Medical University of Bialystok. About the project.
  • Updated 18.09.2024 by Administrator UMB

    About the project

    The primary goal of the project is to foster international scientific activity of the Faculty. This goal is pursued through the introduction and organization of an interdisciplinary international PhD program at the Faculty. The program gets ahead of the needs and expectations of the job market. The course of study ends with awarding a PhD degree in the field of medical sciences or pharmaceutical sciences, to 12 PhD students participating in this project.

    The project is co-financed by the European Union with the European Social Fund under the Knowledge Education Development Operational Programme 2014-2020, Priority axis: III. Higher education for economy and development, Measure 3.2. Doctoral studies.

    Project implementation period: from 01/03/2018 to 28/02/2023.

    Project value: PLN 1,605,580.32 PLN

    PROJECT ACTIVITIES and actual benefits for PhD students:

    Intensive introductory English language course:

    In October 2018, an intensive English language course will be held. The course will last 3 weeks and will offer new students an opportunity to learn technical English for the specific purposes of biomedical and pharmaceutical studies.

    International summer schools with the participation of scientists from all over Europe:

    • ”Soft skills and success in science” (Supraśl, 2019)
    • ”Biotechnology in medicine and pharmacy” (Kowno, 2020)
    • ”Scientific discourse, modern research technologies and success in science” (Białystok, 2021)

    Research grants:

    PhD students will be offered an opportunity apply for a research grant. Grants will be awarded based on evaluation of presented research projects and scientific accomplishments. Grants will be offered for a period of 12-24 months, depending on the duration of the presented research project. Specific grant values will depend on the assessment of the subject-matter of the particular project and the particular PhD student's scientific accomplishments. The maximum value of a grant is PLN 64,800 PLN for 24 months.

    With their grants, the awarded PhD students will have the following opportunities:

    • To commence work on their scientific paper and to develop the research findings necessary for a scientific project submission to the National Science Centre.
    • To pay for participation in domestic or international scientific conferences.
    • To pay for training at other scientific centers in Poland.
    • To pay for scientific training abroad.

    Benefits awarded to the best PhD students:

    To support PhD students’ development as scientists, the University will award a benefit for the top 3 students after the 2nd and 3rd year of study, in the following amounts:

    • PLN 9,000
    • PLN 6,000
    • PLN 3,000

    PhD dissertation’ process support:

    The following authorities will take part in the process of practical research and writing a dissertation, so as to put the PhD students’ accomplishments and their dissertations in a truly international prospective:

    • Foreign supervisors of the dissertations'.
    • Foreign reviewers to evaluate the dissertations.