Medical University of Bialystok. Syllbuses and Course content.
  • Updated 02.10.2024 by Studium Języków Obcych BAK

    Syllbuses and Course content


    Medicalcal Polish: Syllabus




    Medical Polish: lesson content

    Faculty of Medicine

    1st year, semester I and II 2024/25




    language skills


    number of classes


    1. Information about yourself.

    Family and the place we come from – towns and countries.

    Greetings and saying goodbye. Asking and answering questions about e. g. age, occupation Recognizing official and unofficial forms. Presenting the family and the place we come from. Expressing likes and dislikes. Interests. Describing people, places and objects.

    verb to be, instrumental case, verbs conjugation, nouns and adjectives - gender,

    pronouns, question words;



    2. At the doctor's surgery.

    Asking and answering question at the doctor's surgery.

    Recognizing body parts in Polish. Speaking about ailments.

    verb to have and accusative



    3. Accommodation.

    Speaking, asking and answering questions about accommodation and facilities.

    verb to have/must, time expressions



    4. Eating out.


    Understanding the menu and recognizing Polish dishes. Ordering dishes and paying bills.

    verb to be able to/can, instrumental case



    5. Shopping.

    Asking and answering questions in a shop. Understanding the names of food items and products. Prices.

    adverbs of frequency, verbs conjugation



    6. Telling the time.

    Asking and answering questions about the time in different places and situations e.g. cinema, train.

    verbs expressing movement, conjugation



    Taxi, railway station, airport

    Asking and answering questions in a Taxi, railway station and an airport. Speaking about the months.

    past form of verbs to be



    I year credits

    1st year tests

    1. written test lesson 1-2

    2. written test lesson 1-4

    3. oral test - dialog lesson 3 and 5

    4. oral test – lesson 6 (dialog and vocabulary)

    5. final written test – lessons 1-11


    Handbook: POLSKI raz dwa trzy, dla studentów anglojęzycznych, część 1, wprowadzenie do języka medycznego. Barbara Gorbacz i Ewa Szczepaniak