Medical University of Bialystok. OSCE.
  • Updated 24.09.2024 by Zakład Symulacji Medycznych


    This is the previous Year version od the web side. The final version will be published in April 2025.




    Update April 22nd

    The final schedule of OSCE exams, the final list of topics ("stations") and detailed regulations - see below.



    An objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) is a modern type of examination often used in medicine. It is designed to test clinical skill performance and competence in skills such as communication, clinical examination, medical procedures prescription, joint mobilisation/manipulation techniques and interpretation of results.

    We prepared the OSCE exam as a practical classes during "chosen clinical course". Remember that division to the groups is different as during previous classes. All data concerning new groups were provided by Dean's Office of Medical Faculty.

    In our department "OSCE exam" will be organized according to the following schedule: file for download below.

    Lets meet in the main hall of our SimCenter. We start on May 7th ! Please, prepare theoretically and practically to the classes.


    Schedule for students 2024

    Students from the group come to the SimCenter only during the exact time marked "OSCE exam", You are free on the day "OSCE". For example 07.05 group 1 comes only at  8.00-10.00,. group 2 - 10.00-12.00, group 3 - 12.00-14.00. Etc.


    Schedule for tutors 2024

    Tutors from units should be present during the days marked "OSCE" between 7.45am to 2 pm; e.g. 07.05 following units should assign six tutors to SimCenter: KMR - two tutors, KCHWiH, KChKP, I KChOiE, KPEDzPK - one tutor each, next day i.e. 08.05 - the same units and the same number of tutors.


    Names of the Units


    Due to complicated schedule and organisation of the OSCE exam there is no possibility to change the number of the students in the group. In rare justified cases You can change the day of Your exam with other student one for one.


    General regulations:

    Practical classes called OSCE are the pilot version of the standardized exam of clinical skills including: taking history, physical examination, differential diagnosis and treatment (including practical procedures). We will use high-fidelity simulations in SimCenter to achieve this purpose. Classes will be held during chosen clinical course according to the schedule.

    Each student will have to pass six "stations" = six tasks individually (6 x 10 min). If a student will need a team member to complete the task, the objective team member will be provided be the SimCenter stuff. After entering the simulation room student will get her/his task printed. Please read the printed version carefully and complete strictly the task mentioned on the printed piece of paper. You have 10 minutes to complete the task. The end of the "station" will be announced by the voice of Big Brother  "end of the station" or sound signal. After finishing the task student stays at the simulation room until the ring. After the ring student goes directly to the next station. The use of electronic devices in not allowed and will result in failure of the exam. For final credit You have to get positive grade in 4/6 stations.


    Schedule of the day during OSCE classes:

    - rules of the classes, introduction to the simulation environment (simulator, medical equipment, communication, overview of the stations) - 20 minutes

    - six to seven "stations" for each student individually (6 x 10 minutes) - 90 minutes

    - results and conclusions for the future - 10 minutes

    Due to the limited time for OSCE the introduction and conclusions parts will be shortened to the minimum. Please read the detailed information about the rules. The organisation of the clasess will be similiar to pre-OSCE.


    Specific rules for OSCE exams 2024 (detailed information)


    Room layout of the OSCE 2024


    Examples of OSCE stations:

    Drug intoxication



    Topics of the practical classes during "OSCE exam" for the Year 2024:


    1. Measuring glycemia, hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia – treatment
    2. Bladder catheterization (station obligatory for all students)
    3. The case of the „acute abdomen” incuding physical examination.
    4. Heart attack – diagnosis and treatment (GPs office or Emergency Department).
    5. Atrial fibrillation.
    6. Collapse, bradycardia, techycardia – diagnosis and treatment.
    7. Cardiac arrest – diagnosis and treatment. ALS / BLS
    8. Intubation - realized as both technical station or high-fidelity scenario (station obligatory for all students)
    9. Hyper-, hypocalcemia – diagnosis and treatment.
    10. Seizures – diagnosis and treatment
    11. Opioid poisoning
    12. Examination in the case of trauma.
    13. Taking history in a simple complaint e.g. abdominal pain, asthma.
    14. Explaining to the patient how to use inhaler e.g. Turbuhaler
    15. Qualify (or not) for vaccination.
    16. Urine tract infection – diagnosis and treatment in children.
    17. Renal colic, nephrotic syndrome, oedema.
    18. Gastrointestinal bleeding
    19. Migraine attack.
    20. Acute otitis media.
    21. Neurological examination. Guillain-Barre syndrome.
    22. Coeliac disease – diagnosis and treatment.
    23. Hypothyroidism – diagnosis and treatment.
    24. Obese adolescent at the diabetologist’s / endocrinologist’s office.
    25. Scabies.


    Good luck :)


    Wlodzimierz Luczynski and crew of SimCenter




    Previous  informations:

    January 18th

    For better preparation for OSCE exams we developed pre-OSCE elective classes. Pre-OSCE starst on January 23rd. All ED students can participate in these optional classes. Please sign in on Blackboard platform. Pre-OSCE is organised similar to the real OSCE exam, but there are no grades. Similar stations, topics and training practical skills in controlled conditions. Feel free to evaluate these classes and help to develop better pre-OSCE by writing

    Good luck :)

    W. Luczynski