Medical University of Bialystok. Research & Science.
  • Updated 11.05.2021 by Administrator UMB

    Research & Science

    The Medical University of Bialystok (MUB) is one of the most dynamic medical academies in Central and Eastern Europe, pursuing its innovative science policy for years.

    MUB is a precursor and leader in innovative large-scale research, focused primarily on innovative technologies associated with development of artificial intelligence in medicine, genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, radiomics, and bioinformatics. MUB opened the first Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Centre in this part of Europe, generating superior and comprehensive databases from patients suffering from lifestyle diseases. MUB is the leader in quality biobanking of biological material obtained from lifestyle disease patients. The Medical University is conducting population studies as well, singular in this part of Europe, covering 10k inhabitants of Białystok (the Białystok Plus project). Together with the National Centre for Research and Development, MUB is also carrying out unique research in the scope of personalised medicine and civilisation diseases, including a reference biobanking model and service project for the diagnostics and treatment of non-small-cell lung carcinoma in its early stages (MOBIT). Through this project, we have developed a unique database of whole genome sequencing results for several hundred non-small-cell lung carcinoma patients. The next project will be the development of an innovative VAMP (Voice Analysis for Medical Professionals) computer diagnostics system, which may contribute to the advancement of early diagnostics of lifestyle diseases, mental illnesses and neurodegenerative changes. With this system, phone calls can become the outset of the diagnostic process comparable to a live patient examination. The Academy promotes teamwork among brilliant scientists in state-of-the-art research areas, with the involvement of international partners; an example of this approach is the project awarded for execution by the Foundation for Polish Science under the TEAM programme, aimed at explaining the role of intramuscular lipid accumulation in inducing insulin resistance in muscles. The study work will contribute to the establishment of the impact of specific lipid groups on the activeness of the insulin pathway and identification of its critical points, weakened by intramuscular lipid accumulation. The project deliverables will be the source of information needed to set new objectives for therapy of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

    The School has a state-of-the-art research and education base, a well-equipped apparatus base and its laboratories, including the Euro-Regional Centre of Pharmacy, the Experimental Medicine Centre with GLP certification, the Clinical Research Centre, the Innovative Research Centre, the Centre for Bioinformatics and Data, the innovative resources of the University hospital, the Biobank, the Artificial Intelligence Centre, and the UMB Molecular Imaging and Technological Development Laboratory.

    The highly skilled academic faculty (800 academic teachers, 120 of them being professors and 150 holders of doctoral titles) have a lot of career development programmes at their disposal, including study visits and training courses at the leading research centres worldwide. The academy collaborates closely with international research centres, engages in joint science projects, and receives outstanding professors and scientists from all over the world, particularly from such institutions as the Mayo Clinic, the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Harvard Medical School, University of Pennsylvania, Universitätsmedizin Greifswald, Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid, and the China Agricultural University. Around 25% of all publications produced at MUB are the outcomes of widespread international cooperation with leading research centres from abroad as partners.

    Researchers from the Medical University of Bialystok obtain patents and pursue commercialization of their inventions, and the school is open to collaboration with business organizations. Among the most recent MUB patents, there is the Medical Honey – a product based on propolis extract, delaying the development of brain glioma; a preparation licensed by MUB to strengthen the bees of LOB; synthetic saliva; work on a fungus from the Białowieża forest which may be useful in treatment of colon cancer.

    During 2012-2017, the University received the KNOW certificate and was recognised by the Minister of Science and Higher Education as a Leading National Research Centre.

    Opening the International Interdisciplinary Doctoral Studies in Medical Biology and Biostatistics is one of the most successful MUB projects. The funding was provided by the European Commission within the scope of COFUND: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions of the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, a prestigious European competition procedure. The project received further funding from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. MUB was the only university in Poland to receive COFUND funding under the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.

    In November 2018, the Minister of Science and Higher Education recognized the Medical University of Bialystok among the top 20 out of nearly 400 universities in the country, offering a grant for the project entitled “Strategy of Perfection of the Medical University of Bialystok – Research Academy of the Future” within the framework of preparation for awarding the reputable “Research Academy” status to MUB.

    The University publishes two periodicals, including Advances in Medical Sciences (IF 2.064), recognised on the ISI Master Journal List and Progress in Health Sciences and listed by the Minister of Science and Higher Education.

    5200 students are studying at the Medical University at the moment, enrolled in 15 fields of study. Almost 400 of them are pursuing their studies in English. Our foreign students come from 30 countries, including Norway, Sweden, the United States, Canada, Germany, Spain, and Saudi Arabia. Our educational proposal is updated regularly, to match the changing needs of the job market. The level of education provided by MUB is demonstrated by the superior grades our alumni receive at their Final Medical Exam and the Final Medical and Dental Exam.

    Dynamic internationalisation is among the School’s top priority projects. Our Internationalisation Strategy has been implemented since 2018, we have an International Cooperation Officer position and an International Cooperation Department. MUB received National Agency for Academic Exchange funding for four internationalisation projects. Moreover, the University obtained the funding necessary for applying for international accreditations.

    We perceive ourselves as a link between the research work of the East and the West. We respond proactively to public needs in the field of health. Our Clinical Research Centre delivers performance testing to Jagiellonia Białystok players, representing the second best football team in Poland.

    The University is headquartered in the 18th-century baroque Palace, which is sometimes called the Versailles of the North, and is located in the city centre. The basement of the building houses a novel multimedia museum dedicated to the history of the Academy and of Białystok. There are school buildings, two university hospitals, student dormitories and sports facilities nearby.

    The Medical University of Bialystok represents almost 70 years of tradition, 30 thousand alumni, and an extensive base of innovation in medicine.



    Telephone: +48  85 748 55 14




    Telephone: +48 85 748 5412


    ul. Jana Kilińskiego 1

    15-098 Białystok
