Medical University of Bialystok. Schedule .
  • Updated 15.11.2024 by Zakład Anatomii Prawidłowej Człowieka




    Osteology   01.10.2024 - 05.11.2024




    1. Introduction to anatomical terminology
      1. Anatomical planes and terms of relationship
      2. Introduction to osteology
      3. General structure, classification and growth of bones
      4. Vertebral column
        1. General structure and function of vertebrae
        2. Regional  features of vertebral column: cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx
        3. Structure of atypical vertebrae: C1- atlas, C2- axis, C7- vertebra prominens, T12
        4. Boundaries and contents of vertebral canal and intervertebral foramina
    2.  Skeleton of thorax
      1. ribs, sternum, thoracic vertebrae
      2. atypical ribs- 1st, 2nd, 11th, and 12th ribs


    1. Introduction to general arthrology
      1. Types of junctions between bones
      2. Classification of the fibrous, cartilaginous and osseous junctions
    2. Joints of vertebral column
      1. Joints between vertebral bodies
        1. Structure and function of intervertebral discs
        2. Longitudinal ligaments
      2. Joints between vertebral arches
        1. Ligamenta flava
      3. Joints between vertebral processes
        1. Fibrous ligaments
        2. Zygapophysial joints
    3. Craniovertebral joints
      1. Atlantoaxial and atlantooccipital joints
    4. Joints of thorax
      1. Costovertebral Joints
        1. Joints of  heads of ribs
        2. Costotransverse joints
      2. Joints of sternum
        1. Sternocostal joints
        2. Manubriosternal joint (sternal angle and its significance as a palpable structure in counting of ribs and intercostal spaces)
        3. Xiphisternal joint
    5. Movements of vertebral column and thoracic wall
      1. Movements of trunk during locomotion and other activities
      2. Respiratory movements of thorax
    6. Curvatures of the vertebral column
    7. Radiological visualization of vertebral column and thorax in X-ray, CT, and NMR examinations



    1. General structure and parts of the upper limb, terminology related to hand digits
    2. Skeleton of shoulder (pectoral) girdle
      1. Clavicle
      2. Scapula
    3. Skeleton of the free part of upper limb
      1. Bone of arm- humerus
      2. Bones of forearm- ulna and radius
      3. Bones of hand- wrist
        1. Proximal row (scaphoid, lunate triquetrum, pisiform)
        2. Distal row (trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate)
      4. Bones of hand- metacarpals
      5. Bones of hand- digits (phalanges: proximal, middle, distal, sesamoid bones)


    1. Synovial joints
      1. General structure (constant and additional elements)
      2. Types (plane, pivot, hinge, condyloid, saddle, ball-and-socket joints)
      3. Movements possible in the particular types of synovial joints
    2. Joints of the upper limb
      1. Joints of the shoulder (pectoral) girdle
        1. Sternoclavicular and acromioclavicular joints
    3. Joints of the free part of upper limb
      1. Glenohumeral (shoulder) joint
      2. Elbow joint
      3. Proximal and distal radioulnar joints
      4. Interosseous membrane of forearm
      5. Wrist joint and intercarpal joints
      6. Carpometacarpal and  intermetacarpal joints
        1. Carpometacarpal joint of thumb
      7. Metacarpophalangeal joints of thumb and digits II- V
      8. Interphalangeal joints of thumb and digits II- V
    4. Radiological visualization of bones and joints of upper limb in X-ray, CT, and NMR examinations


    1. General structure and parts of the lower limb, terminology related to foot digits
    2. Skeleton of pelvic girdle
      1. Hip bone and its parts- ilium, ischium, pubis
    3. Skeleton of the free part of lower limb
      1. Bone of thigh- femur
      2. Patella
      3. Bones of leg- tibia and fibula
      4. Bones of foot- tarsus
        1. talus
        2. calcaneus
        3. navicular, cuboid, cuneiforms
      5. Bones of foot- metatarsals
      6. Bones of foot- digits (phalanges: proximal, middle, distal, sesamoid bones)


    1. Joints of the lower limb.
      1. Joints of pelvic girdle
        1. Synovial joints- sacroiliac joints
        2. Cartilaginous joints- Pubic Symphysis
        3. Fibrous joints- ligaments of pelvis
        4. Joints within the vertebral column- lumbosacral and sacrococcygeal joints
      2. Dependence of structure of hip bone and sacrum on human age
      3. Pelvis as a whole structure
        1. Planes and diameters of pelvis and their significance in obstetrics
      4. Joints of the free part of lower limb
        1. Hip joint
        2. Knee joint
        3. Joints of leg- tibiofibular joints, interosseous membrane of leg
        4. Ankle joint
        5. Foot joints: subtalar, talocalcaneonavicular and calcaneocuboid joint
        6. Tarsometatarsal joints
        7. Metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints
      5. Radiological visualization of bones and joints of lower limb in X-ray, CT, and NMR examinations


    1. Division of the bones of skull
    2. Bones of the neurocranium- frontal, parietal, occipital, sphenoid, temporal and ethmoid bones
    3. Cranial fossae- anterior, middle and posterior
      1. Structure
      2. Connections
    4. Cranial nerves
      1. Names and numerical symbols
      2. Foramina related to the courses of cranial nerves through cranial base.
    5. Junctions between the bones of skull
      1. Fibrous junctions
        1. Sutures (coronal, sagittal, lambdoid, squamous sutures)
        2. Fontanelles
      2. Cranial synchondroses and synostoses


    1. Bones of splanchnocranium (viscerocranium)- mandible, maxilla, palatine bone, zygomatic bone, vomer, inferior nasal concha, lacrimal bone, nasal bone
    2. Structure of walls and connections
      1. Orbit
      2. Nasal Cavity
      3. Oral Cavity
      4. Temporal, infratemporal, pterygopalatine fossae
    3. Synovial joint of skull- temporomandibular Joint
      1. Structure
      2. Movements
    4. Radiological visualization of bones and joints of skull in X-ray, CT, and NMR examinations




    Central Nervous System CNS


    Central Nervous System CNS   08.11.2024 - 06.12.2024




    1. Divisions of the nervous system and brain
      1. Central and peripheral nervous system
      2. Somatic and autonomic nervous system
      3. CNS division according to the embryonic development: telencephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon (midbrain), pons, medulla oblongata (myelencephalon), cerebellum.
      4. Clinical division of the CNS into cerebrum (cerebral hemispheres, diencephalon), brainstem (midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata) and cerebellum
    2. Telencephalon- part I
      1. General structure and main parts: cerebral hemispheres, basal ganglia, lateral ventricles
      2. Cerebral cortex (frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, insular lobes- their gyri and sulci)
      3. Functional areas of the cerebral cortex
      4. General information about cerebral dominance
      5. Olfactory system (olfactory pathway and olfactory cortex)
    3. Limbic system (limbic lobe and general information about its other structures and role of the limbic system.


    1. Telencephalon- part II
      1. Structure and localization of the subcortical nuclei of the telencephalon (basal ganglia)
        1. Caudate nucleus, lentiform nucleus (putamen and globus pallidus), claustrum, amygdaloid nuclear complex
        2. Basal ganglia as parts of the striatal (extrapyramidal) motor system and general information about the role of the extrapyramidal motor system
      2. White matter of the brain hemisphere
        1. Associative pathways of the brain hemisphere (arcuate fasciculus, fornix)
        2. Cerebral commissures (corpus callosum, anterior commissure, commissure of the fornix)
        3. Internal capsule (detailed structure, localization and role)
      3. Lateral ventricle (localization, parts, connection and role in production of the cerebrospinal fluid)



    1. Thalamus
      1. Localization and boundaries
      2. Internal structure of the thalamus (thalamic nuclei- their connections and role)
        1. Anterior nucleus
        2. Dorsal nuclei (pulvinar)
        3. Ventral nuclei
        4. Intralaminar nuclei
        5. Lateral and medial geniculate bodies (metathalamus)
    2. Epithalamus
      1. Localization and role of the pineal body, habenular trigone, medullary stria of the thalamus and posterior commissure
    3. Hypothalamus
      1. Localization, external morphology and structures of the hypothalamus
        1. Optic chiasm, tuber cinereum, infundibulum and hypophysis, mamillary bodies
      2. Hypothalamic regions, nuclei and their role
        1. Lateral hypothalamic nucleus, preoptic nucleus, supraoptic region (anterior,  paraventricular, supraoptic nuclei), tuberal region (ventromedial, arcuate nuclei), mamillary region (mamillary, posterior nuclei)
      3. Role of the hypothalamus in the maintenance of homeostasis
    4. Subthalamus
      1. Localization and role of the subthalamic nucleus (part of the extrapyramidal motor system)
    5. Third ventricle
      1. Localization, connections and role in production of the cerebrospinal fluid
    6. Radiological visualization of cerebral hemispheres in CT, and NMR examinations


    Brainstem- part I

    1. Mesencephalon (midbrain)
      1. External morphology and structures of the midbrain
        1. Cerebral aqueduct, tectum, cerebral peduncle (tegmentum and basis pedunculi)
      2. Localization and role of the internal structures of the midbrain
        1. Nuclei of the superior and inferior colliculi
        2. Substantia nigra
        3. Periaqueductal gray matter
        4. Nuclei of the cranial nerves (oculomotor, trochlear, trigeminal)
        5. Red nucleus as a part of the reticular system
      3. White matter of the midbrain
        1. Descending motor pathways in the basis pedunculi (corticospinal, corticobulbar, corticopontine)
        2. Descending motor extrapyramidal pathways in tegmentum (rubrospinal)
        3. Ascending sensory pathways in tegmentum (medial, lateral and spinal  lemnisci)
        4. Associative pathways of the midbrain (medial and dorsal longitudinal fasciculi)
    2. Pons
      1. External morphology and structures of the pons
      2. Cerebellopontine angle and its clinical significance
      3. Localization and role of the internal structures of the pons
        1. Pontine nuclei
        2. Nuclei of the cranial nerves (trigeminal, abducent, facial, vestibulocochlear)
        3. Locus ceruleus
      4. White matter of the pons
        1. Descending motor pathways in the basis pedunculi (corticospinal, corticobulbar, corticopontine)
        2. Descending motor extrapyramidal pathways in tegmentum (rubrospinal)
        3. Ascending sensory pathways in tegmentum (medial, lateral and spinal  lemnisci)
        4. Associative pathways of the midbrain (medial and dorsal longitudinal fasciculi)             


    Brainstem- part II

    1. Medulla oblongata (myelencephalon)
      1. External morphology and structures of the medulla oblongata
        1. Ventral surface (pyramid, olive, cranial nerves)
        2. Dorsal surface (gracile and cuneate tubercles and fasciculi; rhomboid fossa)
      2. Localization and role of the internal structures of the medulla oblongata
        1. Descending motor pathways (pyramids and pyramidal decussation)
        2. Descending motor extrapyramidal pathways and relay nuclei (olivary nucleus, olivospinal and olivocerebellar pathways)
        3. Ascending sensory pathways and relay nuclei (nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus, medial lemniscus and decussation of the medial  lemniscus), spinal lemniscus
        4. Nuclei of the cranial nerves (trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory, hypoglossal)
      3. Role of the medulla oblongata
    2. General information about the reticular system
      1. Autonomic centers responsible for respiration, circulation and gastrointestinal motility
      2. Role of the ascending and descending reticular system of the brainstem
    3. Fourth ventricle
      1. Localization and walls, rhomboid fossa, connections and role in production and circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid)
    4. Main division of the cerebellum
      1. Vermis, hemispheres (significance of the cerebellar tonsil), cerebellar peduncles
      2. Lobes of the cerebellum: flocculonodular, anterior and posterior
    5. Internal structures of the cerebellum
      1. Medullary core and nuclei (fastigial, emboliform, globose and dentate)
      2. Afferent and efferent cerebellar pathways
    6. Role of the cerebellum and its clinical division into zones
      1. Vermal zone connected with maintenance of posture and balance
      2. Paravermal zone connected with maintenance of muscle tone
      3. Lateral zone of hemisphere connected with coordination of motor activity
    7. Radiological visualization of brainstem and cerebellum in CT, and NMR examinations


    Spinal cord

    1. Localization and external morphology of the spinal cord
      1. Shape, enlargements, conus medullaris and its localization in the vertebral canal, filum terminale
      2. Superficial structures and sulci of the spinal cord
    2. General structure of the spinal nerves
      1. Names, roots (ventral, dorsal), dorsal root ganglion, cauda equina
    3. Internal structure of the spinal cord
      1. Gray matter
        1. Horns of the spinal cord (ventral, dorsal, lateral), sacral parasympathetic nucleus and their functional significance
      2. White matter
        1. Funiculi of the spinal cord (ventral, dorsal, lateral)
    4. Tracts of the spinal cord (course, place of deccussation, functional character)
      1. Ascending spinal tracts: lateral spinothalamic tract, ventral spinothalamic tract, dorsal column- medial lemniscus pathway, spinocerebellar tracts
      2. Descending spinal tracts : corticospinal (pyramidal) tracts, extrapyramidal motor tracts
      3. Upper and lower motor neurons
        1. Main differences between injury of the upper and lower neurons
    5. Radiological visualization of spinal cord in CT, and NMR examinations
    1. Autonomic nervous system (ANS)
    2. Parts of ANS (sympathetic, parasympathetic, enteric)
    3. General course of the autonomic fibers (preganglionic and postganglionic neurons)
    4. Centers of ANS
      1. Limbic system
      2. Hypothalamus
      3. Autonomic centers of the brainstem
      4. Autonomic centers of the spinal cord
    5. Course of the sympathetic preganglionic fibers, sympathetic ganglia, general course of the sympathetic postganglionic fibers
    6. Course of the parasympathetic preganglionic fibers, parasympathetic ganglia, general course of the parasympathetic postganglionic fibers
    7. Meninges of the brain and spinal cord
      1. Dura mater
        1. Falx cerebri, tentorium cerebelli, diaphragma sellae
        2. Dural venous sinuses
      2. Spinal epidural space and potential cranial epidural space
      3. Subdural space
      4. Arachnoid
        1. Arachnoid granulations
      5. Subarachnoid space and its most important cisterns (cerebellomedullary and spinal)
      6. Pia mater
    8. Blood supply of the meninges (meningeal arteries)


    1. Arterial blood supply of the brain
      1. Arteries of the brain (origin, general course, branches)
        1. Internal carotid artery
        2. Vertebral artery
      2. Arterial circle of Willis
      3. Areas of supply of the particular brain arteries and their branches
    2. Veins of the brain : superficial and deep cerebral veins
    3. Arterial blood supply of the spinal cord
      1. Vertebral artery and its branches (anterior and posterior spinal arteries)
      2. Segmental arteries (significance of artery of Adamkiewicz)
      3. Areas of supply of the particular spinal cord arteries (segmental vulnerability)
    4. Main veins of the spinal cord
    5. Radiological visualization of meninges and vascular system of brain and spinal cord in CT, NMR and angiographic examinations





    Head and Neck


    Head and Neck 10.12.2024 - 24.01.2025 




    1. Muscles of the facial expression
      1. Attachments, main action, innervation
    2. Facial nerve
      1. Corticonuclear tract and nuclei
      2. Course and branches (greater petrosal nerve, stapedial nerve, chorda tympani, motor branches)
      3. Innervation range
      4. Main types of the lesions
    3. Muscles of the mastication
      1. Attachments, main action, innervation
    4. Trigeminal nerve
      1. Trigeminal ganglion, division and general course of main branches
    5. Mandibular nerve (third branch of the trigeminal nerve)
      1. Nuclei
      2. Course and branches (especially its motor branches)
    6. External carotid artery
      1. Origin, course, main branches, place of termination and terminal branches
    7. Facial artery
      1. Origin, course, main branches, place of termination
    8. Superficial temporal artery
      1. Origin, course, main branches, place of termination
    9. Maxillary artery (without the pterygopalatine part)
      1. Origin, course, main branches, place of termination
    10. Temporal and infratemporal fossae
                       a.Boundaries, connections, contents
    1. External nose
    2. Nasal cavity
      1. Boundaries, vestibule, meatuses, olphactory and respiratory regions of the nasal cavity mucous membrane
    3. Paranasal sinuses
      1. Topography, places of drainage in the nasal cavity, significance
    4. Innervation of the nasal cavity
      1. Ophthalmic and maxillary nerves
        1. Course, branches, innervation range (especially participation in the innervation of the nasal cavity)
    5. Parasympathetic ganglia of the head
      1. Ciliary and pterygopalatine ganglia (localization, roots, branches)
      2. Facial nerve (greater petrosal nerve)
    6. Vasculature of the nasal cavity
      1. Ophthalmic artery
        1. Origin, course, branches (especially participation in the vasculature of the nasal cavity)
      2. Maxillary artery (the pterygopalatine part)
        1. Branches (especially participating in the vasculature of the nasal cavity)
      3. Kiesellbach’s area
    7. Pterygopalatine fossa
      1. Boundaries, connections and contents

            8.Radiological visualization of nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses in X- ray and NMR examinations


    Eye - organ of vision 

    1. Eyeball
      1. Wall of eyeball
        1. Fibrous (external) layer: sclera, cornea
        2. Vascular (middle) layer: choroid, ciliary body, iris
        3. Nervous (inner) layer: retina [parts of the retina: optic part, ciliary part, iridial part]
        4. Fundus of the eye: optic disc, macula lutea
      2. Anterior and posterior chambers of eyeball: their boundaries and contents
      3. Circulation of the aqueous humor
      4. Autonomic eyeball innervation
        1. Origin of parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers
        2. Ciliary ganglion: its topography, roots, branches, range of innervation
        3. Ciliospinal center
      5. Somatic eyeball innervation
        1. Long ciliary nerves (from CN V1)
      6. Refractive media of the eye:
        1. Cornea
        2. Aqueous humor
        3. Lens
        4. Vitreous body
      7. The pathway of the visual light rays
      8. Lens accommodation
      9. Visual pathway- whole course (including cerebral section), nuclei connected to the visual pathway, primary visual cortex
      10. Pupillary light reflex (direct and consensual)
    2. Accessory organs of eye
      1. Orbit
        1. Skeleton of walls
        2. Connections and contents of optic canal, superior and inferior orbital fissures, fossa for lacrimal gland, fossa for lacrimal sac, nasolacrimal canal
      2. External muscles of eyeball -  attachments, action and innervation
        1. superior rectus- CN III
        2. inferior rectus- CN III
        3. lateral rectus- CN VI
        4. medial rectus- CN III
        5. superior oblique- CN IV
        6. inferior oblique- CN III
      3. Lacrimal apparatus
        1. Structure and pathway of tears outflow
        2. secretory innervation of the lacrimal gland (greater petrosal nerve, pterygopalatine ganglion, lacrimal nerve – from CN V1),
      4. Conjunctiva
        1. Palpebral conjunctiva
        2. Bulbar conjunctiva
        3. superior and inferior fornix of conjunctiva
      5. Structure of eyelids
        1. skin, eyelashes and their glands
        2. Tarsus and tarsal glands
        3. Levator palpebrae superioris, palpebral part of orbicularis oculi and tarsal muscle (action and innervation)
        4. Palpebral conjunctiva
        5. Innervation of particular parts of eyelids.
    3. Vascularization of eyeball, lacrimal gland, and eyelids
      1. Ophthalmic artery- origin, course, branches
      2. Vorticosae veins
      3. Superior and inferior ophthalmic veins- their course and connections with cavernous sinus and pterygoid plexus

          4. Radiological visualization of eyeball and its accessory apparatus in X- ray, CT and NMR examinations




    Oral cavity

    1. Vestibule of the oral cavity
      1. Boundaries
      2. Structure of the lip and cheek
    2. Proper oral cavity
      1. Boundaries
      2. Oral cavity floor
      3. Oral cavity roof
        1. Hard palate
        2. Soft palate, fauces
      4. Palatine tonsils
        1. Localization, innervation, vasculature
      5. Tongue
        1. Parts
        2. Surfaces
        3. Mucous membrane (lingual papillae, lingual tonsil)
        4. Muscles, innervation (motor, sensory, gustatory)
    3. Innervation of the oral cavity
      1. Glossopharyngeal nerve
        1. Nuclei, course, branches, range of the innervation (participation in the innervation of the tongue)
      2. Hypoglossal nerve
        1. Corticonuclear tract and nucleus, course, participation in the innervation of the tongue
      3. Maxillary nerve (palatine nerves)
      4. Mandibular nerve (lingual nerve, buccal nerve)
      5. Facial nerve (chorda tympani)
    4. Vasculature of the oral cavity
      1. Lingual artery

                                     i. Origin, course, main branches, range of the vasculature

    1. Teeth
      1. General structure of the tooth
      2. Types and amount of the deciduous (milk) and permanent teeth
      3. Connection of the tooth to the tooth socket. Structure and role of the gingivae
      4. Innervation (including typical places of the anaesthesia) and vasculature of the teeth
        1. Maxillary nerve (superior alveolar nerves)
        2. Mandibular nerve (inferior alveolar nerve)
    2. Salivary glands: parotid, submandibular, sublingual glands
    3. Localization, ducts and their orifices, secretory innervation, vasculature
    4. Otic and submandibular ganglia
      1. Localization, roots and branches
        1. Facial nerve (chorda tympani)
        2. Glossopharyngeal nerve (tympanic and lesser petrosal nerves)
    5. Maxillary artery (alveolar arteries)

           6. Radiological visualization of oral cavity, teeth, salivary glands and other head structures in X- ray, sialographic and NMR examinations 

    1. Pharynx
      1. Localization and topography
      2. Parts (nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx) walls, openings
      3. Layers of the pharyngeal wall
        1. Structure of the mucous membrane in the particular parts
        2. Pharyngobasilar fascia
        3. Muscles of the pharynx (constrictors and elevators)
      4. Retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal spaces
      5. Innervation of the pharynx (pharyngeal plexus)
      6. Vasculature of the pharynx (ascending pharyngeal artery, palatine arteries)
    2. Esophagus
      1. General information about esophagus
      2. Cervical part of the esophagus (topography, innervation and vasculature)
    3. Vagus nerve
      1. Nuclei, course, branches of the cranial and cervical parts (pharyngeal branches, superior laryngeal nerve, recurrent laryngeal nerve, cardiac branches)
    4. Cervical part of the sympathetic trunk
      1. Localization and topography of the ganglia, origin of the preganglionic fibers, branches of the particular ganglia (gray communicating rami, vascular rami, splanchnic nerves)

            5. Radiological visualization of pharynx in CT and NMR examinations


    Ear (Vestibulocochlear Organ)- Organ of Hearing and Equilibrium

      1. External ear
        1. Auricle- general structure, innervation, blood supply, lymphatic drainage
        2. External acoustic meatus- general structure, course and its significance for otoscopic examination, ceruminous and sebaceous glands, innervation, blood supply, lymphatic drainage
      2. Tympanic membrane- structure, details visible during otoscopic examination, role in transfer of sound
      3. Middle ear
        1. Tympanic cavity
          1. Walls of the tympanic cavity and clinical significance of middle ear topography for spreading the inflammatory processes
          2. Compartments of the tympanic cavity
          3. Auditory ossicles- malleus, incus and stapes- structure, connections and role in transfer of sound
          4. Muscles of the middle ear- stapedius and tensor tympani- location, innervation and modulating role in transfer of sound
          5. Chorda tympani
          6. Innervation and blood supply of the tympanic cavity
        2. Mastoid antrum and cells- location and clinical significance of their topography for spreading the inflammatory processes
        3. Pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube- structure, role in function of the middle ear
      4. Internal ear
        1. Bony labyrinth- structure of the cochlea, vestibule and semicircular canals
        2. Membranous labyrinth
          1. Utricle and saccule containing maculae with receptors of equilibrium
          2. Semicircular ducts containing ampullary crests with receptors of equilibrium
          3. Cochlear duct- containing spiral organ with receptors of hearing
        3. Internal acoustic meatus and its contents- vestibulocochlear nerve, facial nerve and labyrinthine artery- its role in blood supply of the internal ear
      5. Auditory pathway- whole course (including cerebral section), nuclei connected to the auditory pathway, primary auditory cortex
      6. Main structures of the brain connected to the vestibular system- vestibular nuclei, medial longitudinal fasciculus, vestibulospinal tract, cerebellum
      7. Radiological visualization of ear in X- ray, CT and NMR examinations




      1. Muscles of the neck- localization, attachments, actions and innervation)
        1. Superficial muscles of the neck
        2. Suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles
        3. Prevertebral muscles
      2. Triangles of the neck (boundaries and contents)
      3. Fascia of the neck
        1. Superficial fascia of the neck
        2. Deep fascia of the neck and its layers (pretracheal and prevertebral)
        3. Spaces between the layers of the neck fascia (their contents and connections to the mediastinum)
      4. Cranial nerves participating in the innervation of the neck muscles
        1. Accessory nerve
          1. Nuclei, course, range of the innervation
        2. Mandibular nerve (mylohyoid nerve)
        3. Facial nerve (Digastric and marginal mandibular branches)
      5. Cervical plexus
        1. Roots and localization
        2. Sensory nerves
        3. Ansa cervicalis (its roots, localization, branches and range of the innervation)
        4. Phrenic nerve (course and range of the innervation)
      6. Occipital and posterior auricular arteries

                          a. Origin, course, main branches range of the vasculature

      1. Larynx
        1. Localization and topography
        2. Skeleton (cartilages, ligaments and joints)
        3. Laryngeal cavity (vestibule, middle compartment with ventricle of the larynx, infraglottic cavity)
        4. Inlet of the larynx, glottis, rima glottidis
        5. Muscles of the larynx (localization, functional groups, innervation)
        6. Innervation and vasculature of the larynx
      2. Trachea
        1. General information about trachea
        2. Cervical part of the trachea (topography, innervation and vasculature)
      3. Vagus nerve (laryngeal nerves)
      4. Superior and inferior thyroid arteries
        1. Origin, course, main branches, range of the vasculature
             5. Laryngoscopic and radiological visualization of larynx.


      1. Thyroid gland
        1. Structure and function
        2. Localization and topography
        3. Vasculature
      2. Parathyroid glands
        1. Structure and function
        2. Localization and topography
        3. Vasculature
      3. Venous drainage of the head and neck (main veins- their origins, courses and orifices)
        1. Facial, retromandibular, external jugular, anterior jugular, internal jugular, vertebral, deep cervical veins and pterygoid plexus
      4. Lymphatic drainage of the head and neck
        1. General information about lymphatic system
        2. Main lymphatic vessels (thoracic duct, right lymphatic duct, jugular trunk)
        3. Main groups of the lymphatic nodes located in the regions of head and neck
          1. Localization, region of drainage, availability of the palpable examination
      5. Skin innervation of the head and neck

             6. Radiological visualization of neck in CT, NMR and angiographic examinations








      Thorax 28.01.2025 - 14.02.2025




      1. Orientation lines, points and palpable structures of thoracic wall: their names, location on the external surface of thorax.
      2. Topographic regions of the external thoracic wall
      3. Muscles of thorax: attachments, function (emphasis on respiratory action with division into main and accessory muscles of inspiration and expiration), blood vessels, innervation
        1. Pectoralis major
        2. Pectoralis minor
        3. Serratus anterior
        4. Subclavius
        5. Intercostales externi and interni
        6. Transversus thoracis
        7. Diaphragm: structure, apertures (and their content), function, innervation and vascular supply.
      4. Vasculature and nerves of the thoracic wall.
      5. Thoracic cavity: General topography of its organs and great blood vessels

             6. General division of the mediastinum.


      1. Location of heart in thorax
        1. Relation to skeleton and neighbouring structures
        2. Asymmetry of heart chambers
      2. External structure of heart
      3. Internal structure of heart
        1. Structure of heart chambers (atria and ventricles)
        2. Septum of heart
      4. Layers of heart wall
        1. Epicardium
        2. Myocardium
          1. Fibrous skeleton of heart
          2. Cardiac muscle
          3. Conducting system of heart
        3. Endocardium
      5. Valves of heart: location, structure and function
        1. Tricuspid valve
        2. Mitral (bicuspid) valve
        3. Aortic valve
        4. Pulmonary valve
      6. Projection of heart and its valves on the anterior wall of the thorax.
      7. Auscultatory areas of valves.
      8. USG of heart


      1. Pericardium
        1. Structure
          1. Fibrous pericardium
          2. Serous pericardium
        2. Pericardial cavity and its sinuses
        3. Innervation
        4. Blood supply.
      2. Aorta
        1. Parts and course
        2. Branches arising in thorax
      3. Superior vena cava and brachiocephalic veins
        1. Origin
        2. Course
        3. Topography
        4. Tributaries and places of drainage
      4. Prenatal (fetal) circulation and its remnants in adult
      5. Cervical and thoracic parts of sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic nervous system
        1. Sympathetic trunk
        2. Vagus nerve: course and branches of the thoracic part and region of their innervation
        3. Innervation of heart

              6. Radiological visualization of heart and other related structures in X- ray, CT, NMR and angiographic examinations

              7. Blood supply of heart

                         a. Coronary arteries

                         b. Cardiac veins


      1. Trachea and bronchi
        1. Structure of wall
        2. Division
        3. Difference between right and left bronchi
        4. Relation to skeleton and neighbouring structures
      2. Lungs
        1. External structure
          1. Lobes and fissures of right and left lung
          2. Hilum and root of lung
        2. Bronchial tree division and structure
        3. Pulmonary segments and lobules
        4. Vasculature of lungs.
          1. Pulmonary circulation (pulmonary arteries and veins)
          2. Bronchial arteries and veins
          3. Lymphatic drainage
        5. Nerves of bronchi and lungs.
        6. Projection of inferior margin of lungs on the external surface of the thoracic wall.
      3. Pleura
        1. Structure
          1. Visceral pleura
          2. Parietal pleura and its parts
        2. Pleural cavity and its recesses
        3. Blood supply and innervation

             4. Radiological visualization of respiratory system organs in X- ray, CT, NMR, bronchographic and angiographic examinations    


      1. Breast
        1. Topography
        2. Structure and its dependence on age
        3. Arteries and nerves
      2. Thymus
        1. Structure and its dependence on age
        2. Topography
        3. Function
        4. Blood supply
      3. Lymphatic system – general structure.
      4. Lymphatic drainage of the thoracic cavity and breast
        1. Lymphatic vessels
          1. Thoracic duct and right lymphatic duct
          2. Bronchomediastinal trunks
        2. Groups of lymph nodes of thoracic cavity
        3. Lymph nodes participating in lymphatic drainage of breast
      5. Mediastinum
        1. Contents of particular compartments

              6. Radiological visualization of mediastinum in X- ray, CT, NMR, and angiographic examinations





      Upper limb


      Upper limb 25.02.2025 - 11.03.2025




      1. Extrinsic muscles of back
        1. Superficial extrinsic muscles of the back (posterior thoracoappendicular muscles)- attachments, innervation, function (detailed information about their influence on the movements of the upper limb joints)
          1. Trapezius
          2. Latissimus dorsi
          3. Levator scapulae
          4. Rhomboids muscles: major and minor
        2. Intermediate extrinsic muscles of the back (spinocostal muscles)- attachments, innervation, function (influence on the respiratory movements)
          1. Serratus posterior muscles
      2. Intrinsic (deep) muscles of the back (general information about their attachments, innervation and function)
        1. Superficial layer of the intrinsic muscles of the back
          1. Splenius capitis
          2. Splenius cervicis
        2. Intermediate layer of the intrinsic muscles of the back- erector spinae (sacrospinalis) muscle
          1. Lateral column – iliocostalis muscle (3 parts- iliocostalis lumborum, thoracis and cervicis)
          2. Intermediate column- longissimus muscle (3 parts- longissimus thoracis, cervicis and capitis)
          3. Medial column- spinalis muscle (3 parts- spinalis thoracis, cervicis and capitis)
        3. Deep layer of the intrinsic muscles of the back (transversospinal muscles)
          1. Semispinalis muscle (3 parts- semispinalis thoracis, cervicis and capitis)
          2. Multifidus muscle
          3. Rotatores muscles
        4. Minor deep layer of the intrinsic muscles of the back
          1. Interspinales muscles
          2. Intertransversii muscles
          3. Levatores costarum muscles
      3. Suboccipital muscles (general information about their attachments, innervation and function)
        1. Rectus capitis posterior major
        2. Rectus capitis posterior minor
        3. Rectus capitis lateralis
        4. Superior oblique of the head
        5. Inferior oblique of the head
      4. Suboccipital triangle (boundaries, contents- vertebral artery, suboccipital nerve)
      5. Superficial muscles of the thorax (anterior thoracoappendicular muscles) and their influence on the movements of the upper limb joints (review)
      6. Scapulohumeral (intrinsic shoulder) muscles- attachments, innervation, function (detailed information about their influence on movements of the upper limb joints)
        1. Deltoid muscle
        2. Rotator cuff muscles
          1. Subscapularis muscle
          2. Supraspinatus muscle
          3. Infraspinatus muscle
          4. Teres minor muscle
        3. Teres major muscle
      7. Axilla
        1. Boundaries
        2. Contents
        3. Openings in the posterior wall of axilla- boundaries and contents)
      8. Brachial plexus
        1. Roots, trunks, cords (origin and localization of particular parts of the brachial plexus- supraclavicular and infraclavicular parts of the brachial plexus)
        2. Short nerves (divisions) of the brachial plexus (origin, course and range of innervation)
          1. Divisions of the supraclavicular part of the brachial plexus (nerves: dorsal scapular, long thoracic, nerve to subclavius, suprascapular)
          2. Divisions of the infraclavicular part of the brachial plexus (nerves: pectoral medial and lateral, thoracodorsal, subscapular, axillary- detailed information about its course, range of innervation and symptoms of palsy)
        3. Long nerves (divisions) of the brachial plexus (general information about their origin- place of arise from the cords of the brachial plexus)
          1. Nerves: musculocutaneous, median, ulnar, radial, medial brachial cutaneous, medial antebrachial cutaneous


      1. Muscles of arm- (topographic division- detailed information about their attachments, innervation and function)
        1. Muscles of the anterior compartment of arm
          1. Coracobrachialis
          2. Biceps brachii
          3. Brachialis
        2. Muscles of the posterior compartment of arm
        3. Triceps brachii
        4. Anconeus
      2. Brachial fascia and intermuscular septa of the arm
      3. Radial groove (canal of the radial nerve)
        1. Boundaries (heads of the triceps brachii muscle and body of humerus- radial groove)
        2. Contents- radial nerve, deep artery and veins of arm
        3. Clinical significance- palsy of the radial nerve (fractures of humerus, “Saturday night palsy”)
      4. Cubital fossa
        1. Boundaries (muscles: brachioradialis, pronator teres, brachialis, supinator, cubital fascia and bicipital aponeurosis)
        2. Contents- nerves: radial and median, brachial artery and its division into radial and ulnar arteries, accompanying veins of the arteries, cubital lymph nodes, superficial veins and nerves)
      5. Muscles influencing on movements of shoulder and elbow joints
      6. Long nerves of the upper limb (within arm and forearm)
      7. Musculocutaneous nerve (origin, course, range of innervation, symptoms of palsy)
      8. Median nerve (origin, course in the arm)
      9. Ulnar nerve (origin, course in the arm)
      10. Radial nerve
        1. Origin, course in the arm
        2. Canal of the radial nerve (radial groove of the body of humerus), „wrist- drop”
        3. General range of innervation, symptoms of palsy (like above).
      11. Innervation of the skin of arm
      12. Subclavian artery
        1. Origin and course
        2. Branches- vertebral artery, thyrocervical trunk (inferior thyroid artery, ascending cervical artery, suprascapular artery), costocervical trunk (supreme intercostal artery, deep cervical artery), internal thoracic artery
      13. Axillary artery
        1. branches of the 1st section- superior thoracic artery
        2. branches of the 2nd section- lateral thoracic artery, thoracoacromial artery
        3. branches of the 3rd section- subscapular artery, posterior and anterior circumflex humeral arteries
      14. Arterial anastomoses around scapula
      15. Brachial  artery(course, branches, range of supply, places of palpation of pulse)
      16. Radiological visualization of subclavian, axillary and brachial arteries in angiographic examinations and section of shoulder and arm in NMR examinations.


      1. Muscles of forearm- (general information about their attachments, innervation and function)
        1. Muscles of the anterior compartment
          1. Superficial layer- pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor carpi ulnaris
          2. Intermediate layer- flexor digitorum superficialis
          3. Deep layer- flexor digitorum profundus, flexor pollicis longus, pronator quadratus
        2. Muscles of the posterior compartment
          1. Superficial layer- brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor digitorum, extensor digiti minimi, extensor carpi ulnaris
          2. Deep layer- abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, extensor pollicis longus, extensor indicis, supinator
      2. Antebrachial fascia and intermuscular septa of the forearm
      3. Radial fovea („anatomical snuff box”)
        1. Boundaries (tendons of muscles: abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, extensor pollicis longus, scaphoid and trapezium bones)
        2. Contents- superficial branch of radial nerve, radial artery, deep radial veins, superficial cephalic vein)
        3. Clinical significance in fractures of carpal bones
      4. Muscles influencing on movements of the elbow and wrist joints
      5. Long nerves of the upper limb (within arm and forearm)
        1. Median nerve
        2. Course in the forearm
        3. Potential places of compression or injury
          1. Presence of Struther’s ligament and/or place of passage between the heads of pronator teres- „hand of benediction”
          2. Carpal tunnel- „ape hand”
        4. Range of innervation, symptoms of palsy (like above)
      6. Ulnar nerve
        1. Course in the forearm
        2. Potential places of compression or injury
          1. Place of passage behind the medial epicondyle of humerus- „clawhand”
          2. Place of passage through Guyon’s canal- „clawhand”
        3. Range of innervation, symptoms of palsy (like above)
      7. Radial nerve
        1. Course in the forearm
        2. Potential places of compression or injury
          1. Canal of the radial nerve (radial groove of the body of humerus)- „wrist- drop”
        3. Range of innervation, symptoms of palsy (like above).

                8.       Innervation of the skin of the forearm


      1. Carpal tunnel - boundaries, contents, clinical significance (carpal tunnel syndrom)
      2. Tendons and digital sheaths (synovial and fibrous) of extrinsic hand muscles (flexors and extensors)- clinical significance (potential pathways of spreading the inflammatory processes)
      3. Fascia of the palm and compartments of the hand
      4. Muscles of the hand- general information about attachments, innervation and function
        1. Thenar muscles- abductor pollicis brevis, flexor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis,
        2. Adductor pollicis
        3. Hypothenar muscles– palmaris brevis, abductor digiti minimi, flexor digiti minimi, opponens digiti minimi
        4. Short muscles of the hand- lumbricals, palmar interossei, dorsal interossei muscles
      5. Innervation of the hand- nerves: median, ulnar, radial
        1. Course and range of innervation within the hand
        2. Innervation of the skin of  hand
      6. General information about segmental innervation of the skin (dermatomes) of the upper limb
      7. Clinical symptoms of brachial plexus injury
        1. Injury of superior part- Erb- Duchenne palsy (waiter’s tip position of hand)
        2. Injury of inferior part- Klumpke palsy
      8. Arteries of forearm
        1. Radial and ulnar arteries: (course, branches, range of supplement, places of palpation of pulse)
      9. Arteries of hand
        1. Superficial and deep palmar arterial arches and their branches
        2. Vasculature of the dorsal part of hand
      10. Veins of upper limb
        1. Deep veins of the upper limb: deep veins of hand, radial and ulnar veins, brachial veins, axillary vein, subclavian vein
        2. Superficial veins of the upper limb: superficial veins of hand, basilic vein, cephalic vein, median antebrachial vein, veins in the region of the cubital fossa
      11. Lymphatic system of upper limb
        1. Superficial lymphatic vessels and nodes (cubital and deltopectoral lymph nodes)
        2. Deep lymphatic vessels and nodes (axillary lymph nodes)

          12. Radiological visualization of antebrachial and hand arteries and veins of upper limb in angiographic examinations and
               section of forearm and hand in NMR examinations




      Abdomen and Pelvis


      Abdomen and Pelvis  14.03.2025 - 08.04.2025




      1. Planes and regions of the abdomen cavity
      2. Division into nine regions and four quadrants
      3. Layers of the abdominal wall
      4. Muscles of the anterolateral and posterior abdominal walls
        1. Attachments
        2. Aponeuroses
        3. Innervation
        4. Actions.
      5. Rectus sheath
        1. Anterior and posterior layers
        2. Arcuate line
        3. Contents
      6. Internal surface of the anterolateral abdominal wall
        1. Folds and their contents
        2. Fossae.
      7. Inguinal canal
        1. Development
        2. Structure of walls
        3. Deep and superficial rings- boundaries and detailed location
        4. Main contents (in general) in males and females
      8. Places of weaknesses of the abdominal cavity (sites of hernias
        1. Linea alba
        2. Umbilicus
        3. Inguinal canal
        4. Femoral canal (general location)
      9. Arteries of anterolateral abdominal wall.
           10. General orientation in location of viscera of the abdominal cavity in situ after opening (cut) of abdomen in the median plane


      1. Esophagus
        1. Structure and layers of wall
        2. Course and topography
        3. Constrictions
        4. Esophagogastric junction
        5. Esophageal hiatus
        6. Blood supply
          1. Arterial vasculature
          2. Venous drainage with emphasis on portocaval junction and possibility of varices of esophagus
        7. Innervation
        8. Lymphatic drainage.
      2. Peritoneum
        1. Development
        2. Parietal and visceral layers
        3. Lesser and greater omentum
        4. Peritoneal cavity and its compartments
          1. Greater sac
          2. Lesser sac (omental bursa)- location and boundaries, omental foramen
          3. Other peritoneal recesses including pelvic peritoneal pouches in male and female
        5. Peritoneal fluid
        6. Relationship of the viscera to peritoneum (division into intraperitoneal and extraperitoneal organs)
        7. Peritoneal mesenteries and ligaments
      3. Stomach
        1. Relation to skeleton, peritoneum and other structures
        2. Structure
        3. Layers of wall
          1. Serous membrane (visceral peritoneum) and ligaments
          2. Muscular layer
          3. Mucous membrane
        4. Function
        5. Blood vessels
          1. Arteries of stomach (names of arteries, origin, course, area of supply)
          2. Venous drainage (names of veins, area of drainage, place of termination)
        6. Lymphatic drainage (names of lymph nodes, area of drainage, place of termination)
        7. Innervation.
      4. Abdominal aorta
        1. Course in abdomen
        2. Branches- celiac trunk and its branches (whole course)
          1. Left gastric artery
          2. Splenic artery
          3. Common hepatic artery
      5. Abdominal part of autonomic nervous system
        1. Celiac plexus (solar plexus)
          1. Location
          2. Sympathetic roots
          3. Parasympathetic roots
          4. Secondary plexuses
        2. Visceral reffered pain.

              6. Radiological visualization of esophagus, stomach and related structures in X- ray, CT, NMR and angiographic examinations


      1. Intestine- parts and differences between them, structure, layers of wall, topography, relation to skeleton and peritoneum, function, blood vessels, lymph nodes, innervation
        1. Small intestine
          1. Duodenum
          2. Jejunum
          3. Ileum
          4. Meckel’s diverticulum (as possible, important developmental remnant)
        2. Large intestine
          1. Cecum with (vermiform) appendix
          2. Colon
          3. Rectum
          4. Anal canal
      2. Levator ani, anal sphincters, control of defecation
      3. Rectouterine and rectovesical pouches.
      4. Lymphatic system
        1. Lymph nodes involved in drainage of intestine
        2. Intestinal trunks
        3. Chyle cistern and thoracic duct.
      5. Unpaired visceral branches of abdominal aorta supplying intestine
        1. Celiac trunk and common hepatic artery
        2. Superior mesenteric artery
        3. Inferior mesenteric artery
      6. Branches of internal iliac artery supplying rectum
        1. Middle and inferior rectal arteries

              7. Radiological visualization of intestine and related structures in X- ray, CT, NMR and angiographic examinations


      1. Liver
        1. Localization, relation to skeleton, peritoneum and other organs
        2. Structure (surfaces, lobes, segments, ligaments, porta hepatis, portal triad)
        3. Function
        4. Blood supply
          1. Common hepatic artery and proper hepatic artery
          2. Portal vein, intrahepatic vascular network
          3. Hepatic veins
        5. Lymphatic drainage and related lymph nodes
        6. Innervation
      2. Biliary system
        1. Intrahepatic portion
        2. Extrahepatic portion
          1. Common hepatic duct
          2. Gallbladder (localization, relation to skeleton, peritoneum and other organs, parts, function)
          3. Cystic duct
          4. Bile duct and its course
          5. Hepatopancreatic ampulla
      3. Inferior vena cava
        1. Origin
        2. Course
        3. Topography
        4. Tributaries and places of drainage
      4. Portal vein
        1. Origin
        2. Course (including intrahepatic venous network)
        3. Topography
        4. Tributaries and places of drainage
        5. Portocaval anastomoses
          1. Esophageal anastomosis
          2. Rectal anastomosis
          3. Paraumbilical anastomosis
          4. Retroperitoneal anastomosis
      5. Pancreas
        1. Structure (head, neck, body, tail)
        2. Relation of particular parts to skeleton, peritoneum and neighbouring structures
        3. Function
          1. Exocrine secretion (main and accessory pancreatic ducts)
          2. Endocrine secretion (pancreatic islets and their hormones)
        4. Blood supply
          1. Pancreaticoduodenal arteries
          2. Splenic artery
        5. Lymphatic drainage and related lymph nodes
        6. Innervation
      6. Spleen
        1. Localization and relation to skeleton, peritoneum and neighbouring structures
        2. Structure: surfaces, borders, ends
        3. Ligaments
        4. Blood supply
          1. Splenic artery and vein
        5. Function
            7. Radiological visualization of liver, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen in X- ray, CT, NMR, cholecystographic and angiographic examinations


      1. Kidneys (right and left)
        1. Localization, relation to skeleton, peritoneum, muscles and other organs
        2. External structure
          1. Renal hilum and its structures
        3. Macroscopic internal structure
        4. Structure of nephron
          1. Function
          2. Production of urine
        5. Endocrine function
        6. Blood supply
          1. Renal arteries and veins
        7. Lymphatic drainage and related lymph nodes
        8. Innervation
      2. Urinary tracts
        1. Renal calyces
        2. Renal pelvis
        3. Ureters
          1. Course and parts
          2. Topography
          3. Constrictions
      3. Urinary bladder
        1. Localization, relation to skeleton, peritoneum, and other organs in male and female
        2. Structure
          1. Parts, trigone of bladder
        3. Layers of wall
        4. Muscles of bladder
        5. Innervation and nervous control of urination
        6. Blood supply
          1. Superior and inferior vesical arteries
          2. Venous drainage
        7. Lymphatic drainage and related lymph nodes
      4. Suprarenal glands (left and right)
        1. Localization, relation to skeleton, peritoneum, and other organs
        2. External shape
        3. Parts of internal structure and their endocrine functions
          1. Cortex
          2. Medulla
        4. Blood supply
          1. Suprarenal arteries (superior, middle, inferior)- origins
          2. Suprarenal vein (right and left)- places of drainage
        5. Lymphatic drainage and related lymph nodes.
        6. Innervation
      5. Abdominal aorta
        1. Paired visceral branches
          1. Middle suprarenal arteries
          2. Renal arteries
          3. Testicular (ovarian) arteries
        2. Paired parietal branches
          1. Inferior phrenic arteries
          2. Lumbar arteries
             6. Radiological visualization of urinary system and related structures in X- ray, CT, NMR, and angiographic examinations


      1. Testes (right and left)
        1. Ultimate localization
        2. Descending and relation to peritoneum (tunica vaginalis)
        3. Relation to other structures
        4. External structure
        5. Layers of wall
        6. Internal structure
          1. Seminiferous tracts
        7. Function
          1. Role in spermatogenesis
          2. Production of hormones
        8. Blood supply
          1. Testicular artery
          2. Pampiniform plexus and testicular veins (left and right)
        9. Lymphatic drainage and related lymph nodes
        10. Innervation
      2. Epididymides (right and left)
        1. Localization and relation to other structures
        2. Parts (head, body, tail)
        3. Internal structure
          1. Ductuli efferentes testis (in head)
          2. Epididymal duct (in body and tail)
        4. Role in spermatogenesis
        5. Blood supply and lymphatic drainage
        6. Innervation
      3. Ductus deferentes
        1. Parts and course
        2. Layers of wall
        3. Role
      4. Spermatic cord
        1. Layers of sheath
        2. Contents
      5. Seminal vesicles
        1. Localization
        2. Role
      6. Ejaculatory ducts
        1. Localization and course
        2. Role
      7. Prostate
        1. Localization and relation to other structures
        2. Arterial and venous vascularization
        3. Lymphatic drainage and related lymph nodes
        4. Role
      8. Bulbourethral glands
        1. Localization
        2. Role
      9. Scrotum
        1. Development and ultimate layers of wall
        2. Contents
        3. Blood supply
        4. Lymphatic drainage and related lymph nodes
        5. Innervation
      10. Penis
        1. Parts
        2. Internal structure
          1. Corpora cavernosa- structure and role
          2. Corpus spongiosum- - structure and role
        3. Bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus muscles
        4. Blood supply
          1. Arteries and veins of penis
        5. Innervation
      11. Male urethra
        1. Orifices, course and  parts
        2. Curves, constrictions and enlargements
        3. Urethral sphincters
      12. Internal iliac artery and vein
        1. Course
        2. Branches
      13. Pelvic part of autonomic nervous system
        1. Superior and inferior hypogastric plexuses
          1. Location
          2. Sympathetic and parasympathetic roots (pelvic splanchnic nerves)
          3. Secondary plexuses
        2. Autonomic control of erection and ejaculation
      14. Sacral and coccygeal nerves
                          a. Pudendal nerve
      1. Ovaries (right and left)
        1. Localization, relation to peritoneum and other organs
        2. External structure
        3. Mesoovary and ligaments
        4. Internal structure
          1. Ovarian follicles
          2. Changes during ovarian cycle
        5. Function
          1. Role in oogenesis
          2. Production of hormones
        6. Blood supply
          1. Ovarian artery
          2. Ovarian branch of uterine artery
          3. Venous drainage
        7. Lymphatic drainage and related lymph nodes
        8. Innervation
      2. Uterine tubes
        1. Parts
        2. Relation to peritoneum
          1. Mesosalpinx
        3. Arterial and venous blood supply
      3. Uterus
        1. Parts
        2. Localization and position in pelvis
        3. Relation to peritoneum and other organs
        4. Ligaments
          1. Broad ligament of uterus with mesometrium and parametrium
          2. Round ligament of uterus
          3. Cardinal ligament of uterus
        5. Layers of wall
          1. Perimetrium
          2. Myometrium
          3. Endometrium (changes in menstrual cycle)
        6. Blood supply
          1. Uterine artery
          2. Venous drainage
        7. Lymphatic drainage and related lymph nodes
        8. Innervation
      4. Vagina
        1. Course and relation to other organs
        2. Walls
        3. Parts of fornix
      5. Female external genitalia
        1. Pudendal labia
        2. Clitoris
        3. Vestibule of vagina
          1. Orifice of vagina, hymen
          2. External orifice of urethra
          3. Vestibular glands
      6. Female urethra
        1. Parts and course
        2. Relation to other organs
        3. Sphincters
        4. Orifices


      1. Muscles of pelvic diaphragm (pelvic floor)- main action, innervation)
        1. Levator ani and coccygeus
      2. Ischioanal (ischiorectal) fossae
      3. Pudendal canal (vessels, nerves)
      4. Perineal body
      5. Perineum
        1. Muscles (main action, innervation)
        2. Perineal fascia (layers)
        3. Superficial and deep perineal pouch

          12. Radiological visualization of male and female genital organs and related structures in CT, NMR and other radiological examinations





      Lower limb


      Lower Limb 11.04.2025 - 25.04.2025
      1. Muscles of pelvic girdle- topographic division- detailed information about their attachments, innervation and function
        1. Iliopsoas (psoas major and ilacus)
        2. Gluteal muscles
      2. Iliotibial tract.
      3. Muscles influencing on movements of the hip joint
      4. Greater and lesser sciatic foramina
        1. Boundaries
        2. Contents
      5. Lumbar plexus
        1. Roots
        2. Localization
        3. Nerves- origin, course and range of innervation
          1. Iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves
          2. Genitofemoral nerve
          3. Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh
          4. Femoral nerve and saphenous nerve
          5. Obturator nerve
      6. Sacral plexus.
        1. Roots
        2. Localization
        3. Nerves- origin, course and range of innervation
          1. Short branches
          2. Gluteal nerves
          3. Sciatic nerve
          4. Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh
      7. Cutaneous innervation of buttock
        1. Clunial nerves
      8. Iliac arteries
        1. Common iliac artery
        2. External iliac artery and its branches
        3. Internal iliac artery
        4. Gluteal arteries
        5. Internal pudendal artery
        6. Obturator artery
      9. Obturator canal
      10. Femoral sheath
        1. Location

                         b. Contents 


      1. Muscles of thigh- topographic division- detailed information about their attachments, innervation and function
        1. Anterior compartment (quadriceps femoris and sartorius
        2. Medial compartment (adductors)
        3. Posterior compartment (hamstrings)
      2. Fascia lata
        1. Intermuscular septa
        2. Cribriform fascia.
      3. Femoral canal
        1. Femoral ring
        2. Boundaries and contents
        3. Saphenous opening
      4. Nerves innervating thigh muscles
        1. Femoral nerve
        2. Obturator nerve
        3. Sciatic nerve.
      5. Cutaneous innervation of buttock
        1. Clunial nerves
      6. Cutaneous innervation of thigh.
      7. Femoral triangle
        1. Boundaries and contents.
      8. Adductor canal
        1. Boundaries and contents
      9. Popliteal fossa
        1. Boundaries and contents
      10. Tarsal tunnel (space behind the medial malleolus)
        1. Contents
      11. Femoral artery
        1. Origin
        2. Course
        3. Place of taking pulse
        4. Branches
      12. Popliteal artery
        1. Origin
        2. Course
        3. Place of taking pulse
        4. Branches
      13. Muscles of leg topographic division- detailed information about their attachments, innervation and function
        1. Anterior compartment (tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, extensor hallucis longus and fibularis tertius)
        2. Lateral compartment (fibularis longus, fibularis brevis)
        3. Posterior compartment (gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris, tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus)
      14. Crural fascia.
      15. Muscles influencing on movements of the hip, knee, ankle and subtalar joints
      16. Tarsal tunnel - boundaries, contents, clinical significance (taking pulse of posterior tibial artery)


           1. Tendons and digital sheaths (synovial and fibrous) of extrinsic foot (leg) muscles (flexors and extensors)

           2. Retinacula of crural fascia

           3. Fibular nerves- origin, course, potential places of injury, range of innervation

      1. Common fibular nerve
      2. Superficial fibular nerve
      3. Deep fibular nerve
      4. Tibial nerve- origin, course, range of innervation
        4. Arteries of leg- origin, course, branches, range of blood supply, taking pulse
        1. Anterior tibial artery
        2. Posterior tibial artery.


      1. Muscles of foot- topographic division- general information about their attachments, innervation and function
        1. Muscles of foot dorsum
        2. Muscles of foot sole
      2. Nerves of foot
      3. Cutaneous innervation of leg and foot
      4. Arteries of foot- origin, course, branches, range of blood supply, taking pulse
        1. Arteries of foot dorsum
          1. Arcuate artery
          2. Dorsalis pedis artery
        2. Arteries of foot sole
          1. Plantar arteries and plantar arch
      5. Veins of lower limb
        1. Deep veins of the lower limb: deep veins of foot, tibial veins, popliteal vein, femoral vein, iliac veins
        2. Superficial veins of the lower limb: superficial veins of foot, great saphenous vein, small saphenous vein
        3. Perforating veins
      6. Lymphatic system of lower limb
        1. Superficial lymphatic vessels and nodes (superficial inguinal lymph nodes)
        2. Deep lymphatic vessels and nodes (popliteal, deep inguinal, iliac lymph nodes)

            13. Radiological visualization of iliac, and femoral arteries in angiographic examinations and section of thigh and leg in NMR examinations;

      Radiological visualization of leg and foot arteries, veins and lymphatics of lower limb in angiographic examinations and section of leg and foot in NMR examinations
