak-Lozowska MM, Rusak T, Misztal T, Bodzenta-Lukaszyk A, Tomasiak M. Reduced clot retraction rate and altered platelet energy production in patients with asthma. Journal of Asthma. 2016; 53: 589-598.
- Rogowska A, Chabowska AM, Lipska A, Boczkowska-Radziwon B, Bujno M, Rusak T, Dziemianczuk M, Radziwon P. High-frequency (13.56-MHz) and ultrahigh-frequency (915-MHz) radio identification systems do not affect platelet activation and functions. Transfusion. 2016; 56:1148-1152.
- Misztal T, Rusak T, Brańska-Januszewska J, Ostrowska H, Tomasiak M. Peroxynitrite may affect fibrinolysis via the reduction of platelet-related fibrinolysis resistance and alteration of clot structure. Free Radical Biology & Medicine. 2015; 89: 533-547.
- Misztal T, Rusak T, Tomasiak M. Clinically relevant HOCl concentrations reduce clot retraction rate via the inhibition of energy production in platelet mitochondria. Free Radical Research 2014; 48: 1443-1453.
- Kalinowska M, Bielawska A, Lewandowska-Siwkiewicz H, Priebe W, Lewandowski W. Apples: Content of phenolic compounds vs. variety, part of apple and cultivation model, extraction of phenolic compounds, biological properties. Plant Physiology and Biochememistry 2014; 84C: 169-188.
- Rusak T, Piszcz J, Misztal T, Brańska-Januszewska J, Tomasiak M. Platelet-related fibrinolysis resistance in patients suffering from PV. Impact of clot retraction and isovolemic erythrocytapheresis. Thrombosis Research 2014; 134: 192-198.
- Misztal T, Rusak T, Tomasiak M. Peroxynitrite may affect clot retraction in human blood through the inhibition of platelet mitochondrial energy production.Thrombosis Research 2014; 133: 402-411.
- Rusak T, Misztal T, Piszcz J, Tomasiak M. Nitric oxide scavenging by cell-free hemoglobin may be a primary factor determining hypertension in polycythemic patients. Free Radical Research 2014; 48: 230-238.
- Misztal T, Przesław K, Rusak T, Tomasiak M. Peroxynitrite - altered platelet mitochondria-A new link between inflammation and hemostasis. Thrombosis Research 2013; 13: e17-25
- Ciborowski M, Teul J, Martin-Ventura JL, Egido J, Barbas C. Metabolomics with LC-QTOF-MS permits the prediction of disease stage in aortic abdominal aneurysm based on plasma metabolic fingerprint. PLoS ONE 2012; 7: e31982
- Rusak T, Ciborowski M, Uchimiak-Owieczko A, Piszcz J, Radziwon P, Tomasiak M. Evaluation of hemostatic balance in blood from patients with polycythemia vera by means of thromboelastography: The effect of isovolemic erythrocytapheresis. Platelets 2012; 23: 455-462.
- Ciborowski M, Lipska A, Godzien J, Ferrarini A, Korsak J, Radziwon P, Tomasiak M, Barbas C. Combination of LC-MS-and GC-MS-based metabolomics to study the effect of ozonated autohemotherapy on human blood. Journal of Proteome Research 2012; 11: 6231 - 41
- Tomasiak-Łozowska MM, Ziętkowski Z, Przesław K, Tomasiak M, Skiepko R, Bodzenta-Łukaszyk A. Inflammatory markers and acid-base equilibrium in exhaled breath condensate of stable and unstable asthma patients. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 2012; 159: 121-129
- Misztal T, Tomasiak M. Laktadheryna - małe białko o wielkich możliwościach. Postępy Biologii Komórki 2011; 38: 143-158
- Ciborowski M, Martin-Ventura JL, Meilhac O, Michel JB, Ruperez JF, Tunon J, Egido J, Barbas C. Metabolites secreted by human atherothrombotic aneurysms revealed through a metabolomic approach. Journal of Proteome Research 2011; 10: 1374-1382
- Misztal T, Tomasiak M. Patofizjologiczne konsekwencje hemolizy. Rola wolnej hemoglobiny. Postępy Higieny i Medycyny Doświadczalnej 2011; 65: 627-639
- Godzien J, Ciborowski M, Angulo S, Ruperez FJ, Martinez MP, Senorans FJ, Cifuents A, Ibanez E, Barbas C. Metabolomic approach with LC-QTOF to study of effect of a nutraceutical treatment on urine of diabetic rats. Journal of Proteome Research 2011; 10: 837-844
- Skiepko R, Ziętkowski Z, Tomasiak-Łozowska MM, Tomasiak M, Bodzenta-Łukaszyk A. Bronchial hyperresponsiveness and airway inflammation in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis. Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 2011; 21: 532-539
- Ciborowski M, Ruperez JF, Martinez-Alcazar MP, Angulo S, Radziwon P, Olszański R, Kłoczko J, Barbas C. Metabolomic approach with LC-MS reveals significant effect of pressure on diver's plasma. Journal of Proteome Research 2010; 9: 4131-4137.
- Tomasiak MM, Bodzenta-Łukaszyk A, Tomasiak M, Skiepko R, Ziętkowski Z. Rola interleukin 13 i 5 w astmie. Postępy Higieny i Medycyny Doświadczalnej 2010; 64: 146-155
- Ciborowski M, Tomasiak M. The in vitro effect of eptifibatide, a glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonist, on various responses of porcine blood platelets. Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica - Drug Research 2009; 66: 235-242.
- Ciborowski M, Tomasiak M, Rusak T, Winnicka K, Dobrzycki S. The in-vitro effect of tirofiban, glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonist, on various responses of porcine blood platelets. Blood Coagulation & Fibrinolysis 2008; 19: 557-567.
- Tomasiak M, Stelmach H, Rusak T, Ciborowski M, Radziwon P. Vasopressin acts on platelets to generate procoagulant activity. Blood Coagulation & Fibrinolysis, 2008; 19: 615-624.
- Tomasiak MM, Tomasiak M, Ziętkowski Z, Skiepko R, Bodzenta-Łukaszyk A. N-acetyl-beta -hexosaminidase activity in asthma. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 2008; 146: 133-137.
- Tomasiak M, Rusak T, Gacko M, Stelmach H. Cyclosporine enhances platelet procoagulant activity. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 2007; 22: 1750-1756.
- Rusak T, Tomasiak M, Ciborowski M. Peroxynitrite can affect platelet responses by inhibiting energy production. Acta Biochimica Polonica 2006; 53: 769-776.
- Winnicka K, Stelmach H, Rusak T, Tomasiak M, The in vitro effect of proscillaridin on platelet responses. Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica Drug Research 2005; 62: 319-325
- Winnicka K, Tomasiak M, Bielawska a. Piracetam - an old drug with novel properties? Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica Drug Research 2005; 62: 405-409
- Tomasiak M, Ciborowski M, Stelmach H. The role of Na+/H+ exchanger in serotonin secretion from porcine blood platelets. Acta Biochimica Polonica 2005; 52: 811-822.
- Tomasiak MM, Stelmach H, Bodzenta-Łukaszyk A, Tomasiak M. Involvement of NA+/H+ exchanger in desmopressin-induced platelet procoagulant response. Acta Biochimica Polonica 2004; 51: 773-788
- Tomasiak M, Stelmach H, Rusak T, Wysocka J. Nitric oxide and platelet energy metabolism. Acta Biochimica Polonica 2004; 51: 789-803
- Bruzgo I, Tomasiak M, Stelmach H, Midura-Nowaczek K. The effect of some epsilon-aminocaproic acid derivatives on platelet responses. Acta Biochimica Polonica 2004; 51: 73-80