Medical University of Bialystok. Syllabuses and course content.
  • Updated 01.10.2024 by Studium Języków Obcych ASK

    Syllabuses and course content

    Medical Polish: lesson content

    Faculty of Medicine

    2nd year, semester I and II



    language skills and grammar

    number of classes

    1. Taking history: personal information.

    Developing speaking skills. Asking and answering questions.


    1. Body parts, organs and systems. Taking history: pain and disorders.

    Body parts and organs – singular and plural. Verb 'boleć' singular and plural form. Verb 'mieć' - 1st person singular + adjective + noun (body part or organ). Nominative and accusative case – singular and plural. Developing speaking skills: dialogues.


    1. Revision.



    1. Specialists, specialties, and hospital words. Hospitals. Referral to specialists. Specialist medical centers.

    Verbs 'chcieć, musieć'. Developing speaking skills: asking and answering questions. Word formation. Reading practice: finding information in Internet, information plates.. Understanding abbreviations.


    1. At the doctor's surgery. Medical examination.

    Developing speaking skills: doctor's instructions.


    1. At the pharmacy. Forms of drugs and dressings. Types of drugs.

    Developing speaking skills: giving advice. Reading practice. Asking and answering questions.


    1. Revision.



    1. Specialist examinations, laboratory tests.

    Developing reading, speaking and writing skills.


    1. Case history. Chief complaints. History of present illness.

    Developing speaking skills: the case history questions and answers, role-plays and dialogs. Adverbs. Time expressions. Past forms of verbs “być, mieć, boleć and chorować'.



    1. The family history. Past complaints. Style of life.

    Developing speaking skills: dialogs. Time expressions: present and past. Past forms of verbs ‘hurt, have and suffer from’. Giving advice. Prohibition.


    1. Revision.



    1. Consolidation practice. Dialogue practice: patient -doctor communication.

    Preparing for the exam.



    Handbook: O medycynie po polsku. Ewa Szczepaniak and Barbara Gorbacz-Gancarz



    a. written tests:

    1. lesson 1-7

    2. 8 - 13 

    3. 14 - 17 

    b. dialog presentation:

    1. lesson 1

    2. lesson 9 

    3. lesson 11

    4. lesson 14 

    c. final written test - lesson 1 - 17 


    Handbook: O medycynie po polsku. Ewa Szczepaniak and Barbara Gorbacz-Gancarz





    for the education cycle starting in the academic year 2023/24 and 2024/25


    Name of course/module

    Medical Polish

    Name of unit(s) in which the course is implemented

    Department of Foreign Languages

    E-mail of the unit


    Faculty of Medicine with the Division of Dentistry and Division of Medical Education in English



    Mode of study

    Long-cycle studies.

    Form of study


    Language of the course

    Polish and English

    Course type


    Year/ semester


    I and II year



    1, 2,3 and 4


    Introductory courses and essential requirements


    pre-course – Polish as a foreign language


    Implementation of learning outcomes in the scope of knowledge, skills and competences from the previous year ( getting credit after the 1st year) on the II year.

    Number of hours of teaching divided into forms of teaching

    Practical classes 100 hours

    Course assumptions and objectives

    The aim of the Polish language course is to prepare students to understand and use basic everyday life expressions, including those from medical environment, to find relevant information in short written text forms, and to be able to communicate with patients as part of the history taking procedure (basic skills).

    Teaching methods


    - short interactive lecture/presentation by the teacher

    - role-play

    - warming-up and brainstorming exercises

    - grammar, lexical, translation and consolidation exercises

    - working with audiovisual material

    - preparing and presenting your own multimedia presentation

    - information and communication technologies (e-learning)

    Student consultations once a week, 45 minutes, according to the consultation schedule at the Department of Foreign Languages MUB

    Name and surname of the tutor

    Didactic staff employed at the Department of Foreign Languages of MUB


    Name and surname of the person responsible for teaching

    mgr Barbara Gorbacz-Gancarz



    and number of the learning outcome

    in accordance with the educational standard and other subject learning outcomes

    Description of major-related learning outcomes

    Type of training

    Method of verification of assumed learning outcomes






    is able to communicate with the patient in Polsih at the A1 level of the European System of Description for Language Training

    Practical classes



    Summarizing methods:

    - oral examination

    - project/presentation

    Formative methods

    - observation of student work

    - assessment of activity during classes

    - questions/answers during classes

    - partial assessment

    Social competences


    perceives and recognises own limitations and makes self-assessments of deficits and learning needs

    takes part in group and individual projects and tasks

    Summarizing methods:

    - continuous assessment by the teacher


    Formative methods

    - observation of student work

    - questions/answers during classes

    - opinions of colleagues


    uses objective sources of information







    ECTS credits

    2.5 + 3

    Student workload

    Form of activity

    Number of hours to complete the activity

    Activities requiring participation of the tutor:

    1. Course completion: lectures (according to the study plan)


    1. Course completion: practical classes (according to the study plan)


    1. Course completion: seminars (according to the study plan)


    1. Course completion: optional classes


    1. Participation in consultations



    hours total: 110

    Independent student work:

    1. Self-preparation for theoretical and practical classes (making a project, documentation, case description, etc.)


    1. Self-preparation for assessments/tests


    1. Self-preparation for the final examination/assessment



    total hours: 40





    Learning content of the course

    Learning outcomes

    (symbol and number)





    D.U18 - can communicate with a patient in Polish

    at the A1 level of the Common European

    Framework of Reference for Languages





    I YEAR:

    1. Information about yourself. Family and the place we come from – towns and countries. Greetings and saying goodbye. Asking and answering questions about e. g. age, occupation Recognizing official and unofficial forms. Presenting the family and the place we come from. Expressing likes and dislikes. Interests. Describing people, places and objects; verb to be, instrumental case, verbs conjugation, nouns and adjectives - gender, pronouns, question words; (22 h)

    2. At the doctor's surgery. Asking and answering question at the doctor's surgery. Recognizing body parts in Polish. Speaking about ailments; verb to have and accusative; (8h)

    3. Accommodation. Asking and answering questions about accommodation and facilities; verb to have/must, time expressions; (4h)

    4. Eating out. Understanding the menu and ordering dishes. Paying bills; verb to able to/can, instrumental case; (4h)

    5. Shopping. Asking and answering questions. Understanding the names of food items and products. Prices; adverbs of frequency, verbs conjugation; (4h)

    6.Telling the time. Asking and answering questions about the time in different places and situations, e.g. cinema, train; verbs expressing movement, conjugation; (4h)

    7.Taxi, railway station, airport. Asking and answering questions in a Taxi, railway station and an airport. Speaking about the months; past form of verbs to be; (4h)

    II YEAR:

    1. Taking history: personal information. Developing speaking skills. Asking and answering questions.

    2. Body parts, organs and systems. Taking history: pain and disorders. Body parts and organs – singular and plural. Verb 'boleć' singular and plural form. Verb 'mieć' - 1st person singular + adjective + noun (body part or organ). Nominative and accusative case – singular and plural.

    3. Specialists, specialties, and hospital words. Hospitals. Referral to specialists. Specialist medical centers. Verbs 'chcieć, musieć'. Finding information in Internet, information plates.. Understanding abbreviations.

    4. At the doctor's surgery. Medical examination. Doctor's instructions.

    5. At the pharmacy. Forms and types of drugs and dressings. Giving advice.

    6. Specialist examinations, laboratory tests. Developing reading, speaking and writing skills.

    7. Case history. Chief complaints. History of present illness. The case history questions and answers, role-plays and dialogs. Adverbs. Time expressions. Past forms of verbs “być, mieć, boleć and chorować'.

    8. The family history. Past complaints. Style of life. Time expressions: present and past. Past forms of verbs ‘hurt, have and suffer from’. Giving advice. Prohibition.





    Obligatory literature:

    1. POLSKI RAZ DWA TRZY dla studentów anglojęzycznych, wprowadzenie do języka medycznego

    by E. Szczepaniak, B. Gorbacz

    2. O medycynie po polsku by E. Szczepaniak, B. Gorbacz


    Supplementary literature:

    1. Język Polski w Medycynie, A Guide to Polish in Medical Practice by  Magdalena Ławnicka
    2. Co panu dolega? by Maria Chłopicka



    Criteria for the assessment of the achieved learning outcomes and the form and conditions of obtaining credit for the course:

    Assessment – based on partial grades from the whole year (tests, oral answers, projects) and attendance; oral exam after the second year; the final grade is a component (50% average grade from 4 semesters of the course + 50% grade from the exam)



    dr Agnieszka Dudzik

    mgr Barbara Gorbacz-Gancarz