Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku. Syllabus .
  • Ostatnia zmiana 13.11.2023 przez Samodzielna Pracownia Historii Medycyny i Farmacji



    for the education cycle starting in the academic year 2023/2024

    Course / module name

    History of medicine

    Names of units teaching the course

    Independent Department of the History of Medicine and Pharmacy

    Unit’s e-mail



    Medicine with the Division of Dentistry and Division of Medical Education in English

    Name of the field of study


    Level of education

    Long-cycle studies for master’s degree

    Form of study

    Full-time x                                  Part-time x

    Language of the course

    Polish x                                                    English £

    Course type

    Mandatory x                                 Optional £

    Year of study / semester

    I x   II £   III £   IV £   V £  VI £

    1 £   2 x   3 £   4 £   5 £   6 £   7 £   8 £   10 £  11 £   12 £

    Introductory courses & prerequisites

    Pass for each subject in accordance with the recruitment procedure

    Number of teaching hours of classes by forms of activity

    25 hours of lectures (also online)

    Assumptions and objectives of the course

    The student should acquire knowledge on the development of medicine and medical sciences throughout history, starting from prehistoric times and ending with the second half of the 20th century, with emphasis on the history of medicine in Poland.

    The student should be able to use this historical knowledge in the evaluation of modern medicine, forecast the development of medicine, recognize the continuity of medical thought in the aspect of the progress of medical science and interdisciplinary links, and recognize factors shaping the development of medicine.

    Teaching methods

    - Transfer of knowledge in the form of lectures

    - Consultations (both regular and case-to-case)

    - Presentation

    - Self-directed learning

    - Literature studies

    - Discussion

    - Other practical activities – visit to the MUB’s Museum of the History of Medicine and Pharmacy

    First and last names of the course teacher

    Dr Magdalena Muskała

    First and last names of the person responsible for the teaching

    Dr Magdalena Muskała


    Code & number of the learning effect

    Description of subject learning outcomes

    Forms of activities

    Methods of verification of the achievement of the intended learning outcomes



    Knows the history of medicine, the medicine of primitive peoples and the most ancient civilizations, and the characteristic features of medieval medicine


    Summary methods:

    - Presentation for passing


    - Forming methods:

    - Observation of the student’s work

    - Evaluation of activity during classes

    - Class discussions


    Knows the features of modern medicine and its most important discoveries



    Knows and understands the process of emergence of new specialties in medical sciences and achievements of leading representatives of Polish and world medicine




    Knows how to use historical knowledge in the assessment of modern medicine


    Summary methods:

    - Presentation for passing

    Forming methods:

    - Observation of the student’s work

    - Evaluation of activity during classes

    - Evaluation of preparedness for activities

    - Class discussions


    Can forecast the development of medicine



    Recognizes the continuity of medical thought in the aspect of the progress of medical science and interdisciplinary links



    Recognizes factors shaping the development of medicine


    Social competences


    Recognizes own limitations and makes self-assessments of educational deficits and needs.


    Summary methods:

    - Continuous assessment by the teacher (observation)

    Forming methods:

    - Observation of the student’s work

    - Class discussions


    Uses sources of objective information



    ECTS ponts


    Student workload

    Form of activity

    Number of hours per activity

    Classes requiring participation of the teacher:

    1. Realization of the course: lectures (acc. to the Syllabus)


    1. Realization of the course: classes (acc. to the Syllabus)


    1. Realization of the course: seminars (acc. to the Syllabus)


    1. Realization of the course: extra-curricular activities


    1. Participation in consultations



    Total hours:25

    Self-directed student work:

    1. Self-directed preparation for theory and practical classes (project, documentation, case description, etc.)


    1. Self-directed preparation for colloquiums


    1. Self-directed preparation for the final test / exam



    Total hours: 5



    Course content:

    Learning results

    (code & number)

    Subject area

    1. D.W20
    2. D.W20
    3. D.W20
    4. D.W21
    5. D.W22
    6. D.W22
    7. D.W22
    8. D.W22
    9. Knows how to use historical knowledge in the assessment of modern medicine
    10. Can forecast the development of medicine
    11. Recognizes the continuity of medical thought in the aspect of the progress of medical science and interdisciplinary links
    12. Recognizes factors shaping the development of medicine
    1. Introduction to the history of medicine; prehistoric medicine
    2. Ancient medicine: the concept of health and disease in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia; medical knowledge in ancient China, India; Greek and Roman medicine
    3. Medieval medicine: the birth of university medicine; Arabic medicine; development of hospital care
    4. Modern medicine and its most important achievements
    5. Development of medical specialties
    6. Polish medicine from the earliest times to the twentieth century
    7. History of the Medical University of Bialystok
    8. Protection of medical heritage at the MUB’s Museum of the History of Medicine and Pharmacy
    9. The evolution of the concept of health and disease from prehistoric times to the twenty-first century


    Basic references: (1-2 items)

    -Manger L., History of medicine, Taylor&Francis 2005.

    Complementary references: (1-2 items)

    - W

    1. Porter Roy, The Cambridge illustrated history of medicine, Cambridge 2004.

    Selection of articles and book chapters will be provided during lectures.


    Criteria for the assessment of learning outcomes and the form of, and requirements for, obtaining credit for the course:

    The condition for passing the course is presence at lectures and the preparation of a final presentation. Up to two unexcused absences are permissible. Each subsequent one must be made up for the subject matter discussed at the missed lecture.

    Individual consultations are held every last Friday of the month, between 02:00 and 03:00 PM, at the Independent Department of the History of Medicine and Pharmacy