- dr hab. Mirosław Kwaśniewski - Head of the centre
- dr Kinga Bondarczuk - kinga.bondarczuk[at]umb.edu.pl
Microbiome analysis, microbial identification based on the fragment of 16S rDNA gene, metagenomics, metatransciptomics, antibiotic resistance; interested in the role of the environemnt in the evolution and the spread of antibiotic resistance.
- dr Karolina Chwiałkowska - karolina.chwialkowska[at]umb.edu.pl
Large scale data analysis of transcriptome (RNA-Seq) and methylome (WGBS, RRBS, MSAP-Seq) NGS-based datasets; specializes in analyses of disease related changes in gene expression levels and DNA methylation - especially cancers and metabolic disorders; interested in epigenetic age perturbation.
- mgr inż. Urszula Korotko - urszula.korotko[at]umb.edu.pl
- inż. Mateusz Bondarczuk - mateusz.bondarczuk[at]umb.edu.pl