Medical University of Bialystok. MUB in a nutshell.
  • Updated 19.03.2024 by Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej

    MUB in a nutshell


    The Medical University of Bialystok is a modern, rapidly growing public university, with a mission to provide the best possible education for professional, responsible, leading-edge medical staff; to carry out scientific research at the most advanced level worldwide; to implement innovative solutions in cooperation with medical service providers; and to respond to social needs. 

    The University employs over 950 academic teachers, including over 300 professors and habilitated doctors. The significant position of the University is confirmed by the scientific categories awarded by the Ministry of Education and Science (in the evaluation of scientific activity for the years 2017-2021): the highest possible (A+) in the discipline of pharmaceutical sciences and Category A in two disciplines: medical sciences and health sciences. This result is one of the best among all Polish universities.



    The Medical University of Bialystok (MUB) invites you to study medicine in English and Polish.  

    1 Course in English – 6 year Medicine programme

    Each candidate must complete the official recruitment process through an online registration system. Positive grades are required when applying in two of the four subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics. After completing all the data required in the system, connecting scans of documents and approving the application in the system, the application is verified by the Recruitment Committee. After the initial verification, if it is positive (the appropriate number of points and required documents), and the payment of the recruitment fee, the candidate is invited to an interview. During the interview, the candidate's knowledge of two out of four subjects (biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics) and knowledge of English are tested. The interview takes place online via the ZOOM platform (there is no need to come to the University for the exam). After passing the exam, candidates take part in a pre-course, which takes place online. The pre-course helps candidates prepare to start their studies in Poland.   

    The total amount of points that the candidate earns during the recruitment process is the total amount of points from the certificate and the interview.  

    UMB is an internationalised university. Students from 45 countries study with us.

    More information about the 6-year Medicine programme taught in English HERE 

    17 Courses in Polish, among others, 
    •    Medicine 
    •    Dentistry 
    •    Midwifery 
    •    Nursery 
    •    Clinical Biostatistics
    •    Dental Hygiene 
    •    Public Health and Epidemiology 

    Detailed information is available on the website of the Medical University of Bialystok.

    We also recommend the Doctoral School in Medical Sciences and Health Sciences in three disciplines: Medical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Health Sciences.



    More than 5800 students and doctoral students study at the Medical University, including over 400 in English. International students come from over 45 countries, including Norway, India, Germany, Ireland and the USA. 

    Our University is a place where students develop their interests and deepen their knowledge in the fields of medical, pharmaceutical and health sciences. There are over 70 student scientific circles at the University, within which students conduct clinical trials, gain practical skill and take part in national and foreign conferences. 



    The highly qualified scientific staff of the University benefit from widely available development programmes enabling study visits and training within the best research centres in the world. 

    The significant position of the University is also confirmed by the scientific categories awarded by the Ministry of Education and Science (in the evaluation of scientific activity for the years 2017-2021): the highest possible (A+) in the discipline of pharmaceutical sciences and Category A in two disciplines: medical sciences and health sciences.  This result is one of the best among all Polish universities. 

    Office of the Vice-Rector for Science and Development 

    Tel. +48 518 526 796 


    More information about science & research at the MUB: 


    International Cooperation Department

    This department coordinates the development of the English-language educational offer and the recruitment of international students. It also deals with obtaining funding and implementing projects financed from external sources and coordinates the university's Erasmus + Programme, concluding bilateral agreements with universities and hospitals from around the world, obtaining foreign accreditations, applying in international rankings. It is also responsible for accepting applications for foreign trips and deals with the arrival of foreign guests.


    Internationalisation strategy 

    On February 25, 2021, the University Senate approved the MUB Internationalisation Strategy for 2021-2030. The overall objective of the strategy is to increase the level of internationalisation of universities. Action for internationalisation includes: development of the offer of education in English at all faculties of MUB, increasing the percentage of foreign lecturers (including visiting professors), inclusion of a wider range of scientists from MUB in international research teams, increasing the number of foreign students studying within the English Division, creating effective mechanisms for obtaining funds from external funds, obtaining foreign accreditations, intensifying the international promotion of the university and increasing its position on the international arena, gaining higher and higher places in international rankings. 


    Bilateral agreements 

    The Medical University of Bialystok (UMB) conducts scientific and teaching cooperation with universities from around the world. UMB has already concluded dozens of bilateral agreements with universities from such countries as: USA, Great Britain, Canada, Italy, France, Germany, Finland, Ukraine, Lithuania and Kazakhstan. The agreements cover, among others, student exchanges, exchanges of scientific staff, joint research and educational projects and scientific network projects.

    List of bilateral agreements


    NAWA projects

    NAWA, the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, supports academic exchange and international cooperation in order to strengthen the potential of Polish science and higher education. In the years 2018-2023, the MUB has already implemented several projects co-financed by NAWA (research, promotional, increasing the university's potential in terms of accepting people from abroad). Thanks to these projects, many key activities aimed at foreign students, scientists and guests were implemented, including a bilingual Polish-English system of marking the university campus, a virtual tour of the university and a mobile application myMUB for students. 


    Download the myMUB mobile application and visit our university virtually

    We encourage candidates and all those who want to get to know our university better to download the myMUB smartphone mobile application. 

    The app can be downloaded from the start page.

    Access to the virtual tour 


    Welcome Centre

    Welcome to the information point for students and foreign guests of the Medical University of Bialystok. We offer comprehensive support and assistance.

    We invite you to the International Cooperation Department in the Right Wing of the Branicki Palace, First Floor. 

    You can also contact us by phone: +48 85 686 51 76 or by e-mail: 

    On November 18, 2019, the Welcome Centre was launched in the International Cooperation Department of MUB. Its aim is to provide comprehensive services to foreign students, doctoral students and academic staff. At the Welcome Centre, they can receive professional assistance regarding their functions at the University and in the city of Bialystok.

    The Welcome Centre offers assistance with issues such as: 

    • how to navigate the university, 
    • how to settle issues in the office 
    • dealing with various issues at the University (advising where to go, who to ask, help with translation if the employee does not speak English), 
    • in which district it is good to rent an apartment to comfortably reach the campus, 
    • assistance with arranging a place in the student's home, 
    • how to open a bank account, 
    • planning and/or accompaniment during a doctor's visit, if there is a need for translation 

    Foreign accreditations

    Foreign accreditations are one of the most important factors in confirming the quality of functioning in the international dimension on the global educational market. 

    Foreign accreditation of a university is a voluntary process that confirms that the institution meets the established quality standards, increases international competitiveness and supports activities aimed at increasing the level of internationalisation by enhancing the attractiveness of the educational package for students and researchers from abroad. 

    Currently, the Medical University of Bialystok (MUB) has, among others, the following foreign accreditations: 

    • ASPIRE Excellence Certificate of Merit in Student Engagement 
    • APHEA – Agency for Public Health Education Accreditation 

    Support for foreign trips of staff and students 

    Foreign trips of students and employees of UMB are handled by the International Cooperation Department. For more information.


    Foreign promotion

    MUB conducts active foreign promotion both among potential candidates for studies as well as in the international scientific community. We encourage you to regularly visit the official website of MUB, where the most important information addressed to students and candidates for studies, about the scientific activity of the university or implemented projects are published.  


    ERASMUS+ Learning mobility 

    Please be advised that all matters related to Erasmus+ 2021-2027 from the academic year 2021/22 are coordinated by the International Cooperation Department. 

    On behalf of the International Cooperation Department, the person responsible for administrative issues is Ms. Joanna Zadykowicz. 

    Contact details: 
    Erasmus+ Programme Office 
    Address: ul. Jana Kilińskiego 1, 15-089 Białystok, Poland 
    Room No. 209 in the Right Wing of Branicki Palace, First Floor, Entrance D. 
    Tel.: +48 85 686 53 37 
    University Erasmus+ Programme Coordinator 
    Prof. dr hab. Edyta Zbroch 
    Tel.: +48 85 740 95 06 
    ERASMUS+ - Strategic Partnerships 

    The Medical University of Bialystok implements projects under the Erasmus+ programme. 

    We are open to cooperation in submitting applications for co-financing projects such as "Strategic Partnerships", whose aim is to implement and disseminate innovative solutions in higher education. Feel free to contact us. 


    myMUB mobile app

    In October 2020, the Medical University of Białystok (UMB) launched the English-language myMUB mobile application, dedicated to foreign students, as well as guests and scientists coming to our university from foreign academic centres. Then, in May 2022, the application was expanded with the addition of new functions. 

    The main goal of the mobile application is to improve the comfort of foreign students studying at our university, as well as faster integration with the entire MUB academic community. In particular, the application is to make it easier for new students to move around the university campus and Bialystok and obtain the most important information about the university. 

    The mobile application consists of several modules, with a clear distinction between typical information modules and special ones. In addition, the application is a compendium of knowledge about the University, its history, the Branicki Palace and the recruitment process for English-language studies or student organisations.  Students will also find full contact details for the Dean's offices and administration departments as well as valuable information on the legalisation of stay, health care or urban transport. The application also presents information about Bialystok, including its best-known sights and other interesting places to see. 

    The application is available in Android and IOS versions. 


    The expansion of the myMUB mobile app was financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange as part of the Welcome to Poland (2020) Programme.  


    The task was carried out within the framework of the project entitled "A window to the world. Strengthening of communication and providing access to learning platforms in English at the MUB" under the Welcome to Poland (2021) programme of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange.


    the project No. POWR.03.03.00-00-PN14/18

    The program is co-financed by the European Social Fund under the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development, a non-competitive project entitled Improving the competences of the academic staff and the potential of institutions in accepting people from abroad - Welcome to Poland implemented as part of the Measure specified in the application for co-financing of the project No. POWR.03.03.00-00-PN14/18.