Medical University of Bialystok. PRECISEMED.
  • Updated 03.07.2024 by Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej


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    The Medical University of Białystok is delighted to share the exciting news of Erasmus+ approval for our international project, "Precision Medicine Education for Clinical Implementation and Science Excellence in Medical Training" (PRECISEMED). With an impressive score of 93/100 and a grant of 250,000 euros, PRECISEMED is set to redefine the landscape of medical education. Collaborating with esteemed partners from University College Cork, Ireland, along with iBioScience, a visionary SME from Hungary, MUB's goal is to modernize medical curricula, ensuring that future professionals are well-equipped to navigate the dynamic field of genomic knowledge. Principal Investigator dr. Witold Bauer, from MUB’s Genomics and Epigenomics Laboratory, emphasizes, "PRECISEMED is not merely a research project; it is a transformative initiative that equips current and future medical professionals with the knowledge needed to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of precision medicine”.


    Targeting a diverse array of primary and secondary groups, PRECISEMED's curriculum is designed to revolutionize how medical professionals approach genomic knowledge. Primary groups include medical students, PhD students, postgraduate medical students, and academic teachers in medical schools. Secondary groups include law students and biostatistics/bioinformatics students and practitioners, who will gain insights into the ethical and legal challenges posed by genomic profiling. The curriculum comprises 12 modular courses, addressing critical aspects of precision medicine, from next-generation sequencing and genetic analysis infrastructure to ethical considerations and financial aspects of genomic analysis. Collaborative efforts between MUB, iBioScience, and University College Cork ensure a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach. The project will last 36 months. 


    Featuring a modular curriculum and cutting-edge teaching tools, PRECISEMED aligns seamlessly with Erasmus+ objectives, promising a substantial and positive impact on precision medicine education. MUB is proud to be at the forefront of this exciting initiative, setting the stage for a more holistic and effective approach to precision medicine education.


    ”Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Foundation for the Development of the Education System. Neither the European Union nor entity providing the grant can be held responsible for them”.

    co-financed by the european union