Medical University of Bialystok. Regulations.
  • Updated 27.09.2024 by Zakład Immunologii Klinicznej



    1. The Immunology course consists of lectures (20 hours), seminars (10 hours) and practice sessions(15 hours).

    2. The year students’ representative shall be in charge of any communication with the Department of Clinical Immunology.

    3. Presence at all the classes (lectures, practice) in Immunology.

    4. Students must be prepared for class and be active during the Immunology course (Terms & Conditions of Studies at the Medical University of Bialystok

    5. Absence from class/test/retake/exam should be excused immediately in writing, within 3 working days from the last day of the period of absence. A sick note from a physician, certifying the student’s inability to attend, or a note from the Dean is required as an excuse. Required documents cannot be delivered as photocopy, by fax, in digital format, or printed on a prescription form

    6. Students are required to get a credit for subjects covered in class during their absence from the course teacher. The procedure (in writing) takes place during the teacher’s duty hours.

    7. All student issues shall be dealt with during the teachers’ duty hours (details will be communicated at the beginning of the Immunology course).

    10. Students shall attend classes with their respective groups (a list of groups will be published before the commencement of the course).

    11. Students may occasionally be allowed to attend again with another group, provided that they obtain official consent at least 1 day before the scheduled class.

    12. 2 mid-term  test, retakes and the final will be scheduled and communicated at the beginning of the course.

    13. Cell phones, smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, laptops, or any other electronic devices shall be switched off during Immunology classes/lectures/tests/exams. Using such devices, eating, video recording or taking photos is not allowed

    14. Students who need to redo the Immunology course shall contact the course coordinator (or the Department of Clinical Immunology) in order to schedule their attendance (not later than during the first week of class)



    1. To qualify for mid-term test(s), students have to attend all classes. Any missed class must be redone before the scheduled mid-term date

    2. A sick note from a physician, certifying the student’s inability to attend, or a note from the Dean is required as an excuse of an absence from class or test, to be submitted at least 1 day before the test date.

    3. A student with unexcused absences will not receive a course pass and will not be admitted to take a mid-term (to get credit)

    4. If a student’s absence at a first mid-term date is excused, the student’s score at the second date will not be affected. However, there is only one retake option available at the end of the semester.

    5. Unexcused absence will be treated as a fail at a mid-term/retake (0 pts)

    6. A mid-term test will consist of 30 multiple choice or free text  questions, covering the knowledge taught at specific lectures, classes, and from the recommended course books.

    7. Min. 60% (18 test points) is a pass.

    8. Not more than 2 mid-term retakes are possible. The first retake of any  test (required from students who score  below 18 pts) will be held within 2 weeks after the first term. The ultimate second retakes of all mid-term will be held at the end of semester at the same time.

    10. The final test (the same for all students who did not pass either or any of the mid-terms) covers the scope of the two mid-terms

    11. No extension of time for obtaining mid-term credits is available. Test retakes will be held only at the dates and times announced at the beginning of the semester.

    12. Unexcused absence from mid-terms/retakes gives a 0 (zero) score and should be excused within 3 working days. A sick note from a physician, certifying the student’s inability to attend, or a note from the Dean will be a valid excuse.

    13. A student who fails at least one mid-term, retake or final retake will not get credit for the Immunology course.

    14. All mid-terms or retakes must be passed (min. score 60%/18 points) as a prerequisite of taking the final exam.

    15. Cheaters score 0 and the Dean’s Office will be informed.

    16. Mid-term/retake/final results will be e-mailed to the students’ representative within 1 week



    1. The exam will consist of 50 multiple choice or free text questions, covering the knowledge obtained through specific Immunology course activities and recommended books.

    2. Minimum 62% (min. 31 points) is a pass

    3. Cheaters or those using any unacceptable aids at an exam will score 0 points and the Dean’s Office will be informed.

    5. Absence from an exam should be excused not later than 3 working days after the test. A sick note from a physician, certifying the student’s inability to attend, or a note from the Dean is required as an excuse.

    6. In certain justified cases, such excuse can be presented within 14 days after the last day of the  absence period.

    7. Unexcused absence will be treated as a fail at the exam (0 pts).

    8. Exam retakes will be scheduled up to 30th April 2022.



    1.Exam grades:

    1. Very good           5.0 (47-50 points)
    2. Good plus           4.5 (43-46 points)
    3. Good                   4.0 (39-42 points)
    4. Fairly good         3.5 (35-38 points)
    5. Satisfactory        3.0 (31-34 points)
    6. Fail                     2.0 (30 points or less)