Direct Grants to Member States authorities (Joint Actions - wspólne działania) – Ministerstwo Zdrowia otrzymuje zaproszenie do udziału, na które można odpowiedzieć we wskazanym czasie wskazując nominowany przez Ministra Zdrowia podmiot. Przedstawiciele wszystkich zgłoszonych państw ustalają dokładny zakres prac i podział zadań, propozycja musi uzyskać akceptację KE.
Prezentacje z UE4Health info day:
- Administrative aspects of Joint Actions
- EU4Health Programme Info Day - Joint Actions
- Financial Management Grants
- EU4H-2021-JA-06: Direct grants to Member States’ authorities: availability of medicines, shortages and security of supply
- EU4H-2021-JA-07: Direct grants to Member States’ authorities: Union and national surveillance systems
- EU4H-2021-JA-08: Direct grants to Member States’ authorities: implementation of best practices and research results on prevention of non-communicable diseases and risk factors
- EU4H-2021-JA-09: Direct grants to Member States’ authorities: transfer of best practices in primary care
- EU4H-2021-JA-10: Direct grants to Member States’ authorities: health workforce to meet health challenges – forecasting and planning for workforce in the healthcare sector
- EU4H-2021-JA-11: Direct grants to Member States’ authorities: to promote quality of medicines and to increase cooperation between the Member States and between the Union and third countries through trainings, joint audits, reassessments and inspections on good manufacturing and good distribution practices (GDP). Implementation of international mutual recognition agreements on pharmaceutical good manufacturing practices (GMP) with the United States, Switzerland, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Canada, Israel, the UK, and cooperation with third countries such as China and India
- EU4H-2021-JA-12: Direct grants to Member States’ authorities: safety assessment cooperation and facilitated conduct of clinical trials
Streszczenie programu pracy na 2021 rok