On 31st of January 2023 the ImPRESS project became a history.
Many thanks to all ImPRESS Fellows for this great journey - we have learned a lot from this experience!
Congratulations to our 11 PhD Graduates and fingers crossed for the Final 4!
Public PhD Defence of Bence Galik's Doctoral Thesis: Development and implementation of original bioinformatic pipelines for NGS data analysis in cancer and assisted reproduction research will take place on 22nd of May at 11 o'clock
(link to online transmission ).
Public PhD Defence of Mulugeta Wondim's Doctoral Thesis: Doctoral Thesis title: Detection and Molecular characterization of Babesia spp. and Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus in ticks from Poland and Ethiopia took place on 13th of January. Congratulations!
We would like to invite you to the ImPRESS Final Conference which will be held on 16-17.01.2023 (the details will follow).
Public PhD Defence of Suhanya Prasad's Doctoral Thesis: Non-peptide mimics of antimicrobial peptides and their functionalized gold nanosystems to combat antibiotic resistance took place on 21st December 2022. Congratulations!
Public PhD Defence of Alireza Tafazoli's Doctoral Thesis: Complete clinical pharmacogenomic profiling, new insight for the future of personalized drug therapy took place on 7th December 2022. Congratulations!
Gladys Emmanuella Putri Wojciechowska, PhD is among the laureates of the PRELUDIUM 21 call (abstract of the awarded project ). Congratulations Gladys!
Public PhD Defence of Luis Felipe Padilla Martinez's Doctoral Thesis: The use of polygenic risk scores for type 2 diabetes in prediction of metabolic changes took place on 14th December 2022. Congratulations!
Public PhD Defence of Anna Erol's Doctoral Thesis: Transcriptomic analysis of High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer uncovers molecular markers with potential use in therapy or diagnosis took place on 14th December 2022. Congratulations!
MEiN scholarships for young scientists (details at MUB's main site).
Public PhD Defence of Siamala Sinnadurai's Doctoral Thesis: Integrated approach to cardiovascular risk factor management in patients with chronic coronary syndromes took place on 28th November. Congratulations!
Access to AMBOSS platform for MUB Students.
Public PhD Defence of Thi Yen Ly Huynh's Doctoral Thesis: Metabolomic approach to understand the mechanism of metformin-induced PRODH/POX-dependent apoptosis in MCF-7 breast cancer cells took place on 16th November 2022. Congratulations!
We would like to invite you for the second edition of our international integration event - International Sightseeing Day, this time we will visit Supraśl – a beautiful small city near Bialystok. Let’s be tourists together again! (details)
Public PhD Defence of Jordan Holl's Doctoral Thesis: Immunomodulatory Properties Of Novel Abdominoplasty Skin-Derived Acellular Dermal Matrices took place on 8th November 2022. Congratulations!
Join us to the International Cooking Day!
Public PhD Defence of Sinemyiz Atalay's Doctoral Thesis: Protective effects of cannabidiol on skin keratinocytes in an oxidative microcellular environment induced by UVA/B radiation or exposure to hydrogen peroxide took place on 19th September 2022. Congratulations!
Public PhD Defence of Mauro Galli's Doctoral Thesis:: Impact of the expression modulation of Aquaporin 9 on proteomic profile and oxidative stress homeostasis in HepG2 model of hepatic lipid overload took place on 7th September 2022. Congratulations!
September Brown Bag Meeting will be held 19.09 (Monday) 13:00 in the MUB's Senate Hall.
Public PhD Defence of Gladys Emmanuella Putri Wojciechowska's Doctoral Thesis: Predicting Type 2 Diabetes Remission After Sleeve Gastrectomy Using Clinical Data, Circulating microRNA, and Machine Learning Approach took place on 5th September 2022. Congratulations to our first PhD Graduate!
Lecture of prof. Marek Zygmunt - "New New insights into the anatomy and function of the oviduct – what do we learn from the development of oviduct stent " will be delivered 5th of September at 10:00.
Webinar about the medical platform AMBOSS.
UMB has purchased subscription to the interactive English-language medical platforms Access.
We invite you to 10th Conference on Neuroinfections 2022.
We encourage you to visit the Medical University of Bialystok during the largest Virtual Walk in Poland!
June Brown Bag meeting will be held on Friday. 24.06.2022 at 14:00 in the Branicki Palace.
Rector's Awards - submission of applications by June 30, 2022
Call for extending the employment contract within the ImPRESS Project is now open! The deadline for submitting aplications is 9.06.2022, 14:00 CET. More information can be found here.
PhD Seminar Session and ImPRESS consortium meeting will be held on 20.05.2022 at 9:00 in Aula Magna, Branicki Palace & hybrid. The details will follow.
A lecture "Minimizing the Risk of Infection and Illness for Clinicians, Surgeons, and Researchers in the Era of Covid -19" by Profesor Cuneyt Alper will be held on 26.04.2022 at 12:30 on Aula Magna, Branicki Palace. More information on MUB website.
March Brown Bag meeting will be held on Thursday, 31.03.2022 at 14:00 in the Branicki Palace. The agenda will follow.
February Brown Bag meeting will be held on Thursday, 24.02.2022 at 14:30 in the Branicki Palace. The agenda will follow.
January Brown Bag meeting will be held on Thursday, 27.01.2022 at 14:00 in Aula Magna of the Branicki Palace. The agenda was sent.
November Brown Bag meeting will be held on Friday, 26.11 at 12:30 in Branicki Palace. The details will be sent soon.
Expert classes entitled „Nobel Prize in medicine from the year 2012. How to re-program cells of an adult organism so that they become stem cells?” conducted by the world-renowned Professor Jochen Utikal – Head of the Clinical Cooperation Unit Dermato-Oncology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology, University Medical Center Mannheim, Ruprecht-Karl University of Heidelberg will be held on 25.11.2021 and 07.12.2021. Please register until 22.11.2021. More details on MUB website.
October Brown Bag meeting will be held on Friday, 29.10 at 14:00 in Aula Magna, Branicki Palace. The details will be sent soon.
September Brown Bag meeting will be held on Friday, 24.09 at 13:00 in Aula Magna, Branicki Palace. The details will be sent soon.
An announcement of the call for the ImPRESS research projects for 2022 – ONLY for the students whose current projects end in 2021.
Online May Brown Bag meeting will take place on 31.05.2021 at 13:00. Please book this date in your schedules!
Online classes entitled Safety culture in medicine and nephrology conducted by the world-renowned expert dr Partha Das from King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (London, Great Britain) on 19.05.2021 and 02.06.2021. More details at MUB website.
6th McMaster International Review Course in Internal Medicine, May 11 - June 17. More details at MUB website.
Profesor Hiremath's Online Lecture - Difficult Arterial Hypertension on 12.05.2021. More details at MUB website.
April Brown Bag meeting will be held on 29.04.2021 at 14:00. The details will be sent soon.
Invitation to BECOMING project (Educating Experts of the Future: Developing Bioinformatics and Biostatistics competencies of European Biomedical Students) International Online Event in Bialystok on 27 April 2021.
Lecture "The application of genetics in clinics and society" by Professor Andrė Uitterlinden from Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam will take place on 20.04.2021, 3:00-4:30 PM. Please register by 15.04.2021. More details are available at MUB website.
We invite you to participate in an online expert classes entitled „Tales of sodium and water” conducted by the world-renowned Professor Joel Michels Topf from St. Clair Nephrology, USA on 21.04.2021, 5:00–5:45 PM. Registration is necessary - more details at MUB website.
March Brown Bag meeting will be held ONLINE on 26.03.2021 at 14:00. The details will be sent soon.
February Brown Bag meeting will be held ONLINE on 25.02.2021 at 14:00. The details will be sent soon.
Annual ImPRESS PhD seminar session will take place ONLINE on Friday, 11 June 2021 9:00-13:00. Please book this date in your schedules.
January Brown Bag meeting will be held ONLINE on 25.01.2021 at 14:00. The details will be sent soon.
Dear PhD Students, as you know it’s high time for you to prepare the short summary of your research work at MUB. Please download and read carefully the following documents:
3. Opinion form of the Head of the PhD studies
4. Instruction – how to fill out and submit the above mention documents
The deadline for submitting the opinion forms is 31 January 2021.
Please ask your supervisor, Head of the department in which the research projects have been carried out and Head of the PhD studies to fill out the opinions beforehand, so you can submit it on time.
The obligation of submitting the above mention documents is enclosed in the Regulations of carrying out research projects. I would like to add that according to the § 5 point 6 “Positive opinions of the mentioned authorities in the § 5 point 5 will be fundamental to receive the approval of the Vice Rector for Science and Development for further funding of Research Projects in 2021 and 2022".
The project reports of the projects carried out in 2020 should be submitted to the Vice Rector for Science and Development by 31 of January 2021. The project report should be submitted electronically in editable format (without mandatory signatures) to the email address PhDrecruitmentH2020ImPress@umb.edu.pl and in one printed original (with mandatory signatures) to the Office for Development and Evaluation (previous Office for Science). You can find the report form at the ImPRESS website.
Up-to-date information connected with the current COVID-19 situation are published on the MUB main website and MUB Facebook . All COVID-19 related MUB regulations are published in English on MUB public information bulletin.
Please follow the updates and have a look at COVID-19 latest advice at MUB website.
If you would like to read current coronavirus in Poland updates please have a look at following websites: Coronavirus - Polish government information and recommendations and EURAXESS.
CALL FOR PROPOSALS - SUBSIDY 2021 - regulations and project proposal here
An announcement of the call for submitting the ImPRESS research projects for 2021
November Brown Bag meeting will be held ONLINE on 26.11.2020 at 14:00. The details will be sent soon.
October Brown Bag meeting will be held ONLINE on 28.10.2020 at 13:30. The details will be sent soon.
September Brown Bag meeting will be held on 11.09.2020 at 14:00 in Aula Magna, Branicki Palace. The details will be sent soon.
Dear PhD Students on 2nd, 3rd, 8th and 9th of September 2020 we invite you to ONLINE courses on: "High-Performance Computing", "Regression Methods in Bioinformatics" and "Data visualization"/"Data exploration techniques". Courses will be conducted by dr Robert Herczeg from Bioinformatics and Sequencing Core Facilities, Szentágothai Research Centre, University of Pécs. More details will follow.
June Brown Bag meeting (PhD students+supervisors) will be held online on 17.06.2020 at 13:30. The details will be sent soon.
Annual ImPRESS PhD seminar session will take place ONLINE on Friday, 5 June 2020 9:00-13:00. Please book this date in your schedules.
May Brown Bag meeting will be held online on 29.05.2020 at 12:00. The details will be sent soon.
April Brown Bag meeting will be held online on 29.04.2020. If you would like to suggest any topics for the next BBM please contact Maria Szlachta.
CANCELLED! ImPRESS retreat will be organised on 14-16.05.2020 in beautiful Masurian Lake District. Please book the dates in your calendars.
POSTPONED! Workshop on presentation skills conducted by Dorota Bujnowska from Information and Career Planning Center of Voivodship Labor Office in Bialystok will be organized on 06.04.2020 12:00-15:30. Please book this date in your schedules, further details will follow.
CANCELLED! Registration and abstract submission IS OPEN for Bialystok International Medical Congress for Young Scientists . You can now register through the online registration form . DEADLINE for abstracts submission – March 16th 2020.
Our February Brown Bag Meeting will take place on 14.02.2020 at 14:00 in the Senate Hall, Branicki Palace. If you would like to suggest any topics please contact Maria Szlachta.
The next Brown Bag Meeting will take place on 14.01.2020 at 13:00 in the Senate Hall, Branicki Palace. If you would like to suggest any topics please contact Maria Szlachta.
It's time to relax in the carnival: International MUB’s Karaoke Night will be held on 17.01.2020. Details of the event are on the website .
ImPRESS supervisors' meeting took place on 19.12.2019 in the Senate Hall, Branicki Palace.
Lecture of Doctor Honoris Causa, dr. Genoveffa Franchini “HTLV-1: A Reemerging Pathogen” will take place at the Ceremonial Session of the MUB Senate on December 16th, 2019 at 12:00 in the Aula Magna of the Medical University of Bialystok.
November Brown Bag meeting will take place on Thursday, 28.11.2019 at 12:00 in Branicki Palace. Details will be announced soon.
A visiting lecture: "Modern approach to epidemiology: Using genome-wide association studies for unraveling disease susceptibility loci applied on an ECG phenotype” by prof. Alexander Teumer, Institute of Community Medicine, University of Greifswald, Germany will be held on 20.11.2019 at 12:00 in the Hall of the Innovation Research Center of the Medical University of Bialystok (Waszyngtona street 13).
18.11.2019, the Welcome Centre, a place of comprehensive service for foreign students, PhD students and academic staff, within the International Cooperation Office of MUB was launched. We cordially invite you to visit the Welcome Centre.
A visiting lecture “Computational metabolomics in human health, disease and toxicology: challenges, opportunities and lessons learned” will be held by dr Ralf Weber, Director of Bioinformatics, Phenome Centre Birmingham, UK on Thursday, 14 November 2019 at 12:00 in Aula Magna of the Medical University of Bialystok, Branicki Palace.
There is a possibility of funding scientific publications in prestigious foreign publishing houses from a NAWA project. Details are available at MUB website.
October Brown Bag meeting will take place on Thursday, 31.10.2019 at 12:30 in Senate Hall, Branicki Palace. Details will be announced soon. If you would like to suggest any topics please contact Maria Szlachta.
Professor Walter Chwals M.D., F.A.C.S., F.A.A.P., F.C.C.M will give lectures on:
22.10.2019 13.30-15.00 Aula Magna of the Medical University of Bialystok, Branicki Palace "Congenital malformations I",
23.10.2019 13.30-15.00 Aula Magna of the Medical University of Bialystok, Branicki Palace "Congenital malformations II",
24.10.2019 9.30-11.00 Teaching Children Clinical Hospital (Waszyngtona 17) "Injury metabolism and nutritional resuscitation".
A lecture “The Future of Pediatric Public Health: The Impact of the Social Determinants of Health on Childhood Outcomes” will be held by dr Jose Manuel de la Rosa M.D., MSc. - Vice President for Outreach and Community Engagement z Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso, USA on 16.10.2019 at 13:00 in the auditorium of Centre for Innovative Research (Jerzego Waszyngtona 13, Bialystok).
Join International Sports Day at the Medical University of Bialystok on 12.10.2019! More info at the MUB website.
"ChIP-Seq data analysis course" conducted by ideas4biology will take place on 28 September 2019 (10-17, room no 1.17, Faculty of Health Sciences, Szpitalna 37).
September Brown Bag meeting will take place on Thursday, 26.09.2019 at 14:00 in Senate Hall, Branicki Palace. Details will be announced soon. If you would like to suggest any topics please contact Maria Szlachta.
"RNA-Seq data analysis" and "smallRNA-Seq data analysis courses" conducted by ideas4biology will take place on 23-24-25 September 2019 (9-16, room no 1.17, Faculty of Health Sciences, Szpitalna 37).
Dear PhD Students on 4th, 5th and 6th of September 2019 we invite you to courses on: “Introduction to Bioinformatics” and “R as Programming language” (8-16:30, room no 1.17, Faculty of Health Sciences, Szpitalna 37). Courses will be conducted by dr Robert Herczeg.
The next, June Brown Bag meeting will take place on Thursday, 27.06.2019 at 14:30. We will meet in front of the Office for Science (room no 53, 1st floor in the Branicki Palace). If you would like to suggest any topics please contact Maria Szlachta.
ImPRESS supervisors' meeting took place on 25.06.2019 in the Senate Hall, Branicki Palace.
Invitation for an expert lecture –"New definition and diagnosis of sarcopenia" – by Dr Stany Perkisas, University of Antwerp (Belgium) Department of Geriatrics ZNA Sint Elisabeth/Middleheim. The lecture will take place on June 17th (Monday) at 13.00 o’clock in 1.7 hall Faculty of Health Sciences, Szpitalna 37.
Invitation for a Human Communication Workshop 10.06.2019 This workshop will be led by Dorota Bujnowska (career adviser) and Beata Chroscinska (EURES adviser) from Regional Employment Office in Bialystok, Career Guidance and Information Centre.
Invitation for an expert lecture –Nobel Prize in Medicine from 2012 how to reprogram cells of an adult organism so that they become stem cells? – by Prof. Jochen Utikal from Heidelberg University in Germany. The lecture will take place on May 30th (Thursday) at 12.00 o’clock in the Aula Magna of the Medical University of Bialystok, Branicki Palace, Jana Kilińskiego 1.
An expert lecture by Prof. Henk-Jan Guchelaar - Head of Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Toxicology, Leiden University Medical Center, which will take place on May 29th (Wednesday) at 8.30 in in the Small Hall, Euroregional Center of Pharmacy, ul. Adama Mickiewicza 2 D.
An expert lecture Dr Robert Herczeg - Genomic data scientist at University of Pécs, which will take place on May 28th (Tuesday) at 13.15 in Senate Hall (2nd floor) Medical University of Bialystok, Branicki Palace, Jana Kilińskiego 1.
The lecture of one of the best European experts on innate immunology by Professor Milena Sokolowska which will take place on 27th May (Monday) at 12:00 in Senate Hall (2nd floor) Medical University of Białystok, Branicki Palace, Jana Kilińskiego 1.
An expert lecture on mysteries of the metastatic processes by Prof. Heike Allgayer from the Centre for Biomedicine and Medical Technology Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Germany, will take place on Thursday, 16.05.2019 at 13:00 in the Senate Hall (2nd floor), Branicki Palace.
Your PhD seminar session, an obligatory part of the PhD studies programme, will take place on 30.05.2019 (Thursday) at 17:00 in the Aula Magna of the Medical University of Bialystok, Branicki Palace.
Everyone interested is invited for MEDYKALIA bike ride "Journey for health" taking place on 10.05.2019 at 10:00.
International Cooking Day (International Culinary Workshops) organized for the MUB community as part of the Student Culture Festival Medykalia 2019 (Medykalia UMB 2019 ) will take place at MUB on 8.05.2019.
April Brown Bag meeting will take place on Tuesday, 23.04.2019 at 14:00 in Senate Hall, Branicki Palace. Details will be announced soon. If you would like to suggest any topics please contact Maria Szlachta.
March Brown Bag meeting will take place on Tuesday, 26.03.2019 at 13:30 in Senate Hall, Branicki Palace. If you would like to suggest any topics please contact Maria Szlachta.
An expert lecture: "Functional characterization of miRNAs in human polycystic ovary syndrome" by Prof. Xiangdong Li from State Key Laboratory for Agrobiotechnology, China Agriculture University Beijing, China, will take place on Tuesday, 19.03.2019 at 13:30 in the Aula Magna of the Medical University of Bialystok, Branicki Palace.
Please check out the 14th Bialystok International Medical Congress - deadline was extended until 18.03.2019!
Polish language course started on 4.03.2019. The classes will take place on Mondays 8:00-9:30 and (starting from 29.03.2019) Fridays 16:00-17:30.
Working with laboratory animals training organized by the MUB Center for Experimental Medicine will take place:
Theory on 28.02.19 in the Faculty of Health Sciences building (Szpitalna 37) room no 0.2 at 11-14
Practice on 1.03.19 in the Center for Experimental Medicine (Marii Skłodowskiej - Curie 24 A) at 12-13
The February Brown Bag meeting will take place on Friday, 22 February, 2019 at 13:30 in the Senate Hall. Please find the agenda attached.
Dear All ImPRESS PhD Students,
We would like to invite you to an ethical training carried out by Professor Otylia Kowal - Bielecka, the Head of MUB Bioethics Committee.
The meeting will take place on 18/01/2019 at 13:00 in the Senate Hall of the Branicki Palace.
Dear All ImPRESS PhD students!
The first ImPRESS Brown Bag meeting will take place in Branicki Palace, Senate Hall (2nd floor) on Thursday, 17.01.2019, at 13:00.
During the meeting you will be asked to briefly describe your research project and work conducted under the supervision of the tutor in the Department so far (2 mins presentations without aid of PowerPoint).
Please find the agenda attached.
We hope to see you all there!
As this could be your lunch time and the meeting is not so formal you are welcome to bring your own food. We will provide some tea/coffee and cookies.
Dear ImPRESS PhD students!
we would like to invite you for the meeting on 20 December, 2018 at 15:00, in the Aula Magna of the Medical University in Bialystok, Branicki Palace. Its aim is to provide information about the possibility of submitting applications for the implementation of research projects within the framework of the program of the Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education “Strategy of Excellence – the University of Research”. In Strategy of Excellence of the Medical University of Bialystok – The University of the Future”, you will be able to implement innovative research projects related to priority research carried out at MUB in the following fields: genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, radiomics, bioinformatics.
Dear All, research and teaching staff, graduate students and students of the Medical University of Bialystok
I would like to cordially invite you to an expert lecture: "METABOLOMICS ASSESSMENT OF INTERACTIONS
13th December (Thursday) at 10:00 in the Aula Magna of the Medical University of Białystok, Branicki Palace.
prof. dr hab. Marcin Moniuszko, Vice-Rector for Science
Inauguration of the Academic Year 2018/2019
Dear PhD Students,
We cordially invite you to take part in the Inauguration of the Academic Year 2018/2019, which will take place on October 10, 2018.
The ceremony will start at 11:00 in the Podlasie Opera and Philharmonic, Odeska 3 in Białystok.