Recent publications
- Kapica-Topczewska K, Tarasiuk J, Collin F, Brola W, Chorąży M, Czarnowska A, Kwaśniewski M, Bartosik-Psujek H, Adamczyk-Sowa M, Kochanowicz J, Kułakowska A (2019), "The effectiveness of interferon beta versus glatiramer acetate and natalizumab versus fingolimod in a Polish real-world population", Vol. 14(10), pp. e0223863. Plos One. [doi]
- Chwialkowska K, Korotko U and Kwasniewski M (2019), "DNA Methylation Analysis in Barley and Other Species with Large Genomes", In "Barley: Methods and Protocols" , pp. 253-268. Springer. [url]
- Thompson MJ, Chwiałkowska K, Rubbi L, Lusis AJ, Davis RC, Srivastava A, Korstanje R, Churchill GA, Horvath S and Pellegrini M (2018), "A multi-tissue full lifespan epigenetic clock for mice", Aging (Albany NY). Vol. 10(10), pp. 2832. Impact Journals, LLC. [doi]
- Chwialkowska K, Korotko U, Kosinska J, Szarejko I and Kwasniewski M (2017), "Methylation Sensitive Amplification Polymorphism Sequencing (MSAP-Seq)—A Method for High-Throughput Analysis of Differentially Methylated CCGG Sites in Plants with Large Genomes", Frontiers in Plant Science. Vol. 8, pp. 2056. Frontiers. [doi]
European Human Genetics ConferenceGothenburg, Sweden June 15–18, 2019:
- Chwialkowska K (accepted with Fellowships for European Countries) - "DNA methylation signatures as potential novel prognostic biomarkers in sub-types of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)" [poster soon][abstract]
- Collin F (accepted with Fellowships for European Countries) - "User-friendly and machine learning-empowered platform for classification of NSCLC based on RNA-seq profiling" [poster][abstract]
- Pathology: gene expression and clinical response [demo]
- KEGG: genetic expression integrated to biomolecular pathways [demo]
- Logistic regression: from the logistic equation to the logit transformation [course material]
- Why to adjust for pvalues? [course material]