Medical University of Bialystok. Regulations.
  • Updated 30.09.2024 by Zakład Anatomii Prawidłowej Człowieka


    Internal Regulations
    of the Department of Human Anatomy
    for Students of the English Division of Medical Faculty 2024/2025


    1. The Internal Regulations of the Department of Human Anatomy are consistent with The Rules of Full- Time Courses of Study of the Medical University of Bialystok
    2. Student has right to obtain any possible help and information available in the Human Anatomy Department serving for study anatomy and expanding the knowledge of human anatomy
    3. Didactic classes are realized consistently with the study schedule confirmed by the Dean of the Medical Faculty which can be updated due to the current epidemic situation. Basing on the obligatory textbooks and atlases (indicating in the syllabus) student should be theoretically prepared to the current classes. The detailed plan of the lectures and practical classes is announced in the notice-board and in the Internet site at least 7 days before beginning of the particular part.
    4. The Human Anatomy Course is carried out in the didactic rooms of the Department of Human Anatomy (covered by visual monitoring) and in the lecture hall indicated by the Dean Office or with usage of the Distance Learning Methods and Techniques. During the classes in the Department of Human Anatomy student is obliged to change shoes and wear a doctor coat (we do not provide them!). Student without a coat and/or changed shoes is not allowed to participate in the classes. Bags, coats, jackets, etc. should be left in the cloak- room. In the didactic rooms student is allowed to be only in the presence of an assistant. During the classes it is forbidden to leave the didactic rooms without permission of an assistant. It is forbidden to lead into the didactic classes any persons who are not the students. During the classes mobile phones and any kinds of electronic equipment must be absolutely switched off unless the assistant gives the permission for using them as an electronic version of the anatomy textbook/atlas or for taking notes or they are necessary as tools for Distance Learning and Testing of Knowledge. It is prohibited to eat and drink in the didactic rooms and smoke (including e- cigarettes) in the didactic rooms and corridors. Student is obliged to take care of didactic equipment and tissue specimens derived from cadavers. It is absolutely forbidden to carry out or destroy the specimens and anatomical models or their parts. During the lectures and classes taking photographs (especially cadavers, specimens) is forbidden. Breaking this rule, especially publishing such photographs in any social media in Internet, is treated as a violation of the code of ethics of the future profession and a student will be a subject to responsibility with the Regulations of the Full-Time Study. Additionally, student caught in taking photographs is obliged to delete the photos in the presence of assistant.
      Any electronic equipments can be active during tests, credits, and exams only if they are necessary as tools for Distance Learning and Testing of Knowledge. If the tests, credits or exams are not based on the distance techniques electronic equipment must be absolutely switched off and inactive during such tests, credits, and exams.
    5. Student is obliged to participate in all classes and lectures. Division into the didactic groups (their number and number of students) is consistent with the directive of the Dean of Medical Faculty. Exceptionally, student can participate in the classes with other group but cannot change the group without the permission and any important reason. Absence in the classes should be justified immediately after disappearing of the absence reason (in the 1st classes after return to regular classes). It is demanded in the case of health reason a medical certificate of temporary disability and in other cases a certificate of proper authorities. Unexcused absence during the classes excludes receiving a completing of the credit and in its case there is no additional terms any catching up. Student cannot complete the credit in a normal term in the case of justified absence during more than 50% of the classes. Student (including also students repeating the Anatomy Course) must take the credit finishing the particular part of the Human Anatomy Course in the day of the given Credit indicated in the plan of the whole Course. There is no possibility to take the credit in any other term. Only in the case of student who needs points to reach the level of 77 points from all credits in the case of his/her justified absence during the credit caused by health problems or any other important reason it is possible to complete only 1 credit in the extra term organized after finishing of the whole Anatomy Course. There is no possibility of taking the Lower Limb credit in any extra term by any students.
    6. The Human Anatomy Course is divided into 7 parts: osteology, central nervous system, head and neck (including eye and ear), thorax, abdomen, upper limb and lower limb. Each part of the Human Anatomy Course is finished with a test called the credit. Completing of the particular credit is divided into practical and theoretical parts (written or done with usage of electronic techniques). The results are assessed according to the pointed scale. The maximum number of points from all credits amounts to 210. The practical part of credit (osteology, CNS, H&N, Thorax, Abdomen, Upper Limb, Lower Limb) is based on recognition of 10 anatomical structures (pins). The theoretical part of credit consists of set of test questions. The maximum score of the theoretical part of credit is 20 points (credits: osteology, CNS Thorax, Abdomen) 17 points (credits: Upper Limb, Lower Limb) and  26 points (credit H&N + eye + ear:). Student who receives 189.0 (90%) or more points has right to the early term (zero term) of the Final Exam (but absence in the credit excludes this possibility). Gaining 74.0 (35%) to 210.0 points gives opportunity to taking the Final Exam in the term appointed by the Dean. Gaining 73.9999 or less points makes impossible to take the Final Exam and complete the Anatomy Course. For students who cannot take the Final Exam because of the result of 73.9999 or less points any additional credit (pre-exam test) is not organized.
    7. Students with the highest total results of the points from credits may have the possibility of participation in the Golden Scapula Anatomy Competition (if it is organized) as representatives of the Medical University of Białystok
    8. The Final Exam is scheduled to the summer examination session and consists of the practical and theoretical parts (written). In order to pass the exam student must pass two parts with at least satisfactory grades. Ultimately, the term and form of the Final Exam depends on the current epidemic situation and general rules established by the authorities of the State and University. Retakes of the exam take place in the term appointed by the Head of the Department and have the same form as the Final Exam (but student takes only this part of the exam which failed during the previous attempts). Student failing the exam has right to the insight into own exam papers after announcing of their results in the term appointed in the special announcement. After this term insight into exam papers is impossible. It is absolutely forbidden to copy or take photographs of the credit and exam papers, make any additional notes in the credit and exam papers during the insights. The credit and exam papers are stored in the archive of the Department in the period of 1 year (credits) and 3 years (exam) and next they are damaged. Originals and/or copies of credit and exam papers are not delivered to students. Results of the exam are announced in the Website of the Anatomy Department in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation
    9. Excused absence during the exam gives right to take the exam in the next term. Excuse of absence submitting 7 days after the date of student’s absence will be not taken into account. As an excuse of absence during the exam is demanded in the case of health reason a medical certificate of temporary disability and in other cases a certificate of proper authorities confirmed by the Dean. Unexcused absence during the exam excludes possibility of Retake.
    10. Student is obliged to obey the work safety and fire- control regulations. Before beginning of the classes student is acquainted with them and must confirm it with own signature. Student must immediately inform an assistant about all accidents taking place in the Department during the classes. Student is obliged to respect all employees of the Human Anatomy Department and maintain a peaceful coexistence between students. Student is obliged to take care of whole equipment of the Human Anatomy Department. In the case of its damage due to non-compliance with the work safety and fire-control regulations a student will be ordered to pay the costs of devastation. Student is responsible to take care of his/her personal belongings. In the case of their damage, loss or theft Department of Human Anatomy does not take any responsibility for it.
    11. The Internal Regulations of the Human Anatomy Department may be modified because of the pandemic conditions. Any information will be published in the Website of the Human Anatomy Department
    12. In the case of any doubts connected with the course of classes. Lectures or exams a student has right and is obliged to contact to the Coordinator of the Human Anatomy Course or to the Head of the Department of Human Anatomy of MUB.