Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku. Concise Internal Regulations for Students.
  • Ostatnia zmiana 16.11.2023 przez Zakład Higieny, Epidemiologii i Zaburzeń Metabolicznych

    Concise Internal Regulations for Students


    1. Classes & lectures are held according to the schedule and the study program approved by the UMB Senate.

    2. The students are obliged to participate in all classes, seminars & lectures.

    3. Unexcused absences are not allowed. Unexcused absence results in disqualification from the final assessment/examination.

    4. In the case of justified absence (sick leave, dean's leave etc.), a certificate confirming the justified absence must be delivered to the Department's office within 7 days from the end of the leave period. Documents delivered after this date will not be honored and the absence will be treated as unexcused. Excused absences may be accounted for on subsequent classes.

    5. During classes/seminars, knowledge of the topics not only of current classes, but also of issues discussed earlier and related to the current topic is required. Preparation for exercises/seminars is assessed by active participation in classes (oral and/or written form).

    6. An unsatisfactory grade can be improved in subsequent classes. The possibility of retaking does not apply to credits and final exams.

    7. The condition for obtaining a final pass in the subject (written form) is to obtain at least 60% of the maximum number of points possible to obtain. 8. The final exam grade depends on the number of points obtained:

    · 60% of the maximum number of points possible to obtain - satisfactory grade

    · 70% of the maximum number of possible points - quite good

    · 80% of the maximum number of points possible to obtain - good

    · 90% of the maximum number of points possible to obtain - above good

    · 95% of the maximum number of possible points - very good

    9. There are no exemptions from final tests and exams.

    10. During exams, tests and other forms of knowledge testing, hereinafter referred to as exams, students are prohibited from using unauthorized forms of assistance. Prohibited forms of assistance include, among others:

    · bringing mobile phones, other electronic devices, any accessories for such devices, textbooks, notes, etc. to exams,

    · using mobile phones or other electronic devices, any accessories for such devices, textbooks, notes, etc., during exams,

    · using the help of other people, unless the use of such help is required by applicable regulations or exam rules.

    11. If a student is found to have or use an unauthorized form of assistance, the student's examination is interrupted and the Rector is notified of the above in order to initiate disciplinary proceedings and, in justified cases, also notify law enforcement authorities of the suspicion of committing a crime.

    12. Interrupting the exam results in an unsatisfactory grade without the possibility of any subsequent form of improvement.

    13. Detailed provisions on prohibited assistance are included in the Study Regulations and the Rector's Order.

    14. The results of the final tests will be available at the Department no later than 3 business days from the date of the test. Students are informed about the results of their written work and the final grade directly from the teaching assistant.

    15. Exam papers and assessments are available for viewing by students at the Department no later than 7 days from the date of the test in the presence of the teaching assistant.

    16. The assistant conducting classes with a given group of students is responsible for the organizational matters described in points 14 and 15.

    17. Changing of footwear is required on the premises of the Department.

    18. In matters not regulated by these Regulations, the provisions of the Regulations for Uniform Master's Studies of the Medical University of Bialystok shall apply.