Medical University of Bialystok. Health Insurance.
  • Updated 20.04.2021 by Administrator UMB

    Health Insurance

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    Health insurance:

    Residents of EU Member States will most likely have their government sponsored health insurance. If you have a valid blue European Health Insurance Card as pictured below, you do not need any additional insurance. Just make sure you have your card with you when you see a doctor or hospital here in Poland.


    EU Insurance Card


    If you are the citizen of a non-Member State  or you do not have the insurance mentioned above, you may sign up for health insurance from NFZ (Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia = National Health Fund), the Polish government health insurance agency.



    To sign up, you have to come to the NFZ office at:

    ul. Pałacowa 3
    15-042 Białystok
    Phone no. 85 745 95 00

    Open: Monday- Friday;

    Hours: 8:00 AM to - 4:00 PM

    Students of Polish descent are entitled to government health insurance (NFZ) paid by the Medical University of Bialystok. To apply, you need the following:
    1. A document issued by the Polish Consulate in your country to authorize your Polish descent.
    2. Insurance application form.
    3. Copy of your passport.
    If you have dual citizenship, you will only need an insurance application form and a copy of your Polish passport or ID (dowód osobisty)
    All documents have to be submitted to the Department of Student Affairs.
    insurance application form.doc