Medical University of Bialystok. Healthcare for Students.
  • Updated 20.04.2021 by Administrator UMB

    Healthcare for Students

    Healthcare for Current Students
    Students currently enrolled at the Medical University of Bialystok, who have valid health insurance, can seek medical assistance in English language from the following clinics/offices:

    Medical University of Bialystok Clinical Hospital
    ul. Waszyngtona 15A
    15- 269 Białystok
    second floor, rooms 3015-17
    Open: Monday-Friday
    Hours: 8:00 AM to -6:00 PM
    phone no.: 85 745 0950

    Dormitory No. 1
     ul. Akademicka 3
    15-267 Białystok
    Open: Monday-Friday
    Hours: 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
    Phone no.: 85 748 5808
    Before you come to an appointment, make sure you have a valid health insurance card with you
    If you do not have insurance, the visit will cost you 50 PLN
    In case of medical emergency at night time or on weekends, you can use medical emergency service.
    If you need an ambulance or an emergency address, call 112 (on your mobile phone)