II Partial test - 02/06/25
10:00 AM - groups 1, 2 and 3 write in the dental lecture hall
10:00 AM - groups 4, 5, 6 and 7 write in the Collegium Pathologicum lecture hall
10:45 AM - groups of second-year students 3, 4, and 5 write in the Collegium Pathologicum lecture hall
Dear Students,
I am sending the names/emails of the assistants and the groups they supervise again
Apart from matters related to shifting classes, setting exam dates, etc., which are agreed with the coordinator, all minor matters such as absences, small tests, Partial Test grades, consultations, we contact the assistants supervising the individual groups.
Group 1. Prof. Wiesława NIklińska
Group 2. Dr Agnieszka Miąsko-Kłubowicz
Group 3. Assoc Prof. Joanna Pancewicz
Group 4. Dr Małgorzata Łukasik
Group 5. Assoc Prof. Beata Szynaka /coordinator ED/
beata.szynaka@umb.edu.pl beataszynaka@gmail.com
Group 6. Assoc Prof. Beata Szynaka /coordinator ED/
beata.szynaka@umb.edu.pl beataszynaka@gmail.com
Group 7. Dr Małgorzata Łukasik
Assistants supervising groups of second-year students:
Group 3. Prof. Wiesława NIklińska
Group 4. Assoc Prof. Joanna Pancewicz
Group 5. Dr Agnieszka Miąsko-Kłubowicz
Dear students
We are writing the first colloquium on Monday, 9.12.24. at 11:40, but please come at 11:30.
1st round 11:40 -12:15
Groups of second-year students write in the dental lecture hall of CDS, ul. Marii Skłodowskiej 24A, while
groups 4, 5, 6, 7 write in the lecture hall of Collegium Pathologicum, ul. J. Waszyngtona 13
2nd round 12:15 - 12:50
Groups 1, 2 and 3 write in the lecture hall of Collegium Pathologicum, ul. J. Waszyngtona 13
The practical part takes place during the hours of routine classes.
Monday - groups 5, 6, 7 start at 9:00
Wednesday - groups 3 and 4 start at 9:00
- groups of second-year students at 14:30
Thursday - groups 1 and 2 start at 11:00
Dear Students
At the request of students, the Partial test has been moved from 2.12. to 9.12. 24, while the practical part will take place during regular class hours between 9.12. and 12.12. 24.
Therefore, the first part of the embryology seminar will take place in the week between 2.12. and 5.12.
Please prepare the following topics for the seminar, as the seminar is a workshop-type class with completing tasks.
I Seminary in Embryology
Ferst week of
1. Gametogenesis
2. Oogenesis
3. Female reproductive cycles
- ovarian cycle
- menstrual cycle
4. Basic knowledge about ovary and follicles
5. Transportation of gametes
6. Maturation of sperm
- sprmatogenesis
- spermiogenesis
7. Fertilization
8. Cleavage of zygote
9. Formation of morula
10. Formation blastocyste
Dear Students
Please note that students from Monday groups who will not have classes on 11.11.24 will have access to materials on the Blackboard platform from Tuesday, 12.11. to Tuesday, 19.11.
Please familiarize yourself with the topic and draw and describe basic histological structures, such as the osteon structure or hyaline cartilage and the isogenic group.
Dear students,
We would like to clarify that a sick leave is an official form that includes a sickness number, and not a certificate issued by a doctor at the request of the student.
Certificates will not be honored.
Dear Students
Histology and Embryology classes start on 07.10.24.
Our first classes are organizational, but please prepare yourself with techniques and cell structure, because this will be our first short test, during the first class.
Such short tests of theoretical knowledge from the current topic will always be held after listening to the lecture given by the assistant (3 basic questions on the current topic.)
If the test is not passed, you get -1 point and 1 point will be deducted from the points obtained in the Partial test.
Histological Techniques
On the blckboard platform, in the content , there is a pdf presentation Presentation English Division –Techniques. As part of the seminar, please read the content of the presentation, and the material contained therein will be valid during the first test and exam.
Cell structure
As in the previous subject, please go to the content tab and read the Cell structure.
You have shown and discussed several types of cells in terms of their size, structure, and characteristics.
For these classes, you should theoretically learn about the structure of the cell.
The classes are already taking place in the classrooms.
J. Washington, 13, on the ground floor. Rooms no. 1.31 and 1.54.
Please bring notebooks with blank sheets and crayons to the classes.
It is obligatory to change shoes and leave clothes and shoes in the cloakroom.
Lectures will begin online on Blackboard according to the schedule.
We will post the lectures on the website a week in advance so that students from the Monday groups can also get to know each other. They will be available for one week.
Tips for practical classes
The student should be theoretically prepared for each class.
At the beginning, the slides are discussed by an assistant, then you look at the slides yourself and draw them in notebooks, marking and signing the characteristic features of a given cell or tissue.
At the end of the class, the assistant signs the classes in the notebook, which is the same as getting the credit for the class.
If the drawings and description are incorrect or the student is unable to answer the basic questions on a given topic, the assistant has the right to fail the classes.
This results in passing this topic in the next classes.
Please contact the representative of the year.
Asocc. Professor Beata Szynaka
Coordinator English Division
e-mail: beataszynaka@gmail.com