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    "Bridges not walls" among the awarded projects from the NAWA "Welcome to Poland" programme

    19.07.2024 08:12
    Author: Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej


    Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange has announced the list of projects co-financed under the "Welcome to Poland" programme (call for proposals 2023). Among the projects that received funding was a record number of MUB projects – as many as 3 of them received a positive decision of NAWA (for 3 submitted applications, that is, as much as the limit was for a single entity). This year's recruitment resulted in a total of 33 entities being co-financed, with an allocation of PLN 15,000,000. In total, MUB received funds in the amount of PLN 1,490,067.61, which is the best result in the country and places our University in the first place among entities raising funds under the "Welcome to Poland" programme. The total achievements of the MUB (including the current recruitment) are as many as 12 projects, and the University is the beneficiary of this program in each of its editions (i.e. since 2018).


    "Bridges instead of walls" project. Increasing adaptability and capacity to serve foreign stakeholders” is the eleventh project co-financed by NAWA (the second in the 2023 call) and was written by employees of the International Cooperation Department: Sylwia Klepacka and Jakub Wszeborowski, in cooperation with the head of ICD Tomasz Maliszewski, PhD. The project received co-financing in the amount of PLN 491,000 (the limit for one project was PLN 500,000) and will be implemented for a period of 24 months (2024-26).


    The following activities are planned within the framework of the project:

    - training to improve intercultural competences in the field of serving people from abroad;

    - organization of integration events for the MUB academic community;

    - expansion of the mobile application myMUB for foreign stakeholders, which will strengthen the functionality and improve the convenience of its use. More about the myMUB mobile app can be found here:

    Implementation of project tasks are supposed to be the eponymous "bridge" that connects the University and its stakeholders. The project will promote a space for the integration and communication of the MUB community, while bringing Polish history and culture closer. The full list of awarded entities can be found at NAWA's website:

    Congratulations to the awarded institutions!


    International Cooperation Department
