Medical University of Bialystok. COVID-19 latest advice.
  • COVID-19 latest advice.
  • COVID-19 latest advice

    Where do I have to wear a mask (cover my mouth and nose)?

    Pursuant to the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 25 March 2022 on establishing specific restrictions, orders, and prohibitions in relation to the state of epidemic (Polish Journal of Laws, item 673), from 28 March 2022 onwards, all restrictions are lifted, which means that wearing mask is not obligatory.


    Read more about the restrictions applicable:

    What should I do if I suspect that I may have COVID-19?
    • Stay at home; 

    • Fill out the forms available at

    • Take a photo of the filled forms and e-mail it to

    • Call a doctor. Dial (+48) 85 831 89 50 or (+48) 85 831 89 53;   

    • Never use public transport or taxi, to avoid the risk of spreading the infection. 

    What should I do if I test positive for COVID-19?
    • Stay at home

    • Fill out the forms available at (unless you did this before) 

    • Take a photo of the filled forms and e-mail it to

    • Call a doctor. Dial (+48) 85 831 89 50 or (+48) 85 831 89 53;   

    • Notify the competent Dean's office (by e-mail, telephone) if you are hospitalized for a SARS-CoV-2 virus infection, or if you are in quarantine or under sanitary observation. Dean's office should immediately forward this information to the Student Affairs Department;

    • Never use public transport or taxi, to avoid the risk of spreading the infection.

    Do I have to be tested if I have the symptoms of COVID-19?

    A GP (first contact healthcare provider) will decide whether or not you need a test.

    Where can I get tested on COVID-19?


    Your GP will guide you to the nearest COVID-19 testing point but some of the collection points in Bialystok are:



    • Białystok, ul. Żurawia 14 

    Phone: 535 037 097 or 578 223 304
    Mon-Fri 11:00 – 13:00, Sat-Sun 8:00 – 10:00 

    • Białystok, ul. Skłodowskiej-Curie 24a 

    Phone: 85 831 80 18 or 576 323 304 
    Mon-Fri 12:00 – 16:00, Sat-Sun 9:00-13:00



    • Białystok, ul. Waszyngtona 17, Point No.1 (Container at the entrance to the Hospital Emergency Department)

    Phone: 665 585 924
    Mon-Fri 8:00-10:00

    • Białystok, ul. Waszyngtona 17, Point No.2 (at the main entrance to the hospital on the left side)

    Mon-Fri 10:00 – 16:00, Sat-Sun 10:00-14:00 


    If you don't have a referral and you need to take a paid test (e.g. before travel) you can get it done here:


    Phone: 663 687 583
    E-mail address:

    Collection points:
    Białystok, ul. Żeromskiego 1b/12a

    Can I return to MUB when I get just one negative test result?

    You will be informed by your doctor whether you qualify for returning to school.

    How would my staying at home affect my course of study?

    Teachers at MUB will consider your individual case. We will try to do our best to help you pass your exams and complete your courses for the year.

    In what cases do I have to stay in quarantine?

    Currently in Poland there is no obligation to:

    - present COVID certificates when crossing the border;

    - test for SARS-CoV-2;

    - undergo the so-called entry quarantine.

    Where do I go with any further questions?
    • If you have any questions or you are uncertain about something, call the National Health Fund help line:  (+48) 800 190 590 (24-hour service). Information is also available in English. 

    • Also, you can check out the Polish Government website  for the applicable restrictions: 


    Will I be excused from class if I cannot attend due to a suspected coronavirus infection and symptoms?

    Yes, the GP will examine you and issue a certificate of leave for the duration of your absence from class where necessary.

    I had contact with an infected person, but I feel fine, I have no symptoms of COVID-19. Do I need to take a test?

    If you had contact with an infected person, call the nearest disease control (SANEPID) immediately and report the exposure. 

    Phone: (+48) 85 740 85 41, 85 740 80 00 (7:00 AM to 3:00 PM); 606 353 615, 607 635 881 (24/7)); 

    What do I do if I'm in quarantine?
    1. Never leave your home. If you need groceries you can shop for them online and have them delivered to your address. Below you have some online shopping proposals:
    2. You will remain under police supervision. You are under the obligation to stay at home and you will need to install an app called "Kwarantanna domowa":
      Follow the instructions on screen.  
    3. Your quarantine will be lifted automatically after 10 days if you haven't experienced any symptoms. If you start having symptoms in the meantime, contact the GP as shown above.
    What can I do to avoid an infection?

    Follow the rules about:

    • Social distancing,
    • Wearing a face mask wherever required,
    • Washing your hands often.


    Due to COVID-19 infections at the University, we also advise against participating in larger meetings and events, going to clubs, cinemas, etc.


    For your safety, we also recommend downloading STOP COVID - ProteGO Safe app where you can register your status (infection symptoms, if any) and you will be warned of any  cases of infection in your vicinity. You can download the app here:

    I'm experiencing anxiety. Who can I talk to?

    The Medical University of Bialystok offers counseling, available for the English Division students free of charge.
    If you need an appointment, please e-mail your request to:


    Please note that this is not an emergency service and you may have to wait 3-4 days for a reply. Only the counselor has access to the e-mail service.


    Our school counselor: Dr Barbara Polityńska-Lewko is a fully trained clinical psychologist and a native speaker of English.