Medical University of Bialystok. News.
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    MUB Rector Elect, Prof. Marcin Moniuszko attended a meeting with the Ambassador of Malta

    23.06.2024 11:41
    Author: Administrator UMB

    Ambassador of Malta Marisa Farrugia visited the Marshal's Office on Saturday, 22 June 2024. Discussions on educational and cultural cooperation and the development of tourism were attended by the Marshal of the Podlaskie Voivodeship, Łukasz Prokorym, the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Malta, Janusz Antoni Kazberuk, and the Rectors of the Bialystok University of Technology, Professor Marta Kosior-Kazebruk, PhD, and the Rector Elect of the MUB, Professor Marcin Moniuszko, PhD.


    Profesor Marcin Moniuszko na spotkaniu z Ambasador Malty w Urzędzie Marszałkowskim Województwa Podlaskiego.
