Medical University of Bialystok. News.
  • Updated 12.07.2024 by Zakład Farmakologii



    The retake of final Pharmacology exam (test)  will take place on Thursday, 29th of August at 1000 at ECF 1.

    Białystok, 2024-07-12

    Retake of quiz no 4will take place 11th  of June at 13.00

    in Department of Pharmacology.

    Białystok, 2024-06-03

    The final Pharmacology exam (test)  will take place on Thursday, 20th of June at 1010 at ECF 1.

    Białystok, 2024-05-29




    Retake of quiz no 3 will take place 24th of May at 1200

    in Department of Pharmacology

    Białystok, 2024-05-20


    Quiz no. 4  will be held on May 29,2024 at 13.00 in ECF no. 1 lecture room.




    Quiz no. 3  will be held on 17th of April, 2024 at 12.00 in Collegium Universum Hall.

    Białystok, 2024-04-11


    Retake of quiz no 2 will take place 13th of March at 1130

    in Department of Pharmacology

    Białystok, 2024-03-8



    Retake of quiz no 2 will take place 1et of March at 1130

    in Department of Pharmacology

    Białystok, 2024-02-7


    Quiz no. 2  will be held on 1st of February, 2024 at 12.50 in European Pharmacy Centre (ECF).

    Białystok, 2024-01-18


    Retake of quiz no 1 will take place 18nd of December at 11.00

    in Department of Pharmacology





    Quiz no. 1 will be held on November 16,2023 at 13.00 in Hall Coll. Universum .




    3rd year: Winter semester 2023/2024


    Lecture: Thursday at 1250 – 1420 online 5.10.2023


    Classes: Starts on 2-4.10.2023

     Monday Gr  1  16.00 – 18.25

    Tuesday Gr  2  16.00 – 18.25

    Wednesday Gr 3 16.00 - 18.25


    All classes will be in Department of Pharmacology

    Teaching coordinator: PhD Edyta Gołąbiewskae-mail:

    Tel. 85 7485570
