Internal Regulations of the Department of Histology and Embryology for Students of the English Division 2024/2025
General Terms and Conditions:
- The internal regulations of the Department of Histology and Embryology are consistent with The Rules of Full-Time Courses of Study of the Medical University of Bialystok available on the University website:,4080/Study_regulations
- The course is realized consistently with the study schedule confirmed by the Dean of the Medical Faculty.
- The Histology and Embryology course is carried out in the didactic classrooms of Histology and Embryology Department in the building of Collegium Pathologicum.
- Students must obey Work and Safety Regulations. Before the beginning of classes, students are obligated to familiarize themselves and comply with regulations and must confirm they have completed the Work and Safety training.
- The course of Histology and Embryology is divided into 5 credits. The detailed plan of the classes and lectures is available on the Histology and Embryology Department website and the noticeboard.
- The regulations may change depending on the epidemic situation, which students will be informed about on an ongoing basis via the website of the Department of Histology and Embryology of the Medical University of Bialystok.
- In matters not regulated by these Regulations, the provisions of the Regulations for First Cycle, Second Cycle and Uniform Master's Studies of the Medical University of Bialystok apply.
- List of recommended books is available on the Histology and Embryology Department website:
Attendance, Absence and Participation
- Attendance is mandatory at all forms of classes.
- In order to pass the class, it is obligatory to make proper pictures of tissue and organs in notebooks, and correctly answer questions according to the topic.
- The study Regulations do not allow for unexcused absences. Absences can only be excused on the basis of official certificates doctor . That is, sick leave on a form with the disease unit number. Certificates issued at the student's request will not be the basis for justifying absences.
- A student who has missed a class is obliged to justify the absence in the first class he or she participates after the period of absence. The way in which absences are compensated for is determined by the assistant leading the group.
- One-day doctor certificates for the partial tests and all exams are not allowed.
- The student cannot complete the course in case of excused absences during the course exceeding more than 50% of the classes.
- Unexcused and undocumented absences make it impossible to pass the semester and take the exam.
- Students are obligated to work in the groups to which they were assigned.
- Late students will not be allowed to attend the class which is equal to an unexcused absence.
- It is forbidden to use mobile phones or any other electronic devices during classes (the exception is the use of electronic atlases), tests and exams. Students who use electronic equipment during Partial Tests or Exam will receive 0 points and will not be able to retake the exam. (Order of the Rector of the Medical University of Bialystok).
- It is forbidden to copy or photograph any test or exam.
Partial tests and Small tests
1. The student should be prepared theoretically for the classes. During the classes, assistants can check knowledge orally or
in writing (short test)
2. If the student fails the short test, he or she receives -1 point, which is subtracted from the number of points obtained in the test.
3. In the case of lack of basic knowledge in a given topic the student
does not obtain any credit for the classes and has to pass them through the assistant.
- In case of an authorisedabsence from a Partial test the student has the right to take it in the period appointed by the assistant, which is usually the last week of the semester.
- During the course there are 4 Partial tests which consist of a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part is composed of 30 test, short open questions and photos. The practical part consists of 2 preparations for which 4 points can be obtained. On each Partial test students can score 34 points each (30 points from the theoretical part and 4 points from the practical part), which gives 136 points total.
- In order to be permitted to write the Final Exam, the student must score 55%. Any student who obtains less than 55% of the points, but a minimum of 30%, is directed to an additional pass (pre-exam) from the entire material (lectures, seminars, exercises).
- The student has access to colloquium papers during classes, during which he or she will receive information about the number of points obtained.
- If a student is found to have or use an unauthorized form of assistance, the student's test will be interrupted, which is equivalent to receiving 0 points, without the possibility of correction. Detailed provisions on prohibited assistance are included in the Study Regulations and the Rector's Order.
- The student has the right to take one outstanding test in a given semester.
- The student is not admitted to the examination session if they:
- received less than 30% of the test points during the year
- failed the pre-exam
- have unexcused absences
Forms and Conditions of Final Exam
- The final exam is scheduled in the summer examination session and consists of a practical and a theoretical (written) test. The practical exam is taken prior to the theoretical exam. In order to pass the Histology and Embryology course the student must pass the practical and the theoretical part.
- An unsatisfactory grade for the practical part is tantamount to an unsatisfactory grade for the entire final examination.
- The practical exam consists of 10 specimen and 70% of possible points must be obtained.
- The theoretical exam contains test, short open questions and photos. To pass the exam the student must obtain 60%.
- If a student obtains a minimum of 60% of the points from the theoretical part, from 2 to 6 points are additionally added according to the following criteria:
- 2 points for obtaining 80% in the practical part
- 4 points for obtaining 90% in the practical part
- 6 points for obtaining 100% in the practical part
- The exam is graded according to the scale:
- 60% ‘satisfactory’ grade
- 80% ‘good’ grade
- 95% and more, ‘very good’ grade.
7. The student has the right to view examination papers on the date set by the head of
the Department.
8. Cheating on any test or exam is strictly prohibited.
9. Detailed information about the Final Exam will be available in the Regulation covering Final Exam on the Histology and Embryology website:
Work and safety regulations of Histology and Embryology Department Medical University of Bialystok
- Before entering the classroom the students are obligated to change the shoes and should remove outer coats.
- Smoking is prohibited in the building of Histology and Embryology Department. This prohibition also applies to sanitary facilities.
- No student is allowed to enter the laboratory without the permission or supervision of qualified personnel.
- Students are allowed to use the computers and microscopes in the classrooms only in the presence of a teaching assistant.
- The student bears financial consequences for any damage caused due to their own fault while working with a computer during classes.
6. After the class it is mandatory to leave the classroom in order i.e. leave the desks clean
and the microscopes and computers
properly turned off.
7. In case of fire, please leave the facility using the escape route under the control of the teaching assistant.