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    Last meeting of the MUB Senate for the 2020-2024 term

    27.06.2024 14:09
    Author: Administrator UMB

    On 27 June 2024, the last meeting of the MUB Senate of the 2020-2024 term was held.

    After welcoming the Senators, the Act of Election of the Rector of MUB for the term of 2024-2028 was presented to Prof. dr hab. Marcin Moniuszko. The handing over act was performed by Prof. dr hab. Dariusz Lebensztejn, Chairman of the Electoral College. On behalf of the academic community, the Rector, Prof. dr hab. Adam Krętowski, congratulated the Rector-elect.

    Rector Adam Krętowski thanked the senators for their four years of commitment and diligent work in the Senate. He wished everyone success in their professional work and every success in their personal lives. He recalled that from September 2020 to June 2024, 43 meetings of the Senate were held, during which 1598 resolutions were adopted.

    Rector-elect Prof. Dr. Marcin Moniuszko thanked the current Rector for 8 years of hard work, remarked that his efforts and dedication are an inspiration and that the Rector is an example of a person who gives his heart to the University. On behalf of the entire MUB community, Prof. Moniuszko presented a commemorative banner with a hand-embroidered MUB logo.

    A commemorative photo of all Senators and those with an advisory vote was also taken.
