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    prof. Teresa Sierpińska has been nominated for the President of the European Prosthodontic Association (EPA)

    19.09.2023 07:11
    Author: Administrator UMB


    On September 16, 2023 in Vilnius, during the 46th Conference of the European Society of Prosthodontics, prof. Teresa Sierpińska has been nominated for the President of the European Prosthodontic Association (EPA).

    EPA is one of the oldest scientific societies in Europe, established in 1976 in Great Britain. It brings together scientists from all European countries as well as the USA, Canada, Japan and Israel. It is also a forum for creating new trends and presenting scientific achievements of the community of dentists dealing with dental prosthetics around the world.

    The presidency of the European Society of Prosthodontics is proof of recognition of the achievements and commitment of Professor T. Sierpińska and the entire team of the Department of Prosthodontics at the Medical University of Bialystok. During the presidency, on September 19-21, 2024, EPA will meet in Białystok for the 47th Scientific Conference. The main topic of the congress: “Occlusion the key to success in prosthetic rehabilitation” The organization of the EPA Congress, due to the promotional nature of this event, is the subject of many countries applying for its organization. It allows you to present the scientific achievements of the society and the host university. Previous Congresses were held, among others, in Madrid, Amsterdam, Athens, Siena. Giving MUB the role of organizer of the Congress is a unique opportunity to present the scientific achievements of both our University and doctors from all over Poland at a global forum. This will certainly result in inviting Polish scientists to participate in scientific events and to cooperate in the field of scientific research.

    The conference is co-organized by the Prosthodontics Section of the Polish Dental Association and the Medical University of Białystok.

    The conference is under the patronage of: Rector of the Medical University- prof. Adam Krętowski, the President of the city of Białystok Tadeusz Truskolaski, the Marshal of the Podlaskie Voivodeship Artur Kosicki and the President of the Supreme Medical Chamber, Łukasz Jankowski and the District Medical Chamber in Białystok.

    The European Society of  Prosthodontics last met in Poland 20 years ago in Poznań, so the EPA Conference in Białystok is a great honor and the opportunity to listen to numerous lectures by world-class lecturers, but also the opportunity to discuss and enrich your knowledge and skills during workshops conducted by outstanding representatives of the world of science. It is worth mentioning that the lecturers include such celebrities as prof. Lobbezoo, prof. Manfredini, prof. Schmitter, prof. Pradies, prof. Pisiotis, prof. Kamposiora, prof. Mijiritzki, prof. Enkling, Dr. Nicastro and a group of outstanding Polish lecturers: prof. Różyło-Kalinowska, Ph.D. Nitecka-Buchta, prof. Pietruski, Dr. Żarow and many others. Oxford Lecture will be delivered by prof. Takumi Ogawa from Japan.

    Therefore, the 47th EPA Conference in Białystok will be a great celebration of the dentistry community not only from Poland but also from abroad.


    Website of the 47th EPA Congress
