Medical University of Bialystok. Regulations.
  • Updated 03.10.2024 by Klinika Otolaryngologii Dziecięcej





    1. These rules and regulations are in agreement with the Statute of the Medical University of Bialystok
    2. Classes/labs take place according to the schedule as set forth by the Dean’s Office in agreement with the curriculum approved by the faculty Council of the Medical University of Bialystok
    3. Prior to commencement of labs, personal belongings should be left in the student locker rooms/cloak rooms. The student is responsible for his personal belongings.
    4. Students should be prepared theoretically for each lab (including first day of course), which will allow for active participation.
    5. Appropriate shoe-ware and possession of a clean medical (doctor’s) coat are required during all classes. The student's clothing and behavior should reflect respect for the child (patient), his/her parents/caregivers, and the medical staff.
    6. The student is obliged to follow the health and safety regulations, fire regulations, and sanitary-epidemiological regulations. Health and safety regulations are posted on the Departments’ websites. Students are obligate to familiarize themselves with the above regulations prior to commencement of classes at a Department.
    7. The student should immediately inform responsible teacher of any accident that happened during the classes.
    8. Attendance of all lectures, seminars and labs is mandatory. In case of justified or excused absence (medical certificate, dean's leave), there is possibility to do seminars and labs with other group.
    9. Requirements for passing grade are: attendance to all lectures, seminars and labs.
    10. Final exam will be carried out using the multi-choice questions format. The exact date of exam will be set with students representative and announced on the Departments board.
    11. Course materials:
    • Obligatory:
    1. Probst R, Grevers G, Iro H. Basic Otorhinolaryngology: a step-by-step learning guide; Georg Thieme Verlag, New York, 2006.
    • Additional:
    1. Becker W, Naumann HH, Pfaltz CR. Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases,1994 Georg
      Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York, Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., New York.
    2. Bailey B. Head and Neck Surgery – Otolaryngology. Second Edition, Lippincott –Raven, Philadelphia, New York, 1998.
    3. Cummings ChW, Friedrickson JM. Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. Second Edition, Mosby Year Book, 1993.
    4. Nadol JB, Schuknecht HF, Jr. Surgery of the ear and temporal bone. Raven Press, Ltd., 1185, New York, 10030.